The Desktop Thread!!

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Desktop in diff. styles.. @ ALl plz upload the wallies with desktop too :hap2: @ Pr you won't I know :@

@Quaddy and Kumar plz upload you wallies again Imageshack not opening here :| Use dudes its faster and better :P
Dark Star said:
@ Pr you won't I know :@

Lol..dude, i've posted a whole bunch of these wallies in FE (ppl n places) gallery...u can get if from there na..:P I dont undestand whats the difference..i upload it here or in the gallery..u have to download it from somewhr, isnt it?? :P
^^ A zip pack will make work easy since I did not surf much atm :P So any 1 can share his/her :P colletion zipped in .rar pack :D Thanks ;D
Dark Star said:
^^ A zip pack will make work easy since I did not surf much atm :P So any 1 can share his/her :P colletion zipped in .rar pack :D Thanks ;D

How the hell am i supposed to zip up 10 GB of wallpapers and host them up :P
IceFusion said:
How the hell am i supposed to zip up 10 GB of wallpapers and host them up :P

I'm trying to explain him the exact same thing..i've spent so many years collecting wallies from every nook n corner of the internet n they are scattered all over my how am i going to sort and upload all tht..?? :no:
faheem_m said:
hmm tried style xp..but didnt like it much

i have got almost 10-12 windows blinds pack downloaded from deviant art..

but after downloading i am just not able to customize it the way its shown on deviant art..

can some one just tell me how to use windows blinds..?i have got the 5.5 enhanced version...but i am still not able to figure it out...its really very irritating..

all i am able to do is..apply the windows blind theme ...thats o i customize other things like the toolbar and using the toolbar files that have come with it...isnt there a software to completely change everything..that comes in these deviant art packs that ive downloaded..

they all are rar files and after extracting them i get some 10-12 different folder out of which one contains the windows blind skin..but i dnt understand how do i customize the other stuff as shown on the deviant !

some of the files tht i have downloaded are ,

Novum OS 1.5 by =da-flow on deviantART

Foton by ~OmART on deviantART

INVI PRO V14.1 by ~007TINAR on deviantART

someone ..if possible please download any one of the file and try using it..and help me out if possible..i am quiet pissed of with windows blinds cause i am trying to figure it out since last night..and the only thing i ve changed till now is the theme...

if u want to try..try this one..looks pretty cool !

INVI PRO V14.2 by *007TINAR on deviantART

still no help regarding this ??:(:(

i just want my desktop to look something like this.

INVI PRO V14.2 by ~007TINAR on deviantART

.any help please..


Just went crazy with Avedesk 1.3 and customised icon packs from Deviant Art...:P
Niks said:
A few desktop mods when i had XP...

Stuff used :

Logon Studio
Object Dock/RK Launcher
Wallpapers frm DeviantArt


And my current plain-jane Vista..

Love the mac2.jpg desktop... Nice job with avedesk..:)
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