The dangers of joining the iphone party

Well this thread will definitely help people not to spend money on I Phone. Some of the features mentioned above are very critical. I wont buy I Phone even if is down to 15K.

Really? And what would you buy for 15k instead?
superczar said:
LOL, Pat, you just got Pwned...

You might as well forget what Sarcasm is since it always gets lost on this forum

With numbnutz over here barely understanding the language that's gotta be the frikkin understatement of the year...
People are so annoyingly stupid and ignorant its not even funny..

Here are some claims debunked in no particular order -

1 - MMS is email...yes thats correct mms = email so don't talk about mms being something unique ..its costs the same to send an email and MMS - this feature can be implemented afterall its software..

2 - Video recording is available ..infact there are several ways to get it ..there is Flixwagon, Qik , Cycoder and iPhonevideoRecoder 3G which all do video recording....again Apple can add this feature via software but they dont think its important.. Go Figure!

You'll be suprised to know Flixwagon and Qik are actually not real video recorders but infact video streamers!! as soon as you hit record the stream shows on the web live!! any of these and you'll know what i'm talking about
Sadly for all these recorders you'll have to jailbreak your iPhone and get the programs from Cydia.

3 - Netshare from the Appstore allows you to use your iphone /iphone 3g as a wireless modem ..the app got pulled from the appstore but there are other ways to do this.

4 - Cut Copy Paste has been demonstarted by an app called MagicPad wokrs beautifully but it worrks only within the app so You can do all text funxtions even edit font and email it - check it out

Again Apple said .. cut/copy /paste is simply no priority...go figure why!

5 - Bluetooth - well there is a ongoing project in the jailbreaking community but nothing has really come out of it and probably never will ..Apple won't let users share thier music files ...Go Figure!

6 - Mp3 Ringtones - You can buy a 30sec ringtone on itunes for 99 cents OR You can convert any song in you Library and use it as a ringtone ...its a hac/workaround and its fairly simple ..even a 3 year old could it - google it

7 - The battery in the old iPhone is soldered to the mainboard but in the new iPhone 3G it is NOT can be easily replaced ...order the battery online or buy it off ebay. Some shops will also replace it for you. My iPhone is a year old and the battery life has decreased marginally.

8 - Show me 1 Phone which does flash properly? you can't do flash on the iPhone because it would kill the battery ,take too long to load ..heck sometimes my firefox browser hangs and crashes due to flash ..its not stable enough to run on a mobile device like the iPhone

There are rumors thats Adobe and Apple are working togther to bring flash to the iPhone but god knows when. Its not a big dealbreaker for me that the iphone doesn't have flash ...I really dont care cause I surf on edge which is slow already imagine with flash!

9 - Java is there on the iPhone works well it might not have all the features of java runtime but seriosuly if at this point you want all this stuff You are better off using A COMPUTER!

10 - 3rd party apps are available on the appstore which make your iPhone into a datacase , heck there is even an app which allows wireless syncing over wifi between two or more iPhones to share any files!! ..ha take that slow ass bluetooth!!
Oh and you can veiw MS Office Docs ..can't edit them, There is existing framework for FM radio but its not annoucned yet as a feature ...there are TONS of free radio apps on the appstore which can be use over edge or wifi..quality is superb!!

Well thats it ..the other complaints are just too stupid or lame to even discuss
Google everything I mentioned ..if You're brave enough and have some time check out the unofficial scene for apps'll be suprised! there are some great ones.
As I said in my earlier post, this topic has been done to death more than often but it keeps rearing its head over & over again... Maybe it has more lives than the proverbial cat....

This time it prompted poor zibalingz to retort back with a full blown post.. What A waste!
But zibalingz, you can't do most of the things mentioned above without jailbreaking right ? And doesn't that void warranty ? Why buy the Iphone 3G then ? Buy the Iphone from the grey market, and get it hacked ! The discussion here was about the iphone 3G which has been launched with Vodafone, and frankly the deal they are giving is a load of crap ! Not that I was ever inclined to buy a 30 K phone ! I prefer separate items for separate purposes - MP3 player, Gaming consoles, camera ... no single device can encompass all these properly IMO.
The point is at 30k if you hav to do all that for basic functionality thats expected of phones of this era, then y not get an el chepo phone and an ipod touch..

Could hav ripped and flamed through your post but appreciate the effort put into that post, its helpfull for the die hard fans..And like i said iphone is not worth flaming:p
@superczar:- A few more MB's of TE's server space wont cost as much as an unsuspecting guy falling for the ridiculous iphone prices in india.. :p Good Karma you see..:p:lol:
IMHO no phone is worth 30k its a waste of money and for the record -

We never had 3g infrastructure to begin with but wait a minute!

3G capable phones have been on the market for so many years all high-end nokia, sony erricsson and motorola phones were 3g one complained back then and even now that we don't have a 3G network in place..look at china they leapfrogged most of the world and are on 4G network already!!

What do people expect..? the government should deploy 3G networks 'cause the iPhone is here? :lol:

The iPhone is here in India by popular demand and the price is so high because of government red tape its Apple product also Vodafone and Airtel are useless scumbags who cant subsidise the phone and want to make money ..thats how the mobile phone and carrier business is ..its dirty and greedy, deal with it!!

The iPhone needs the 3G or wifi network to give you best it can offer ..but sadly we don't have 3g and wifi is limited and expensive.

So many people are suprised by looking at the picture quality of photos taken by the shitty 2mp camera..hows it possible???

Well the secret is in the screen other phonemaker put such a high res screen in a mobile device before that is why it looks good ...saves apple money and people wonder why do photos look more better on the iphone even though they're were taken on 2mp ....nothing to showoff like a tv or computer screen but they do look good on the 3.5 inch screen.

Its a shame there isnt video recording but its even a BIGGER shame that other phones which boast more megapixels have such tiny screens ...if you're gonna take hi-res shots with a phone are better off with a digital camera.
^they are at par when you purchase the unlocked one..right??
Here at the same price you get iphones locked to vodafone and airtel networks..

As the mentioned before, the secret lies in the beautiful screen..thats the only good thing in it..the screen..
@zibalingz:- Not everyone need big screens..hell even Digital camera's hav similar size screens..but yeah iphone screen is good..Unfortunately,cant same the same for anyhting else in the iphone..
^they are at par when you purchase the unlocked one..right??

Here at the same price you get iphones locked to vodafone and airtel networks.

Not really, the unlocked ones in Europe are pretty expensive

They are at par when you talk of locked but contract free phones (e.g. the ATT pay-as-you-go option for people with a poor credit history..the phone would still take only an ATT Sim)

Unfortunately,cant same the same for anyhting else in the iphone..

LOL, thats a blatant flame bait
Party Monger said:
^they are at par when you purchase the unlocked one..right??
Here at the same price you get iphones locked to vodafone and airtel networks..

As the mentioned before, the secret lies in the beautiful screen..thats the only good thing in it..the screen..
@zibalingz:- Not everyone need big screens..hell even Digital camera's hav similar size screens..but yeah iphone screen is good..Unfortunately,cant same the same for anyhting else in the iphone..

I'm no fanboy ..but I love my iphone ..sure it has increased my mobile bill by 30% but I think its worth it and I can manage it.

Pat you're missing the point ..a digital camera has a screen for instant preview, ultimately you're shooting pics at 8-10 megapixels for the amazing quailty its shows on bigger displays ...the iphone cam is more like point-and-shoot ..sadly it cant zoom, flash, autofocus or do anything else but the pictures do come out nice under ample lighting conditions.
Thanks for the post, just the information i needed for the write up im doing for the company's blog.

THe 30K price point, i dont have a problem with, but that price point with features which are Blatanly neglected? And im saying that because we know that apps do infact support it, so its not a question about the harware specs. Its that bloody model that Apple developed which piss's me off, "HEY, here's an idea, lets do a fill in the blanks sorta OS, and get third party guys to fill in those blanks, and then We charge them for the "filled-in-blanks" plus we charge the End users aswell!!" . "What a freaking good idea"!!!

Im trying to think of the different reasons as to why the features were left out? Maybe im not rationalizing myself better, and bending towards the ever increasing Apple Hatter, but anyone else have any idea's as to why the features were ommited?
P.S / Edit : Lets also not forget the fact that Apple pretty much has the biggest say in what stays in the APP's section. "Your not making me money? Your fired!" (Kill-Switch included). Geeee? Am i getting ripped off so easily? And im actually supporting this product which is ripping me off? "Ohh shiny-shiny, i like"