The "Everyday" show-off thread !

thanks to rocky and freeradical...:)

got this beauty today... :ohyeah:dell 2209wa ips panel 22inch lcd monitor...:ohyeah:

using my laptop for the signals, as Im yet to buy t rest of my config...:ashamed:

pics r not that gr8 coz its taken with HTC touch...


  • IMAG0251.jpg
    313.3 KB · Views: 160
^ NZXT!??

aruka said:
thanks to rocky and freeradical...:)

got this beauty today... :ohyeah:dell 2209wa ips panel 22inch lcd monitor...:ohyeah:

using my laptop for the signals, as Im yet to buy t rest of my config...:ashamed:

pics r not that gr8 coz its taken with HTC touch...

Congrats man!! :D :hap2:

btw i too got OCZ reaper HPC 1066Mhz(4GB) 2x2GB for 4k via KMD!!

cricfan said:
brought a HD4670 512MB gddr3 -Sapphire from Hyderabad ...Shwetha Infotech,CTC---Price 5.1k all inclusive--costs 5700 approx in blore

Niice!!! congrats man!!:hap2: :D
Roxtin said:
Which cooler are you using?

Sorry for Delayed revert mate ,,, was away ..

it is al Chepo from EBay .. Baught it during .. Frebie Explosion !!!:ohyeah: You know what i am reffering to ...
Not really computer stuff but here goes :P

Its a RS taichi mesh riding jacket. full o armor and kickass :P