The dangers of joining the iphone party

Party Monger

A list of the usual ranting...

And some not so usual

1) No copy paste of contents (e.g. email/ SMS text) or files from one location to another (how can one NOT have this??)

2) No bluetooth transfer of anything i.e. mp3, images, videos
3) Can’t use iphone as wireless modem for your PC.. hence you can’t share your internet with your own PC..
4) No Java support (thereby a lot of existing apps won’t work)
5) The battery is locked inside the phone.. changing the same means getting to the apple store…
6) Can’t send MMS.. imagine this!!
7) No FM radio
8) Can’t use MP3 files as ringtones..
9) Can’t use ipod as external storage device to carry documents, pictures etc.
10) No flash or silverlight support
11) No office apps installed… i.e. u can’t read documents on iphone or quickly revise your presentation
12) If you are a coporate customer you don’t any security features like remote wipe if ur phone gets stolen or any corporate management server to manage mobile devices..
13) You can’t get any app on the phone if you don’t buy it off the apple store without jailbreaking the iphone (voids the warranty!!)
14) The camera is a simple 2 MP and can’t record video
15) There are no expansion slots available apart from built in memory..

Worth considering..:p
If you guys know of more things, tell me, I'l update the thread..
superczar said:
Not coz am an Apple fanboi, but whats there in that list that hasnt been done to death already :rofl:

+1...I could possibly argue with many of the points..Its clear that the person who wrote the article doesnt know much about Apple or the iPhone. But everyone knows it will lead to just another war (we have seen enough of those)
Party Monger said:
Yeah even i said that..But flash and all haven't been publicized well enough:p

Yea right..And its your moral duty to open a new thread for every missing feature of iPhone :p
Pat said:
Yea right..And its your moral duty to open a new thread for every missing feature of iPhone

PartyMonger said:
^You said it mate!!!

Cant see 30k going down the drain..Even if its not mine

LOL, Pat, you just got Pwned...

You might as well forget what Sarcasm is since it always gets lost on this forum
superczar said:
LOL, Pat, you just got Pwned...

You might as well forget what Sarcasm is since it always gets lost on this forum

I think we need sarcasm tags on this forum :bleh:
Zhopsy...can't find VNSea on the appstore..

LOL, was pulling your leg Partymonger trying to get you to flame me...

The trick fell flat on its face :ashamed:
superczar said:
Zhopsy...can't find VNSea on the appstore..
LOL, was pulling your leg Partymonger trying to get you to flame me...
The trick fell flat on its face :ashamed:
Isnt that called getting Pwned:p
Nah..Iphone is not even worth flaming..:lol:
Well this thread will definitely help people not to spend money on I Phone. Some of the features mentioned above are very critical. I wont buy I Phone even if is down to 15K.