The English Premier League 2007-08 Thread

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^ Look, which team has become the laughing stock of EPL, the manager sacked, players willing to look elsewhr...chelskis r in deep $hit.....look whr u guys r down in the rankings...:rofl: N we just crushed u, 2-0..did u forget tht??...:lol:

n u r still laughin at others... yeah rite..thts all the circus boys can do...laugh at their own miseries...carry on..grapes are very very sour...:bleh:

Neways, ur circus boys r out of contention...u guys have more trouble to solve at home than laugh at others.. we come..:devil:
yea chelshits won't be in CL next season it seems, even if they do i can't see many players staying next season.
anyways nice to see arsenal challenging us :P. and loserpool will be hurt by benitez and benitez only :P
Hehe...yeah..Even Fergie didnt care..thts why he gave the kids a chance to have some fun on the ground...:P Lol...really, who cares about the carling cup...:lol:
loserpool and chelshits do :P
have to applaud arsene wenger that he only and only uses the kids in this from start to end like he did last season.
3 players don't make a team :| . plus theses three aren't the ones who are supposed to score goals and win the games for united. yeah may be they can score in some games... but in most games strikers are supposed to do the scoring part. had rooney, saha and tevez played then may it was something to be ashamed of.... but bahh who cares about some carling cup...
ROFLMAO@MANURE and all the sour grapes with 'ManU wanted to lose willingly $hit' , if that is so, why did they send their team at all??Friggin Mancs.

And some people here need to get a life, its just a football team ur supporting.

And its a game, no need to get worked up on that. Friggin Mancs again,lol :P.
Carling Cup ? Naw. They don't call it the Mickey Mouse cup for no reason. Let Chelscum win it. It might be their only glimpse of silverware for a few seasons to come now.. rofl.
chelshits fans should worry about whether they would even qualify for CL next season or not.... we are sitting pretty so no worries :D. ohh and darthcoder i think u should change this pic now its about time u all get over the period of moanihio as a coach.. may be avram grant pic would be more appropriate.. ohh wait he may not last too long as a chelshits coach though ( an illetrate coach ) :rofl
Amaresh said:
Carling Cup ? Naw. They don't call it the Mickey Mouse cup for no reason. Let Chelscum win it. It might be their only glimpse of silverware for a few seasons to come now.. rofl.

:rofl: :rofl: So true...:lol:
Arsenal- 1 : Westham - 0 .... :ohyeah:

Chelsea - 0 : fulham - 0 ... :rofl: ..chelskum are in deep $hit :lol:

porthmouth -7 : reading-4 :O ... kya scoreline hai :lol:
Digi, u forgot to add United's result...:no:

neways, let me do the honors...:ohyeah:

ManUtd. 1 - 0 Birmingham city

:clapping: :yahoo: We r in no mood to let go the pressure off Gooners..:devil:
WTF is Chelsea upto? Its like they wanted to loose but settled with draw.
Sheesh, it was disaster. They lost Drogba for next match also after Terry disaster. He is out for a while again.
They are going down hard this season....... I dont see how they can even take 4th spot if they keep playing like this.
^ Lol, funky, all of a sudden why do u sound so sympathetic for the Chel$hits..? :P

Why care about chelski..let them go down the drain...:lol: They deserve to be..afterall, they have the distinction of being the most hated club in all of premier league..:lol:
plus african nations cup to come for them :P.. now where are the chelshits fans when u need them the most about the feeling in about the future of the club ;)
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