The Fitness Thread !

re: The Fitness Thread !

I suggested u 5 x 5 starting with lifting only 20kg weight, Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength suggests 3 sets of 5 reps with the weight u think u can handle (will be more than 20kg) Since u are just starting out it is best if u start with 20kgs and do 5 sets of 5 reps each. More sets will give u more growth... most importantly ur body will get used to working out squats 3 X week + u will learn technique ;), its is hard to learn correct technique with heavier weight. 5 x 5 is easy in the beginning... might get hard and challenging in the 2nd month. Don’t worry about starting with light weight. U add 2.5 kg every workout, that’s 7.5kgs in a week and 30 kgs in a month! It’s fast already. This means if u regularly workout eat good sleep well u will be squatting 60kgs in 60 days! (theoretically) many have done it... it depends on diet rest etc. Stick with 5 x 5... Both workouts are fundamentally same but 5 x 5 is kinda exciting !

H_D said:
Rockfella do you have some idea about
Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength workout ?
re: The Fitness Thread !

Great info:

If you train in a commercial gym, you’ve probably noticed most gym go-ers don’t train their legs. You might be the only one using the Power Rack for Squats and maybe you’ve seen guys with a huge upper-body but toothpick legs.
Popular excuses: “I run for my legsâ€, “My legs are too big alreadyâ€, “Squats hurt my knees“, … Whatever the story, not training your legs is the biggest training mistake you can make. Here are 5 reasons you should train them.

1. More Muscle. You can find studies showing that Squats & Deadlifts increase the release of Growth Hormone & Testosterone more than any other exercise. These are natural muscle building hormones.

2. Bigger Upper-body. Squats & Deadlifts work your whole body, not just your legs. Quick examples of how they stimulate upper-body growth too:

* Your arms squeeze the bar hard during heavy Squats & Deadlifts.
* Your abs work hard at stabilizing the weight during Squats.
* Your chest muscles tense hard during heavy Deadlifts.

If you can’t train your upper-body because of an injury, you can prevent muscle loss in your upper-body by doing heavy Squats & Deadlifts.

3. More Strength. Stronger legs and core muscles will increase your strength on upper-body lifts and thus help upper-body muscle development. Quick examples of how Squats & Deadlifts can cause strength gains on your other lifts:

* Leg drive matters on the Bench Press. Stronger legs means more leg drive and a bigger bench, and thus bigger muscles.
* Squats & Deadlifts strengthen your legs & lower back. These muscles help you stay strong during the Overhead Press.
4. Symmetry. I know I’m preaching all the time you shouldn’t care about what other people think, but a big upper-body with toothpick legs looks ridiculous. And it shows a lack of …

5. … Mental Strength. Here’s the real reason why people don’t train their legs: it’s physically & mentally hard. That’s why doing Squats and Deadlifts will build your mental endurance & character like no other exercise.

Running Doesn’t Count! Running, cycling or soccer will never work your legs like Squats & Deadlifts do. Include both exercises in your routine and you’ll see how you’ll get better at sports and how your upper-body will improve.

PS: "If you can’t train your upper-body because of an injury, you can prevent muscle loss in your upper-body by doing heavy Squats & Deadlifts" I have personal experience as far as this point is concerned as i can't do bench press and overhead press!
re: The Fitness Thread !

Rockfella said:
I suggested u 5 x 5 starting with lifting only 20kg weight, Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength suggests 3 sets of 5 reps with the weight u think u can handle (will be more than 20kg) Since u are just starting out it is best if u start with 20kgs and do 5 sets of 5 reps each. More sets will give u more growth... most importantly ur body will get used to working out squats 3 X week + u will learn technique ;), its is hard to learn correct technique with heavier weight. 5 x 5 is easy in the beginning... might get hard and challenging in the 2nd month. Don’t worry about starting with light weight. U add 2.5 kg every workout, that’s 7.5kgs in a week and 30 kgs in a month! It’s fast already. This means if u regularly workout eat good sleep well u will be squatting 60kgs in 60 days! (theoretically) many have done it... it depends on diet rest etc. Stick with 5 x 5... Both workouts are fundamentally same but 5 x 5 is best for beginners :)
ok! tnx :)

can u suggest any alternative for "Inverted Rows" as there is no machine for it in my gym.
re: The Fitness Thread !

I can suggest u inverted rows u can do @ home bro. U need to invst Rs. 500 for this rod:




Barbell rows is another alternative however u won't eb able to start it with 40kgs and u can't start with less weight due to reasons i don't know. Better buy this and do it at home, u can use the same rod to do pull-ups/chins and bench dips whenever u want, its a good investment ftw!

H_D said:
ok! tnx :)

can u suggest any alternative for "Inverted Rows" as there is no machine for it in my gym.
re: The Fitness Thread !

Crunches, prone bridges, reverse crunches AFTER good warm-up (even for tummy exercises).

FYI: Don't expect to loose tummy fat by doing even 1000 crunches 3 times a day, it wont happen, your "core" will obviously get strong but your 6 packs won't show unless u burn off the fat over it. Exercise will burn fat from whole body NOT YOUR TUMMY and unfortunately stomach fat goes off in the end (in males) :( If u wanna loose weight... popular ways are to jog/run/diet, best way is to get strong, increase muscle mass = more muscle more calories u burn even while sleeping ;)

EDIT: Google for terms u don't understand, watch vids, read about technique and perform with good form.

raksrules said:
What morning 15 minute exercise for tummy??
re: The Fitness Thread !


In April I was weighing > 83kg, since then started cycling to reduce wait and body toning.

Now i am below 73kg and have lost mine flab around the tummy and it has gone in.

I really can't dedicate any time to gym and I managed to get this in commuting (Arnold's book did motivate me a lot, since back then I thought I cant loose wait without everything being proper, and hence without a gym) from home to office and back, about 23km each day.

In the evening when I would return from home, I would do weightlifting of about 15 pounds ( 3 x 11 ) . Crunches 3x50, reverse crunches ( 1 x 30 ).

A long time back mine waist was about 36, now reduced below 34, jeans that were once tight for me are now really loose and cant do without belt.

Now comes the question:

I have lost weight and now I would like to tone up my body. I know I have really good warming post 11km cycle ride one way and I would like to use that for some good weight lifting to strengthen my upped body and tighten further the tummy.

As mentioned earlier, I cant go to gym (no time on hand) and have some basic equipments on hand: adjustable dumbbell and single bar. I am not looking for a chunky figure for myself, but a toned up body (Things well in shape but not bulky).

So coming back:

1. Please explain me some techniques for toning.

2. Protein drinks - Are they good enough? I do feel bit dizzied after the whole stuff in the evening. Will the drink help?

Let me know. Would help me a lot if a link on something like bodybuilding is provided.


re: The Fitness Thread !

Squats, Deadlifts, jogging/running... eating healthy food. U can't reduce fat from a particular body area. Spot reduction is a myth.:) Some people do believe they can get 6 pack abs doing 1000 crunches a day! :lol:
- Rockfella.
sabby said:

Can you tell me to how to reduce the thigh and hip(and in back above hip) fat ?

Do body weight exercises @ home.
Push-up, pull-ups, bench dips, reverse crunches, hindu push-ups. Protein drinks are good but people forget that they are suppliments NOT staple diet! natural healthy food is BEST! before investing in whey powder, get into a routine first, exercise regulary for 3 months, 3 times a week. if u see u can do it as a routine then start investing money in fancy items. ;) PMing u a detailed programme.
- Rockfella.
linuxtechie said:

In April I was weighing > 83kg, since then started cycling to reduce wait and body toning.

Now i am below 73kg and have lost mine flab around the tummy and it has gone in.

I really can't dedicate any time to gym and I managed to get this in commuting (Arnold's book did motivate me a lot, since back then I thought I cant loose wait without everything being proper, and hence without a gym) from home to office and back, about 23km each day.

In the evening when I would return from home, I would do weightlifting of about 15 pounds ( 3 x 11 ) . Crunches 3x50, reverse crunches ( 1 x 30 ).

A long time back mine waist was about 36, now reduced below 34, jeans that were once tight for me are now really loose and cant do without belt.

Now comes the question:
I have lost weight and now I would like to tone up my body. I know I have really good warming post 11km cycle ride one way and I would like to use that for some good weight lifting to strengthen my upped body and tighten further the tummy.

As mentioned earlier, I cant go to gym (no time on hand) and have some basic equipments on hand: adjustable dumbbell and single bar. I am not looking for a chunky figure for myself, but a toned up body (Things well in shape but not bulky).

So coming back:

1. Please explain me some techniques for toning.
2. Protein drinks - Are they good enough? I do feel bit dizzied after the whole stuff in the evening. Will the drink help?

Let me know.

re: The Fitness Thread !

Rockfella said:
I can suggest u inverted rows u can do @ home bro. U need to invst Rs. 500 for this rod:




Barbell rows is another alternative however u won't eb able to start it with 40kgs and u can't start with less weight due to reasons i don't know. Better buy this and do it at home, u can use the same rod to do pull-ups/chins and bench dips whenever u want, its a good investment ftw!

Are these the vacuum type of rods?
I was looking for one of these for pullups.
re: The Fitness Thread !

MohitPreet said:
Do body weight exercises @ home.
Push-up, pull-ups, bench dips, reverse crunches, hindu push-ups. Protein drinks are good but people forget that they are suppliments NOT staple diet! natural healthy food is BEST! before investing in whey powder, get into a routine first, exercise regulary for 3 months, 3 times a week. if u see u can do it as a routine then start investing money in fancy items. ;) PMing u a detailed programme.
- Rockfella.

Thanks man for the programme. I have been working out on weekdays from last 6 months so understand what you are trying to emphasis here.

re: The Fitness Thread !

It is a rod that curls over another one and thatshow it increases its length and sticks hard between walls etc. :)
pradeep200417 said:
Are these the vacuum type of rods?
I was looking for one of these for pullups.
Cool :D
linuxtechie said:
Thanks man for the programme. I have been working out on weekdays from last 6 months so understand what you are trying to emphasis here.
Gud start.
sabby said:
thanks mohit. :) I've started to walk 3-4km in the morning again. Its just a start, will soon run.
@ H_D... Any emotional outburst, initial feelings, thoughts about this programme???? Anything u wanna share?
re: The Fitness Thread !

Excellent thread! I hope to be an active contributor in the coming weeks and months as well. I'm not trying to develop a six pack but my aim is to have a well sculpted body with no lovehandles and a firm buttock (two problem areas right now). I used to work out about 3 years ago but completely stopped that due to an extremely hectic schedule at work and only re-commenced working out in Aug '09. Here are my previous (Aug) and current stats:

Height - 6'1.5"

Weight: 85kgs - 82kgs

Waist: 36.5" - 35"

Biceps: 14.5" - 15.5"

Chest: 41" - 43"

Current schedule repeated every three days, off during the weekends

Day 1: Chest and back

Day 2: Shoulders and biceps

Day 3: Lower half and triceps

Most notable improvements:

1. 1KM in 5 1/2 minutes compared with 9-9 1/2 minutes earlier.

2. Leg Press: 70kgs each side compared with 30kgs earlier.

3. Love handles are almost gone

4. Biceps are well defined and triceps are noticeable (compared to zero definition earlier)

Areas that need to be worked on:

1. Firm up the buttocks area

2. Widen/broaden (?) the shoulders a bit since my arms are beginning to bulge but the shoulders when viewed from the side appear quite thin.

Anyone have any tips for these two problematic areas?
re: The Fitness Thread !

Good progress! Now the shortcomings...

Ur core seems weak + U did not mention OHP PR (Overhead press personal record!) : CRITICAL!

Follow 5 x 5 as laid out…. No matter how strong u are doing bench press/bicep curls u are like a high end PC with a mediocre PSU and below average motherboard with a weak lower back and legs.

The details are given in previous posts of mine in this thread. Don’t change/modify/order of exercise, no need to work out 6 days a week! TRUST ME!

Do it for two months as laid out and as meticulously u can.... e.g. adding exact 2.5kg weight (TOTAL) EVERY WORKOUT and see difference! U'd be surprised working out lesser will give faster and "balanced" results. Don't worry about your arms. They will grow.

gforce said:
Excellent thread! I hope to be an active contributor in the coming weeks and months as well. I'm not trying to develop a six pack but my aim is to have a well sculpted body with no lovehandles and a firm buttock (two problem areas right now). I used to work out about 3 years ago but completely stopped that due to an extremely hectic schedule at work and only re-commenced working out in Aug '09. Here are my previous (Aug) and current stats:

Height - 6'1.5"

Weight: 85kgs - 82kgs

Waist: 36.5" - 35"

Biceps: 14.5" - 15.5"

Chest: 41" - 43"

Current schedule repeated every three days, off during the weekends

Day 1: Chest and back

Day 2: Shoulders and biceps

Day 3: Lower half and triceps

Most notable improvements:

1. 1KM in 5 1/2 minutes compared with 9-9 1/2 minutes earlier.

2. Leg Press: 70kgs each side compared with 30kgs earlier.

3. Love handles are almost gone

4. Biceps are well defined and triceps are noticeable (compared to zero definition earlier)

Areas that need to be worked on:

1. Firm up the buttocks area

2. Widen/broaden (?) the shoulders a bit since my arms are beginning to bulge but the shoulders when viewed from the side appear quite thin.

Anyone have any tips for these two problematic areas?
re: The Fitness Thread !

How to Build Bigger Chest Muscles

If you train in a big commercial gym, you’ve probably noticed Monday is National Bench Day. Everyone seems to be training their chest. Tuesday is often National Bench Day part 2 with more of the same.

But how do you train your chest efficiently for maximum growth? In this post I’ll explain you which mistakes you must avoid to build a bigger chest and the right method to increase your chest size.

Top 3 Chest Building Mistakes. Training your chest muscles 4x/week using pro bodybuilders routines is wasting your time. Especially if you’re skinny.

* Isolation Exercises. You can’t stress your chest with heavy weights using exercises like dumbbell flies. So you won’t trigger the release of Testosterone & Growth Hormone as much as with compounds.

* Eating Like a Pigeon. You’ll never get a big chest if you’re 120lbs at 6′. Training your chest 3x/week won’t get it bigger unless you eat more.

* Isolating Your Chest. Although your chest has to 2 main heads, it’s 1 muscle and contracts as a whole. You can’t isolate your upper or lower chest. You can only emphasize it.

Here’s How to Build a Bigger Chest. The key to increasing the size of your chest muscles is to eat more and get stronger. Build a foundation before you even think of adding isolation exercises.

* Eat More. Your chest will never be big if you’re underweight. Check the minimum weights for your height. To gain weight: eat every 3 hours and focus on calorie dense foods. Read the weight gain & GOMAD guides.

* Do Heavy Compounds. Free weight compound exercises like the Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press and Overhead Press are the fastest way to build overall strength & bulk. Do them often & heavy.

* Train Your Legs. Squats & Deadlifts help chest growth by increasing the release of muscle building hormones like Testosterone and Growth Hormone. Get stronger at them. Read 5 reasons to train your legs.

* Rest. Your muscles grow when they rest, not when you train them. Train your chest maximum 2x/week. Eat your calories so your chest gets the nutrients it needs to recover and grow bigger.

* Lift Fast. Lifting fast recruits more muscle fibers and lets you use more weight, which stimulates chest growth. Lift as fast as you can on the way up with good technique. Way down under control but not slow.

* Use Proper Technique. A partial bench press doesn’t work your chest through a full range of motion. Touch your shirt on the way down, lock your elbows at the top. Lower the weight if you have to.

* Set Realistic Goals. Even if you train and eat exactly like your idol, you’ll never get the same muscle shape. Developing your muscles is training and diet. But the shape of your muscles is genetics.

* Be Patient. Especially if you’re still a teen. Your body is still developing. You won’t get the chest development of a 30y old if you’re only 15. Build the foundation and be patient. Your chest will change as you get older.

Top 4 Chest Building Exercises. Don’t do things like Bench Pressing to your neck or with your elbows out. Both are potentially dangerous and will injure your shoulders. Use exercises where you can go heavy safely.

* Bench Press. Allows you to stress your body with heavy weights. Forget about getting a bigger chest if you can’t at least bench your body-weight for 5×5 (so at least 160lbs for 5×5 if you weigh 160lbs).

* Push-ups. Closed-chain exercise. Useless done for reps without added resistance. Do Push-ups against a resistance band or weighted.

* Weighted Dips. If your shoulders can take them: dips between parallel bars while wearing a belt with weight will build your chest muscles.

* Dumbbell Press. Increase chest growth by stretching your pecs on the way down. But you can’t use as much weight as with barbells.

re: The Fitness Thread !

Train ur damn legs!!!!!

5 Reasons Why You Should Train Your Legs

If you train in a commercial gym, you’ve probably noticed most gym go-ers don’t train their legs. You might be the only one using the Power Rack for Squats and maybe you’ve seen guys with a huge upper-body but toothpick legs.

Popular excuses: “I run for my legs”, “My legs are too big already”, “Squats hurt my knees“, … Whatever the story, not training your legs is the biggest training mistake you can make. Here are 5 reasons you should train them.

1. More Muscle. You can find studies showing that Squats & Deadlifts increase the release of Growth Hormone & Testosterone more than any other exercise. These are natural muscle building hormones.

2. Bigger Upper-body. Squats & Deadlifts work your whole body, not just your legs. Quick examples of how they stimulate upper-body growth too:

* Your arms squeeze the bar hard during heavy Squats & Deadlifts.

* Your abs work hard at stabilizing the weight during Squats.

* Your chest muscles tense hard during heavy Deadlifts.

If you can’t train your upper-body because of an injury, you can prevent muscle loss in your upper-body by doing heavy Squats & Deadlifts.

3. More Strength. Stronger legs and core muscles will increase your strength on upper-body lifts and thus help upper-body muscle development. Quick examples of how Squats & Deadlifts can cause strength gains on your other lifts:

* Leg drive matters on the Bench Press. Stronger legs means more leg drive and a bigger bench, and thus bigger muscles.

* Squats & Deadlifts strengthen your legs & lower back. These muscles help you stay strong during the Overhead Press.

4. Symmetry. I know I’m preaching all the time you shouldn’t care about what other people think, but a big upper-body with toothpick legs looks ridiculous. And it shows a lack of …

5. … Mental Strength. Here’s the real reason why people don’t train their legs: it’s physically & mentally hard. That’s why doing Squats and Deadlifts will build your mental endurance & character like no other exercise.

Running Doesn’t Count! Running, cycling or soccer will never work your legs like Squats & Deadlifts do. Include both exercises in your routine and you’ll see how you’ll get better at sports and how your upper-body will improve.