Well not much here. But more of system clean-up, and a CPU change.
So finally I laid hands on a 2nd hand Q9550. This is the last breath I can blow into my system. Also at the same time decided to service my system. It had not been properly cleaned out past 11 months. Temperatures were soaring .Specially the GPU. The GPU memories were idling at 86C...!
Q9550 [E0]: RS 8100 (shipped). TE deal. 4 months old, with mild OC
2x Scythe Ultra Kaze 3000RPM 120mm Fans - RS 1300. Phoenix deal.
The Kaze fans are really thick. Around 38mm in width. See below next to a standard CM 120mm fan.
So I dismantled the system. See the condition of the Hyper 212. Yuck. Ugggh....!
Post cleaning and scrubbing off the guck, it looks much better, and suited for its purpose.
A well cleaned HSF contact surface, ready to be bolted down.
Some 'TIM' tools which will of course come in handy.
Cleaned out the front and rear fan filters. They were just a big mess too.
The Quad is ready -- all TIM'ed and and bolted down. Yea...!
Stick the thermal diode on the RAM before docking it. Quite a pain else.
Open up the GPU. Oooh..so many screws. Groan. Need a thin Phillips too. Really thin, specially to remove the HSF back plate. Likely I had a precision set.
The TIM on the GPU HSF has hardened and dried out. Also it is pretty apparent that the accelerator came with way too much TIM applied from the factory. See that amount. Gosh. The RAM thermal pads are a sorry mess. No wonder my GPU memory temperatures were so so high.
The GPU core, is not better off. Again too much TIM. Seems like an automated process. Receive, squirt, next.
The harsh conditions of New Delhi, have been no less lenient with the squirrel fan and shroud. Come dust come.
The core cooler, now all cleaned and dandy. Sweet. Am ready to sweat it out.
So, the easiest way to put this device back together -- was to apply TIM on the cooler, and THEN place the GPU PCB slowly on top. So the GPU cooler was TIM'ed, and NOT the GPU core. No offense, but just a grain should suffice. Guess I plonked a tad too much. Best of luck HD4890. By the way had to do these steps twice, for obvious reasons...!
Not OC'ed the CPU as yet. For some reason RealTEMP is not working on my system. Though did run a Vantage Bench, the CPU score shot up like hell. Lets see how far I can take this beast. The GPU temperatures are now 61/65 [core/memory] compared to 68/86. Wow.