The Fitness Thread !

re: The Fitness Thread !

That's impressive. DO 5 sets of 5 reps not compromising on form. Increase weight EVERY time u squat (every workout), add 1.25kg on each side. It might sound weird but u wll progress faster doing this way. later when u can lift 1.5x ur BW (Body weight) u can concentrate on isolation/slow twitch fibers to give a "pumped look"etc. :hap2:
BTW How much u deadlift??
PS: I badly injured my right shoulder while doing a fast lap in the swimming pool so i don't do pressing moves : BENCH PRESS and OVERHEAD PRESS which sucks 'coz these are very important exercises :@
RKitect said:
Ok thanks for the info. that means I am currently doing squats of 30+30=60 Kgs.
re: The Fitness Thread !

this week my 1st month in gym is gonna end , frankly speaking till now my trainer asked me to do 6 days exercise with each body part on different days, mon-chest, tue-back, wed-biceps, thu-triceps, fri/sat-any one of them and now i am having a feeling that my trainer has less knowledge, i have also never did any cardio, abs and shoulder exercises in that month which i also wants to work on.

after this week i wants to do gym seriously, i am just 53kgs and acc to my height i.e 5'6-7" i think i shud weight around 60-65kgs

i dont want heavy trainers like look but still very good, cut waali :ohyeah:


i am sounding very ambitious but i want this body, i know it will take time like 6-12 months or even more with proper dedication.

you can take that 1 month back i was like ishant sharma(not that thin but still bones were easily visible :S ) but now i am like new eminem(see his new relapse mvids)

so pls suggest me something as NOW to me you sound like a real pro with whole database of knowledge and whole lotta experience :)
re: The Fitness Thread !

Well the fact is working out 6 days / week is very demanding / not needed and the worst part is working out 6 days week will slow your progress once u do it for 4-5 months or so. U DON’T NEED to workout 6 days a week when u can have a gala time resting the remaining 3 days and have better results LOL! Body grows when u eat heavy and sleep not when u lift weights rofl! Well nothing much to say, just follow what I posted previously. Start with 20 kg TOTAL weight, goggle for precise info about how to do squats, dead lifts etc. Don’t be afraid of these exercises and don’t waste time in doing isolation exercises like tricep extension, barbell curls etc. Deadlifts, bench press, overhead press are compound exercises, they workout entire body and put a lot of strain. Leave the damn lat machine, even if u can pull 300 pounds in the lat machine u might not be able to do even 5 wide grip chins BUT if u can do 3 sets of 15 + pull-ups u can shake the entire lat machine (use all weight practically) Don’t take my words, do it for two months, see how it works, make your own perception, use your experience, make your own opinion.
Cut wali body ban jayegi… heavy weight utha, 5 sets kar 5 reps aur har workout mein each side 1.25 kg weight bara de.
PS: u don't sound abmitious.. gaining 25 lbs in a month is ambitious and people have done it already!
H_D said:
this week my 1st month in gym is gonna end , frankly speaking till now my trainer asked me to do 6 days exercise with each body part on different days, mon-chest, tue-back, wed-biceps, thu-triceps, fri/sat-any one of them and now i am having a feeling that my trainer has less knowledge, i have also never did any cardio, abs and shoulder exercises in that month which i also wants to work on.
after this week i wants to do gym seriously, i am just 53kgs and acc to my height i.e 5'6-7" i think i shud weight around 60-65kgs
i dont want heavy trainers like look but still very good, cut waali :ohyeah:

i am sounding very ambitious but i want this body, i know it will take time like 6-12 months or even more with proper dedication.
you can take that 1 month back i was like ishant sharma(not that thin but still bones were easily visible :S ) but now i am like new eminem(see his new relapse mvids)
so pls suggest me something as NOW to me you sound like a real pro with whole database of knowledge and whole lotta experience :)
re: The Fitness Thread !

Thank you i was eagerly waiting for your reply :hap2:

So i shud directly follow this one recommended by you for 3 days a week:


Squat 5 X 5

Bench Press 5 X 5

Inverted Rows 3 X F

Push-ups 3 X f

Reverse Crunches 3 x F


Squat 5 X 5

Overhead press 5 X 5

Deadlift 1 X 5

Pull-ups/chin-ups 3 X F

Prone bridges 30 secs 3 sets.

(btw what does F mean here ?)

It shud be done in a manner of ABA or BAB, right ? I am taking your words man and will go with this from next week w/o any 2nd thought.

Edit: in 1st month i did bench press with max weight of 5kg+rod+5kg=~10-12kg so i can start with that weight only and can i aslo include 3 days of cardio exercises in b/w 3 days of workout recommended by you? can u also suggest soem cardio exercises as i have no idea about 'em.


Rockfella said:
Well the fact is working out 6 days / week is very demanding / not needed and the worst part is working out 6 days week will slow your progress once u do it for 4-5 months or so. U DON’T NEED to workout 6 days a week when u can have a gala time resting the remaining 3 days and have better results LOL! Body grows when u eat heavy and sleep not when u lift weights rofl! Well nothing much to say, just follow what I posted previously. Start with 20 kg TOTAL weight, goggle for precise info about how to do squats, dead lifts etc. Don’t be afraid of these exercises and don’t waste time in doing isolation exercises like tricep extension, barbell curls etc. Deadlifts, bench press, overhead press are compound exercises, they workout entire body and put a lot of strain. Leave the damn lat machine, even if u can pull 300 pounds in the lat machine u might not be able to do even 5 wide grip chins BUT if u can do 3 sets of 15 + pull-ups u can shake the entire lat machine (use all weight practically) Don’t take my words, do it for two months, see how it works, make your own perception, use your experience, make your own opinion.

Cut wali body ban jayegi… heavy weight utha, 5 sets kar 5 reps aur har workout mein each side 1.25 kg weight bara de.

PS: u don't sound abmitious.. gaining 25 lbs in a month is ambitious and people have done it already!
re: The Fitness Thread !

Yes do as laid out, the total weight in all exercises (weight training) should be exactly 20 kg (including the weight of the bar if you use an olympic 7 feet rod which itself weighs 20kg) Some gyms have that and if u feel u can use it whenever u r in the gym start with that bar without weights. If not then start with a normal rod with 10kg each side. U have to make sure you gym has small plates of 1.25kg OR 2.5 lbs because this is what u need to add each side every time u workout. F means = as much as u can do with correct form. Don't do cardio u don't need it as u r underweight. :). Learn correct technique, do super strict form, take 60 secs to 2 mins rest (see ur watch) between each set even if u feel u can do the next set in 30 secs. This is a very hard workout once u are into it for two months.... think like this... provided u train without skipping any workout... eat well.. sleep well..... u add 2.5 kg in every session, thats 7.5kg a week, 30 kg a month and 60 kgs in two months! U are already adding weight very fast :) Once u start i will explain what to do once u stall (u can't add weight anymore) this will happen first in the overhead press, then bench, then squats then deadlifts. By the time u will stall on the squats, u will prolly stall 2 times on the overhead press, it is a very demanding exercise. Do proper overhead press, don't sit on the bench and do it, stand and do a correct clean movement. U can google videos etc on how to do it with correct form. Does your gym have a smith machine? Do inverted rows on smith machine because barbell rows is slightly difficult and u won't be able to start with 40kgs.

Squat 5 X 5

Bench Press 5 X 5

Inverted Rows 3 X F

Push-ups 3 X f

Reverse Crunches 3 x F

^^^ This means u do > squat > bench press > inverted rows > push-ups > reverse crunches!!! Don't change the exercise order even if the biggest bodybuilder in your gym says "Tu galat kar raha hain!"

Starting with low weight is very critical as your body will take some time getting used to squatting 3 x week! BTW squatting is the single most demanding exercise and works out almost entire body! Deadlifts are the next best u will can do.

PS: Please google a lot on how to properly do all these exercises, don't listen to what people tell u in the gym... 95% of what u hear in the gym is horse-shit. Don't assume u know it all etc.. these exercises are very safe IF DONE WITH CORRECT TECHNIQUE, If done wrong they can break your back! They seem weird and clumsy in the beginning... once they start showing results u won't feel as if u wasted time. Try to workout asap without chatting in the gym and get out of the gym asap.. have bananas/oatmeal and chicken or protein shake as soon as u reach home.

H_D said:
Thank you i was eagerly waiting for your reply :hap2:

So i shud directly follow this one recommended by you for 3 days a week:


Squat 5 X 5

Bench Press 5 X 5

Inverted Rows 3 X F

Push-ups 3 X f

Reverse Crunches 3 x F


Squat 5 X 5

Overhead press 5 X 5

Deadlift 1 X 5

Pull-ups/chin-ups 3 X F

Prone bridges 30 secs 3 sets.

(btw what does F mean here ?)

It shud be done in a manner of ABA or BAB, right ? I am taking your words man and will go with this from next week w/o any 2nd thought.

Edit: in 1st month i did bench press with max weight of 5kg+rod+5kg=~10-12kg so i can start with that weight only and can i aslo include 3 days of cardio exercises in b/w 3 days of workout recommended by you? can u also suggest soem cardio exercises as i have no idea about 'em.

re: The Fitness Thread !

How to do squats:

How to Squat with Proper Technique without Injuring Yourself |

Read in extreme detail.

How to do deadlifts:

How to Deadlift with Proper Technique |

Overhead press (OHP)

How to Overhead Press with Correct Technique |

Inverted rows:

How to Do Inverted Rows |

Reverse Curls:

PS: Forgot to add, everytime u do chin-ups/pull-ups make sure u do chins one workout then wige-grip chins the next.
re: The Fitness Thread !

Rockfella said:
How to do squats:

How to Squat with Proper Technique without Injuring Yourself |

Read in extreme detail.

How to do deadlifts:

How to Deadlift with Proper Technique |

Overhead press (OHP)

How to Overhead Press with Correct Technique |

Inverted rows:

How to Do Inverted Rows |

Reverse Curls:

The Reverse Crunch: Get Your Six Pack Abs |

PS: Forgot to add, everytime u do chin-ups/pull-ups make sure u do chins one workout then wige-grip chins the next.
Bookmarked, will read each and every line for sure :]

re: The Fitness Thread !

Rockfella said:
start with a normal rod with 10kg each side. U have to make sure you gym has small plates of 1.25kg OR 2.5 lbs because this is what u need to add each side every time u workout.
yep i have those 1.25kg plates btw will there be any problem if i start with 5kg plates on each side bcoz i have never done these exercises before and as soon i will get used to it, i will start increasing weight session by session if i will be able to lift it.

Does your gym have a smith machine?
my gym doesn't have it ;(

This means u do > squat > bench press > inverted rows > push-ups > reverse crunches!!! Don't change the exercise order even if the biggest bodybuilder in your gym says "Tu galat kar raha hain!"
got it sir :P

Try to workout asap without chatting in the gym and get out of the gym asap.. have bananas/oatmeal and chicken or protein shake as soon as u reach home.
i take 1 or 2 bananas ~1hour before going to gym and after coming i take either two boiled eggs or 1 big glass of banana shake of 2 bananas.
i am looking forward to PROTINEX as i have heard it is like horlicks/bournvita with good amount of protein which is vry necessary for muscle growth.
One more thing i have a great fancy for chiseled abs :bleh: can i include abs exercise in b/w my 3 days workout ? or they will be developed on their own by doing that 3 days workout :)

PS: take a look at my current body, you will get some idea !
re: The Fitness Thread !

60 Kg squat and 40 kg deadlift is weird. Read my previous post on links on how to do squat properly. Either u are chating in squat OR ur not pushing enough in DLs. Try lifting more.... someone who can squat 60kg can easily lift 100kg + in DLs ;) If u have just started DLs add weight gradually.... the max weight anyone can lift is in DLs, i can lift 85 kgs :) and my squat is just half haha.

Read the links on how to do deadlifts properly, DON'T INJURE YOUR BACK! Add weight slowly.

RKitect said:
Deadlifts total of 40 kgs

BTW. i am 5.5 and 78 kgs. i want to lose fat. any more suggestions for the same.
re: The Fitness Thread !

U have to start with 20KG TOTAL weight so if ur gym doesnot have an Olympic bar, start with 10kgs on each side. Don't be in a hurry to increase weight, u have to increase 2.5kg/5lbs each workout anyway. PROTINEX is very good, have it with whole milk. Have 4 eggs 2 eggs will only give 8 gms protein, u need 1 gram per pound your body weight. Use online convertors and measure what u weigh in lbs.
H_D said:
yep i have those 1.25kg plates btw will there be any problem if i start with 5kg plates on each side bcoz i have never done these exercises before and as soon i will get used to it, i will start increasing weight session by session if i will be able to lift it.
my gym doesn't have it ;(
got it sir :P
i take 1 or 2 bananas ~1hour before going to gym and after coming i take either two boiled eggs or 1 big glass of banana shake of 2 bananas.
i am looking forward to PROTINEX as i have heard it is like horlicks/bournvita with good amount of protein which is vry necessary for muscle growth.
One more thing i have a great fancy for chiseled abs :bleh: can i include abs exercise in b/w my 3 days workout ? or they will be developed on their own by doing that 3 days workout :)

PS: take a look at my current body, you will get some idea !
re: The Fitness Thread !

H_D said:
One more thing i have a great fancy for chiseled abs :bleh: can i include abs exercise in b/w my 3 days workout ? or they will be developed on their own by doing that 3 days workout :)

PS: take a look at my current body, you will get some idea !

Pls put some light on this too :)

Rockfella said:
U have to start with 20KG TOTAL weight so if ur gym doesnot have an Olympic bar, start with 10kgs on each side. Don't be in a hurry to increase weight, u have to increase 2.5kg/5lbs each workout anyway. PROTINEX is very good, have it with whole milk. Have 4 eggs 2 eggs will only give 8 gms protein, u need 1 gram per pound your body weight. Use online convertors and measure what u weigh in lbs.

Noted and will be duly followed from next week btw for how long do i have to follow this ?
re: The Fitness Thread !

Nice lean body, focus on correct form, eat as much as u can (healthy food only) u want quality carbs not Mac Donald burger etc.

H_D said:
Pls put some light on this too :)

Two months in the beginning. Eat a LOT!

Noted and will be duly followed from next week btw for how long do i have to follow this ?
re: The Fitness Thread !

Rockfella said:
60 Kg squat and 40 kg deadlift is weird. Read my previous post on links on how to do squat properly. Either u are chating in squat OR ur not pushing enough in DLs. Try lifting more.... someone who can squat 60kg can easily lift 100kg + in DLs ;) If u have just started DLs add weight gradually.... the max weight anyone can lift is in DLs, i can lift 85 kgs :) and my squat is just half haha.
Read the links on how to do deadlifts properly, DON'T INJURE YOUR BACK! Add weight slowly.

I used to DL with 60 kgs. but i realised that i was not having proper form while DL. so went back to the basics and now i think i have good form while doing DL and will add weights gradually.

BTW today i squatted 65 Kgs :)
re: The Fitness Thread !

Increase weight every workout even if it is only 2.5 kg (1.25kg each side) U wont be able to squat 70 kg next time... even if u do... next to next time u will loose form @ 75.. so build gradually. DL is a very simple exercise. Urs should easily be above 100 kg :cool2::hap2:

RKitect said:
I used to DL with 60 kgs. but i realised that i was not having proper form while DL. so went back to the basics and now i think i have good form while doing DL and will add weights gradually.

BTW today i squatted 65 Kgs :)
re: The Fitness Thread !

Rockfella said:
Increase weight every workout even if it is only 2.5 kg (1.25kg each side) U wont be able to squat 70 kg next time... even if u do... next to next time u will loose form @ 75.. so build gradually. DL is a very simple exercise. Urs should easily be above 100 kg :cool2::hap2:
What is do is The day i increase weight i do 3 sets of 5-8 reps. and the next time i do squats i try to do 10 reps with same weight. once i am able to do 10 reps i increase weight the next time. I have been following this and has worked for me.
re: The Fitness Thread !

Cool.. u r increasing weight nicely.. but doing 5 x 5 with increasing weight 1.25kg each side will give u faster results.. fast twitch white muscle fiber will increase....... - How Do Fast-Twitch & Slow-Twitch Muscle Fibres Influence Athletic Performance? - David Robson

RKitect said:
What is do is The day i increase weight i do 3 sets of 5-8 reps. and the next time i do squats i try to do 10 reps with same weight. once i am able to do 10 reps i increase weight the next time. I have been following this and has worked for me.
re: The Fitness Thread !

Amazing workout today hehe...

Inverted rows
Bench Dips
laterals (bent over and front.. shoulder conditioning)
Reverse crunches
Mild HIIT (was running of time)
Tried doing parallel bar dips...... was able to do without shoulder pain WOOT!!!! But this time i won't go full throttle... will give it more time to heal ftw!