Can you ballpark the figure?
This reminds me of my fish keeping hobby couple of decades back (Did I just type that? I am not ancient.) It was all in small bottles and globes. All died. .
My parents were not receptive of my fish keeping hobby. But i kept it going for few months without anyone noticing. But the underfeeding and less frequency of water changing couple with NO filtering killed all.
Haven't thought of this for quite sometime.
Me and pets are never a happy story.
Hi mate,
Yes the passing away of pets can be rather saddening but I assure you if you keep fish in larger aquariums (even a 20 gallon tank is a good size to begin with, the ideal would be a 55 gallon tank) with proper filtration and a strict water change regime every week then they will survive and thrive. However, the cycling of a tank in the initial phase to let the beneficial bacteria colonize in the tank is of paramount importance and once that is complete your tank will be stable.
I will be cycling this tank with 3 canister filters filled with existing filter media (ceramic rings, pot scrubbies, filter pads) for 3 weeks straight before adding any fish in it. That way once I do add in my fish the bio-load of the tank will get handled by the established beneficial bacteria which would have formed by then. Since this tank will be a minimalistic bare bottom tank with absolutely no substrate or decoration the bacteria will largely colonize on the tank's inner glass wall itself and of course in the filter media.
After adding my existing fish I'll let the tank settle for a good month from that point and then add more Goldfish. But the new fish that I get won't be directly put in this new 210 gallon tank. They will first be kept in a separate 20 gallon quarantine tank and spend a at least 3 weeks there before being transferred to the 210 gallon tank. This will be done to prevent any contamination and disease spreading which the new fish might carry with them. The quarantine tank acts as a good precautionary measure.
If you would like to pick up a tank in the US, then try and get yourself a 55 gallon tank to begin with. These come in a standard 48" (L) X 21" (H) X 13" (W). They are a great size and can handle most fish with ease once setup. You can visit a local Petco outlet. I did notice some nice Aqueon 55 gallon tanks with attached tanks hoods and LED lights all hooked in when I was there a few weeks ago. Marineland also makes some great tanks.
Here in India, the expenses so far have been as follows:
Tank: @ 20k
Iron Stand: @ 7k
Thermocol: @ 1k
2 X Hagen Marina 200 @ 700 bucks each.
2 X SunSun HW 304A @ 4.8k (each)
1 X SunSun HW 302 @ 3k
2 X Eheim 2217 @ 10.5k (each, 1 for back up)
1 X Eheim Pro 3 @ 17k
Additional Filter Material @ 4k
Water change Power Heads: 2 X Sobo WP 2550 @ 700 bucks each.
Seachem Ammonia Alert Strip: 800 bucks.
The lightning is DIY. I have cut up a large PVC pipe into 2 halves, painted it and attached waterproof LED strips to it.[DOUBLEPOST=1500465240][/DOUBLEPOST]
Do you watch Youtube channel The King of DIY. He recently made a 2000G aquarium...
Yes, of course I do!