What's gymming according to you? Lifting weights?Is swimming equivalent to gymming?
Or a more simpler analogy:Is swimming equivalent to gymming?
Agreed, however with a slight differenceThis is a great read too, but more on the technical side of things. Starting Strength is more like a personal coach in the form of a book.
Yes he has written an excellent book Practical Programming. In fact it is a must read for anyone into the Iron game.@ssslayer Mark Rippetoe has also written a book called Practical Programming for Strength Training which deals with what you're describing in detail.
I am not doing ESE, but mine is more on the lines of the Warrior diet thing.@ssslayer : The links posted by you were very informative. Thanks for that. Also how do you practice eat stop eat ? 2 times a week or on your own basis ?
I have started to minimize my time at gym by cutting out my rests and working harder at completing exercises. Running on inclines is helping me a lot and it is definitely building my stamina. As of now I am following cardio + body weight daily. It takes about 1 hour 10 minutes for me to complete my exercises.
I have also started eat stop eat. The food logging is thing of a past now, not because I am lazy but I now know approximate calories intake as my meals do not vary too much.
Umm I guess we are on crossroads here due to some misinterpretation (Which is my fault).
By strength I mean just the body weight exercises like the ones I mentioned in my earlier posts such as push ups, squats, lunges etc. I don't wish to go gun ho at the weights and try to build muscle when I have flab to burn.
I have been doing a thorough reading and the following is my conclusion :
Cardio is beginning of the fat loss regime which is accentuated with the strength training. Why ??
Because strength training helps to develop muscles which burn calories way faster than the fat. Also for a newbie the basic strength training helps him/her to develop muscles which are again used to train harder during cardio. For eg :
We need to focus on glutes,calves etc through strength training so that they can support the knees during running and hence there is comparatively less impact.
@Others : Please correct me if I am wrong.
P.S : Can you please throw some light on SS and SL programs ?
Yes he has written an excellent book Practical Programming. In fact it is a must read for anyone into the Iron game.
However, (perhaps I didn't read thru properly), the programming was still somewhat in the lines of Mon - do X, Wed - do Y, Fri - do Z (or X again).
Even the intermediate stuff. I didn't read the advanced programming.
However, in my experience, fixing days, sets, reps etc does not make much sense - because everyone is so bloody different from another. Rippetoe's assumption is that all are humans, thus all have similar response to stimulus. Only that once progression slows, you need to change programs.
Also Stuart McRobert's approach is more for someone who is following the volume training crap (= majority of the junta).
Readers of Ripp would already be intelligent enough to know what they want and how to go about it.
Would you believe that I go to gym only two days a week. Bodypart frequency is only one per week. I came to this after experimenting the way Brad Pilon outlines in the link given above (http://maggiewang.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/the-elimination-experiment-workout.pdf)
And I feel much better than when I was doing the SS program (even though I was not doing squats everyday). With no change in performance.
I of course feel much much better than what I felt doing Arnold's workout or any other volume crap thrown to everyone and known to all gym "trainers".
Also I made certain tweaks on the go.
Why? Because I saw and felt the difference. Unfortunately I am not aware if SS and/or PP talk about this.
Compound upper body exercises are 3 sets 3-5 reps. (Doing higher reps just make my outer extremity, like triceps when doing bench press or biceps when doing pullups, tired.)
Compound lower body is 2 sets 10-15 reps. (Doing lower reps really kill and doesn't allow recovery till the next workout day, doing more sets makes me lazy the whole next day)
Also perhaps what I say next would piss most ppl off but this is the truth:
Whatever physical and strength growth you really could achieve you would've achieved in the first 2-3 years. Whether you were doing starting strength, Blood & guts, Arnold program or 5/3/1. Changing the program will not change your strength or physique.
Unfortunately this is because of the genetic angle.
People who are genetically predisposed to great strength can reach 500 lb deadlifts even on Serge nubert's program. And people genetically predisposed to looking like Arnold will start looking so even on 5/3/1 program.
For the others, searching for a program is a sign that you are not progressing either with weights or with physique, and in both cases first undertake housekeeping job of removing the crap and trying to find your own program/routine/groove.
@blkrb0t: my post was not directed towards you in particular or Ripp, but then I didn't want to create another post
I am not doing ESE, but mine is more on the lines of the Warrior diet thing.
I chose the Warrior diet because I find it difficult to stop once I begin eating (perhaps that is the reason why I touched 88 kg)
So it is much easier for me to gobble down food every night till brim (it takes me 30-45 min of continuous eating).
Its a personal thing, some people are not physically comfortable with eating so much at one go - ESE is much better in such cases.
You right about logging/tracking - though I was not doing it previously too, but I used to make a mental note.
Now I simply don't care.
Also to everyone on this thread.
If you really want to set realistic goals and expectations: Check out the pre 1945 era ( = presteroids. At that time bodybuilding and strength training went hand in hand).
Those guys were genetic freaks and that's why we can search their pix and feats today. You will never become even 50% of them.
Reason given is that once you have used your energy during strength training, the body burns fat to generate energy needed for running/cardio. It worked for me and I lost around 15kgs at a steady pace. It might work for you but only you can come up with a routine that works for you. Also losing weight early will be easy and work despite the regime you choose. Only once you hit a plateau will you be able to truly find out what works for you.
by 'double workout routine', do you mean double-split, double-sessions, or a strength-hypertrophy hybrid routine?! i suppose you mean the middle one?
One word - OverTraining.2 sessions per day. Morning and evening.
My aim: Pullups: 75 Pushups: 150 Parallel bar: 100 Apart from regular workouts.
Btw my current max reps is Pullups: 25 Pushups: 60 Parallel bar:20
I want to know any workout that does not adversely impact my regular routine & also achieve this goal.
Not expecting changes tomorrow but by DEC at least, as I can afford 4 hrs/ day gym . And also Indian diet chart would be helpful.
2 sessions per day. Morning and evening.
My aim: Pullups: 75 Pushups: 150 Parallel bar: 100 Apart from regular workouts.
Btw my current max reps is Pullups: 25 Pushups: 60 Parallel bar:20
I want to know any workout that does not adversely impact my regular routine & also achieve this goal.
Not expecting changes tomorrow but by DEC at least, as I can afford 4 hrs/ day gym . And also Indian diet chart would be helpful.
sorry, can't suggest anything personally, but only what google can tell, as i think i did double-sessions only once a long time ago, for a brief duration. can only recommend to work upto your aimed figure, gradually. you already can do a good many; so it shouldn't be very tough to move further up. i was hoping you had asked for a hybrid-routine, and could've suggested something on that, but on second thought, deemed it better to first get your query clarified from you.
by 'regular routine' do you mean your daily-life routine, or your regular workout routine? and following any workout presently? would advise you to follow the regimen on alternate days, as you would want to have ample rest for recovery before hitting the floor and the bars again with a strenuous routine. a diet-chart can be suggested by other knowledgeable members here; can just tell some quick-tips, like not to shy away from whole foods (whole milk, multi-grains, etc.), and definitely include various kinds of grams, beans, sprouts in your diet, esp. the (soaked) brown chickepea (kala chana) in the morning/evening. i can vouch for the snappy, positive effects/results that it adds to endurance & strength!
P.S. - by planning to follow double-sessions, may we know what are you aiming at, apart from what you wrote? you wish to do split-body routines for hypertrophy/toning your muscles & for aesthetics of it, or for something else, like as a supplementary training for any sport/activity (though i doubt the latter, as you would be spending 2 sessions at the gym itself)? for getting still better at what you wrote, perhaps it would be better to focus on low-volume low/progressive-intensity training with weights, so that you can devote more time and energy for your aimed exercises.
anyway, over to other members. see what they have to suggest.
2 sessions per day. Morning and evening.
My aim: Pullups: 75 Pushups: 150 Parallel bar: 100 Apart from regular workouts.
Btw my current max reps is Pullups: 25 Pushups: 60 Parallel bar:20
I want to know any workout that does not adversely impact my regular routine & also achieve this goal.
Not expecting changes tomorrow but by DEC at least, as I can afford 4 hrs/ day gym . And also Indian diet chart would be helpful.
What will you do with that endurance?My aim: Pullups: 75 Pushups: 150 Parallel bar: 100 Apart from regular workouts.
I used to think like that when I first joined the gym. I will workout two times a day, do everything with twice intensity, become moar fittar than evar.