The dangers of joining the iphone party

superczar said:
Not really, the unlocked ones in Europe are pretty expensive
They are at par when you talk of locked but contract free phones (e.g. the ATT pay-as-you-go option for people with a poor credit history..the phone would still take only an ATT Sim)
Give twice as more than the phone's worth and still be tied down..Its ironical, still i cant help but laugh:p Applemania is stronger than any other addiction i must say..
blr_p said:
Care to expand on this, Pat ?

The 1st gen iphone can be jailbroken and unlocked, both these procedures are purely made through software but the unlock part is tricky cause it flashes the baseband to unlock the device which is a hardware hack through software.

Now reversing this is easy ..You just restore using a original iphone OS ipsw file in itunes but that only removes the jailbreak not the unlock your warranty is voided when apple finds out about it.

Relocking the iphone is tricky and dangerous and sometimes it doesn't remove all the traces of the unlock unlocking the 1st gen iphone is a one way street mostly ..but there are ways to relock your phone which are not very complicated but the traces will remain most of the time, removing them is a pain in the ass.

3g iphones cannot be unlocked but can be jailbroken so no warranty voiding issues there.
saumilsingh said:
It's a phone.
sandy453 said:
A very expensive one .:p

That can even measure your car performance with the in-built accelerometer, but cannot copy paste text. Now that is irony :p

Every phone has got its positives and negatives, but I don't know why people associate so much hype around this particular phone. Sure it has some great features, but there are also many base level deficiencies. How is it different from a premium Nokia, SE or Samsung phone. People talk as if its in a completely different league of its own. Its definitely not when its far from perfect.

When you are buying an iPhone, understand what the phone can do and cannot do, and then if it meets your requirements, buy it. Just don't go about buying it because everyone else is buying one and if you buy one, don't just keep on denying/defying/ignoring its shortcomings before others, because some one else may be buying one based on your inputs and he may indeed need a feature that's missing in the iPhone. Just leave the hype or fanboyism out of the equation.

People who buy the iPhone, either simply want to deny/defy/ignore the deficiencies like lack of proper copy-paste (in a PDA phone that costs 31k ?) and don't like anyone else pointing them out, but rather talk about the great many apps it can run. They ignore the basic problems saying they can be fixed anytime with a software update. So why haven't they been fixed till now. Its fine to have all those great apps, but fix those damned flaws too.

Many market the phone to others some even going to the extent of calling people stupid if they do not buy an iPhone when they have 31k in their hands. Its Ok to be enthusiastic about a phone that meets your requirements, but calling it the best phone in the market (especially when its not so perfect) and bashing anyone who thinks otherwise is simply over doing it. Many of my colleagues at office have an iPhone and there are many who call it the best phone ever. The surprising thing is that many of those people have not got past using it just for making phone calls.

Even now Apple sells a lot of iPhones more because of hype. The number of people who actually utilize the functions of this Phone would be very less compared to the total number of people who bought the phone just because some one else is getting one. They cannot sell a the iPhone at such ridiculous prices if people were not so blinded by hype and ready to rush out to buy one at what ever cost. That kind of attitude is a blatant cue to the manufacturer that he can get away with a far from perfect product or high prices. There is no incentive left to improve the product. Maybe this is why all those missing features or flaws were not fixed till now.

Some people labeled me as an Apple hater in one of the other threads. I make my money because my company sells a lot of copies of our software to Apple users and in fact have very close ties with Apple back from the 80's. I have been working on Apple platforms for for the last 4 years and I have a fair amount of exposure to their products (though mostly desktops/workstations/operating systems) to know how their business works.

I have nothing against Apple and rather I am an Apple and Microsoft admirer (for their unique business tactics and marketing). But from a consumer perspective, I do not adore a product because its from a company I like. I see their products for what they are with out the Apple logo or the associated hype just like any other product and I would definitely criticize and point out flaws if I find them.
^^ Still phunboi's wont care :rofl:

Btw Vodafone was spamming my inbox daily with 5 sms abt different iphone offers. They are down to 10% discount on Rs 29xxx for cash payment (corporate offer) and 0% EMI offer :rofl:

Called and told them...I have 10 of them for 200$ each and can use it with Vodafone n/w no more calls/sms. Seems they ae having a tuf time to find any takers for the 2nd batch which landed few days back :p

Btw we can raise a consumer court complaint abt pricing at non-subsidized price but still locking it to single operator :p...the ifone bashers can at least do that :rofl:
Supra said:
^^ Still phunboi's wont care :rofl:

Thats the reason Apple exists on a scale it is today.

Apple has been riding on the fan following for ages now. iPhone is no exception.
About the lack of common features and Apple not fixing the same, I am very much sure apple is not fixing them on purpose because it simply does not need to. The problem is again the fanbase who will never mention these things to others while showing off their iphone and tilt screen and accelerometer gaming to others :p And they will somehow convince themselves that these things do not matter to them or anyone else :p

Its to do with the mentality and mind games than actual piece of hardware. I like the iPhone, but I hate the phone. Those who think these small issues do not matter are kidding themselves and others. You pay money for the brand name. You are better off with 13k grey market iPod touch and Nokia E51 ( yes I know these are 2 devices but honestly, if you are office executive u will get your work done more quickly and efficiently on 11k E51 ).

All those things that only iPhone can do are things you use as a time pass and not for productivity work. And Touch can do 99% of those things for you.

That is what I plan to do to be honest. I have resisted temptation of iPhone for a year because I cant live with few critical flaws that iPhone have. It gets in way of my work and communication. And like I said, those who chose to ignore these things are only kidding themselves :p

iPhone is complete phone for kids and showoff junkies :p And if you want head turner, these days E71 turns more heads than iPhone :p

In college campus and offices alike iPhone is just too common now.
:rofl: LOL @ Supra & Funky

stop falling into the flame bait traps

this thread went the exact same way I was afraid of

Can't resist one small dig though..

The number of people who actually utilize the functions of this Phone would be very less compared to the total number of people who bought the phone just because some one else is getting one

I always thought that was the case with the plethora of features on WinMo, simply coz most of them are unusable in the first place :rofl:
SC said:
The number of people who actually utilize the functions of this Phone would be very less compared to the total number of people who bought the phone just because some one else is getting one
I always thought that was the case with the plethora of features on WinMo, simply coz most of them are unusable in the first place

Its the same for symbian as well :D

I have been enlightened - no phone above 15K is worth it :p
Its the same for symbian as well

So true

You spend like 100 precious hrs of your life searching and trying out apps when you buy the phone , but once you are through with the honeymoon period with your phone, you realize all these apps are so ridiculously designed/slow that you never ever use them again

I have been enlightened - no phone above 15K is worth it

Agree...though one thing I won't blame the iPhone abt is that the apps you install on it are more than often apps that you will regularly use
zhopudey said:
Its the same for symbian as well :D

I have been enlightened - no phone above 15K is worth it :p

Yeah right ... so you are better off spending more than 15k on some stoopid ebook reader ? :p

superczar said:
So true
You spend like 100 precious hrs of your life searching and trying out apps when you buy the phone , but once you are through with the honeymoon period with your phone, you realize all these apps are so ridiculously designed/slow that you never ever use them again
Agree...though one thing I won't blame the iPhone abt is that the apps you install on it are more than often apps that you will regularly use

Totally agree, all the apps are really useful and well designed plus they dont hog memory like winmo and sybian do imo
I can't believe it's been a year and a half and same argument's still going on heedlessly. I understand that the phone has its share of problems, which Apple hasn't bothered to address even in the new so-called "3G" model. But you know what? Live with it. Apple's an arrogant-arse company and it's going to do exactly its own thing. If you like its product, you buy it. If you don't, you scoot.

India's hardly a market Apple's looking at though. Apple intends to sell 10 million iPhones by the end of the year, and from what I've read, it's pretty much on track. iPhones are being given free on contract in certain European countries so it's a big hit there. Japan strangely enough has taken to the iPhone pretty well too. It's pretty obvious from Vodafone and Airtel's bizarre pricing that they aren't interested in numbers. And as Zhopudey rightly said, no phone is worth 30k.

As a device, the iPhone is both terribly flawed and terribly gifted. There's no doubt about that. But look at how it has spearheaded pushing new technology into the hands of the consumers. WinMo phones have been touch-sensitive for a while now. But it required Apple to come along and show the guys how to do it right. Ditto for its menus and interface. As for applications, this statement summarises the lack of awareness on this front

13) You can’t get any app on the phone if you don’t buy it off the apple store without jailbreaking the iphone (voids the warranty!!)

Okay, how about this: My phone is jailbroken and unlocked. I have both Cydia (unofficially 3rd party application installer) and App Store on my phone. I have a legal App Store account and I have installed both paid-for (using my credit card) and free applications on my phone. App Store works regardless of whether you jailbreak your phone or not. All you need is an iTunes App Store account which can be created for free.

Last, and most importantly, is what the iPhone has done to the mobile phone industry worldwide. Since I have neither the inclination nor the diligence to type it for you guys, here's a link. A big, important one: The Untold Story: How the iPhone Blew Up the Wireless Industry

So all you iPhone dissidents who want to deny the device credit where it's due, go ahead, it proves you're just as strong-willed and arrogant as Apple itself. Now if that isn't ironic, I don't know what is.
superczar said:
So true

You spend like 100 precious hrs of your life searching and trying out apps when you buy the phone , but once you are through with the honeymoon period with your phone, you realize all these apps are so ridiculously designed/slow that you never ever use them again
That must hav been some ancient phone you were using...

From the famous 6600 till now, i've seen people using soo many apps regularly..That was a very very general/blanket statement..
Try the nokia beta labs/graduates..You's see some very very amazing apps that you CAN use every day..And most of the apps are very usable..And that memory hog is a thing of the past try n95 n82 with latest firmwares..They hav demand paging..That means almost unlimited memory..People have opened all the apps in the menu without a single memory low prompt..
Nokia - Graduates

Nokia - Applications - Beta Labs
This is no to prove that the iphone apps are bad but just to show that things you are comparing with are much much better in many of the cases..
just for example, take nokia maps..its abt 3-4generations ahead of maps on iphone..

And almost every week i find an app that i cant live without..Ofcourse some hav overlapping functionality so you end up kicking the older one..

This week its "Symsmb" Products

Now tell me superczar are you jealous:p