The Desktop Thread!!

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faheem_m said:
if u guys wanna know what ive used to customize the desktop ..
its just
rocket dock
avedesk 1.3
and some custom icons downloaded from different site..
From where to get those icons please? . looks very good indeed.
A few desktop mods when i had XP...

Stuff used :


Logon Studio



Object Dock/RK Launcher


Wallpapers frm DeviantArt


And my current plain-jane Vista..

Lol..too many ppl are having Gemma on their desktops nowadays...:P

Btw, really nice desktops niks, audiophile,saiyanie n stormy...:ohyeah:

Btw, this is the desktop i had a few days back..its win xp with shell replacement, desktopx and widgets...though very demanding on resources...

though i've got rid of the flashy stuff, n this is my current black box desktop as posted in the starting of the n efficient...:P

Quad Master said:
cool dock there P. Ryan.

can you elaborate more on that dock in the first pic.

its a litestep shell replacement app..u can replace the shell of XP with anyother OS type shell...there are a lot of themes available online..but sadly, the litestep community is not very the best place to get some cool themes for litestep is..u guessed it right, deviantart..:P and many other smaller sites...u just need to google for litestep themes, they'll come up...:) the widgets are from desktopX...:)

Btw, try sharpe shell replacement..its better and is updated regularly..litestep is a dead new versions comin out anymore..:no: Sharpe is very much similar to litestep n has a lot of themes as well..:)
not exactly related to desktop.hmmmm..

guys..can someone tell me where to get which there are custom ..if i open a folder containing

music files ..along with the files ..there is nice music background pic in the folder..

similarly for video files and all..hope u guys gettin what i am trying to say..

and also is there any way to change the box with the 3 shut down ,stand by,and restart buttons and the other one with log off and switch user option ??

Saiyan said:
Simple Desktop :)

Windows Blind+Object Dock

nice..desktop !:hap2:

hmm ..can u just tell me the procedure to modify that foobar skin..i have read the foobar skinning guide on TE..but still not do it..just tell me how do u do it ..and if possible the links to the skin..
hmm tried style xp..but didnt like it much

i have got almost 10-12 windows blinds pack downloaded from deviant art..

but after downloading i am just not able to customize it the way its shown on deviant art..

can some one just tell me how to use windows blinds..?i have got the 5.5 enhanced version...but i am still not able to figure it out...its really very irritating..

all i am able to do is..apply the windows blind theme ...thats o i customize other things like the toolbar and using the toolbar files that have come with it...isnt there a software to completely change everything..that comes in these deviant art packs that ive downloaded..

they all are rar files and after extracting them i get some 10-12 different folder out of which one contains the windows blind skin..but i dnt understand how do i customize the other stuff as shown on the deviant !

some of the files tht i have downloaded are ,

Novum OS 1.5 by =da-flow on deviantART

Foton by ~OmART on deviantART

INVI PRO V14.1 by ~007TINAR on deviantART

someone ..if possible please download any one of the file and try using it..and help me out if possible..i am quiet pissed of with windows blinds cause i am trying to figure it out since last night..and the only thing i ve changed till now is the theme...

if u want to try..try this one..looks pretty cool !

INVI PRO V14.2 by *007TINAR on deviantART
still no replies...cmon guys tell do u use all such eye candy softwares and specially windows blinds..

as of now..i have just reverted back to my original MS visual style.and unloaded windows blinds..
Windowblinds sucks...i hate it for all the memory it gobbles up and sits on top the default explorer shell..not at all efficient...:no:
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