through a friend of mine who is a Professional bodybuilder and is also the 2013 Mr India in 65 Kg category .
Your friend doesn't take a heady mix of steroids?
If he admits, ask him
when he started on it and
There are a lot of training variables you can change up and deload weeks which can be added to your routine to make this very possible. I'm sorry , but you have no idea what you are talking about,at least when it comes to the fact that 'training 6 days a week is not possible' . about the weights , of course after 4 years they will stall and increments come in very very slow.
The point that I was trying to make (perhaps I was too subtle) and therefore everyone keeps missing is this:
1. A natural person can do whatever he want when he starts - he can start doing powerlifting routine, bodybuilding routine, calisthenics, olympics weightlifting - well let me be more specific - he can do Rippetoes program, Arnold's routine, Dorian Yates program, Doggcrapp training, 5/3/1, Lee Haney routine, Steve Reeves routine, 20-rep squat and GOMAD, anything else you can think of. He will progress with weights as well as build muscles till he comes close to his genetic limit. This happens at roughly 2-3 years into training. If someone has been a pussy and going to gym to only ogle/fetch girls then perhaps he may take 10 years.
2. The reason why this happens in because human bodies (as well as other animals) have very limited amount of growth hormone and testosterone in their blood. Therefore the body cannot keep synthesizing proteins any more than what genetically it can do. This is very similar to height. You can only grow (by overfeeding your self) to your set genetic limit of height. You can keep yourself BELOW this genetic limit by underfeeding during your <20 yrs phase. But no matter what you do the only what to increase your height beyond will require extra growth hormone in your blood.
3. In the process of getting to this point of stagnation - if you do strength training you will gain less visible muscular mass. If you do bodybuilding type of training you will gain more visible muscular mass. Why? Because in case of strength training you are using increased nervous efficiency to lift more weight. But in case of bodybuilder type of training you HAVE to grow muscles to lift more weight (or increase reps). But then a person can easily make a switch from one to another any time.
4. You want to progress further? Eat MOAR. ... and get fat. Getting fat while training is a sure shot way of gaining strength as well as muscles.
5. Usually at this stage most people start switching programs and start looking for magical elixir that will make them look like Wolverine. Well well well, this is when some intelligent (or perhaps aware/connected) people realize that the magic is in hormones. In comes testosterone / deca injections and/or dianabol pills. Suddenly in course of 1-2 months the person starts seeing progress again - just like when he started training. And gains 5-10 kg of mass. If you take blood test of this person at this moment - the amount of anabolic steroids will be about 100 times more than a natural person. And the cycles continue. (LOAD = take steroids, DELOAD = you are off steroids). You have to do this otherwise your testes will stop making testosterone forever. The only way to keep progressing is to keep taking ever increasing boat loads of steroids. Till your blood sample anabolic steroids reach about 1000 times more than a natural.
6. Now what do you do? You take growth hormone and insulin. Remember the point no.4 above, Eat Moar = increase insulin naturally. Here we take additional insulin shots like a diabetic patient. You will again start pushing the limits. Of course since insulin doesn't discriminate against fat, you will have to take in T3 also.
7. The Mr Natural of point no 4 will start his "cutting" and in due course lose all the gain he has put in while getting fat. Because our bodies are genetically programmed for certain set points of muscular mass. As I said the only way to increase this set point is to gain fat. You lose fat, you will lose muscles. Simple. UNLESS you start taking trenbolone and you will start looking like a bit like Hritik Roshan. (You will actually look like Hritik Roshan if you went on Point no.5 and now starts taking trenbolone perhaps better - like Wolverine)
8. Continuing from point 6 If you had superb genetics you can enter Mr India or even Olympia by now. If you have a poor genetic makeup you will look like a shredded bouncer. Of course don't forget massive dosages of Trenbolone ever. The most important hormone.
9. Now my point about 6 days a week or 2 days a week. I said it in the point 2& 3 above that you will anyway reach your genetic potential in say less than 5 years time. Does it make any difference whether you are doing 6 days a week or 2 days a week? So why do you want to waste your time? Besides, once you are near to your genetic limits, you can drop working out to even once a week and not see any worsening of physique / strength.
Bodybuilders can profit from doing more workouts because they have special thing in them in abundance which allows their bodies to keep utilizing the proteins in your blood stream and actually build muscles (and therefore strength also) - the special thing called hormones.
In spite of this most bodybuilders prefer working out only two days in succession. That means about 4-5 days per week.
This is also the reason why all protein supplements are big BIG SHAM. Hokum. Lies. A natural person's body running on depleted testosterone (compared to a bodybuilder) cannot make use of this extra protein. That is why it cannot build muscles also.
Also remember ANY goddamn person on this earth who walks with 4 pack or 6 pack AND looks muscular HAS taken steroids.
You need trenbolone at the very least to sport a ripped physique.
There is an exception to this:
A person who in his late teen (and has not touched any steroids) has naturally sporting shredded physique. This bastard naturally has a good hormone profile and is quite lean. BUT even he will never look muscular. He will look like those small and lean martial arts / boxer guys.
BTW to everyone - here is a sure shot way to know whether the person is on roids or not: Check his trapezius and lateral detoids. If they are bigger compared to other muscles of his/her body and also compared to a normal untrained person of his/her size - you can be dead sure.