The Fitness Thread !

1. Do you plan to do steroids? I have no idea what you were doing earlier at the gym but unless you use steroids, there is no point in doing something 6 days a week. Your natural body simply cannot profit from such a routine. (or well it can perhaps, but then you would be doing just 10 minutes workout every day - basically one set of one exercise a day)

Where did you hear this? Working out for 6 days a week is only for steroid users? Dont give out such advice. I workout 6 days a week , with a good diet it is very profitable. I've been doing this for the past 3 - 4 years. I'm pretty sure there many people out there that do the same too. Of course if you are on a shitty diet , dont you expect the same.
Guys im extremely underweight (5"11' - 52 kgs) need to increase my weight by at least 15-20 kilos :p :p

I dont think any diet routine is gonna help me..
The banana,eggs milk routine for a month didn't help much either..
No matter how much i eat junk,heavy fats,oily etc etc there seems to be no response in weight..whereas the same is not true for others
I guess something is wrong like the body not assimilating fats , proteins or something like else can you explain eating 2 slices of cheese for a month and still no change in weight..

Should i consult a doctor/dietican or those will be just a waste of money and i should try the routine for a longer period

Calculate how much you eat everyday. I used to think before that when I was 'FULL' that i ate enough. Sadly thats not how this works.

Once you calculate how much you eat everyday , try to add up the calories and see how much it comes to. If that is not 300 -500 calories more than your maintenance calories , you will never gain weight. once you get a hang of this , it is one of the easiest .
I have become morbidly Obese. 77kg for a 5feet5 frame.

I have started jogging/brisk walking in the morning. Last 3 days I covered 3.1KM, 3.3KM and 3.7KM respectively. I know this is very low but at least I could start.

I want to take my weight down to around 60-62KG.

I don't think I will be able to reach anywhere near that goal just by walking.

Can you guys please provide some input?

My food intake -
Morning - 2 Idli/Upma/Masala Dosa/Veg Cheese Sandwich (office canteen)
Lunch - rice + chicken mostly (eat in the office canteen)
Evening - when I get time, I get a veg cheese sandwich. Otherwise boiled corn(if available) or Samosa.
Night - rice + sabzi + 1 egg omlette

On Sundays I usually go out for a movie and hence eat in a restaurant (lunch or dinner)

Pleass suggest a diet also if possible.

See the attached thumbnail. your caloric needs are calculated. Now you have track what you eat and make sure it's under the calories you need which is 2018. Dont eat chat and junk foods for which you cannot track calories. You can track the calories in Idly , rice , chapattis by googling them and get a rough estimate.

As far as diet goes. Eat Rice / Chapattis / Idly - keep cheese to a lesser extent . dont want to change your diet too drastically cause many wont follow it . now these items , you eat, you need to make sure you eat them in a quantitiy that allow you to stay under your caloric needs. After 1 or 2 weeks you can start reducing the calories or increasing the exercise.

Use myfitnesspal to track calories.


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Where did you hear this? Working out for 6 days a week is only for steroid users? Dont give out such advice. I workout 6 days a week , with a good diet it is very profitable. I've been doing this for the past 3 - 4 years. I'm pretty sure there many people out there that do the same too. Of course if you are on a shitty diet , dont you expect the same.
Profitable = ?
You mean to say that you have put on say 20 kg of muscles in this 3-4 years period with your 6 day routine, but you would've put only 5 kg of muscle if you were doing something less? And therefore ssslayer is an idiot and is giving wrong advice.

Do you know why and when people (bodybuilders) started moving towards 6 day workouts? What were they doing before this 6 days obsession with gym and weights?

Since you have already done working out 3-4 years, let the thread know how is your progression (weights or reps) with various lifts like squats/deadlifts/benchpress/overheadpress/pullups etc per week. Is it two reps per week (keeping the load same), is it 2 kg per week (keeping the reps same)? One rep? 5 reps? 10 kg?
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Profitable = ?
You mean to say that you have put on say 20 kg of muscles in this 3-4 years period with your 6 day routine, but you would've put only 5 kg of muscle if you were doing something less? And therefore ssslayer is an idiot and is giving wrong advice.

Do you know why and when people (bodybuilders) started moving towards 6 day workouts? What were they doing before this 6 days obsession with gym and weights?

Since you have already done working out 3-4 years, let the thread know how is your progression (weights or reps) with various lifts like squats/deadlifts/benchpress/overheadpress/pullups etc per week. Is it two reps per week (keeping the load same), is it 2 kg per week (keeping the reps same)? One rep? 5 reps? 10 kg?

Slayer I didn't mean to be offensive. But 6 days routines are not only for people on PED's as you so confidently claim.

Progressive overload is very much part my gym routine. The 20kg / 5 kg example makes no sense. I didn't mean that. I'm not gonna make a long post boasting about the weights I move. But I sure damm assure you that I have a better body than you.
Can anyone point to a fitness focussed forum?
I have just started walking in the morning and want to graduate to running. This is for losing weight.
Slayer I didn't mean to be offensive. But 6 days routines are not only for people on PED's as you so confidently claim.

Progressive overload is very much part my gym routine. The 20kg / 5 kg example makes no sense. I didn't mean that. I'm not gonna make a long post boasting about the weights I move. But I sure damm assure you that I have a better body than you.
Sorry but better body than person A or B is purely genetics.
You can only compare with yourself before you started lifting weights in order to measure the efficacy.
If you are living under illusion that lifting weights turn an ordinary guy into Hritik Roshan or Salman Khan or the Wolverine guy - it's time to wake up.

And that is the reason why I used hypothetical 20 kg gain vs 5. That is the only way to qualify whether working out 3 days a week is really less effective compared to working out 6 or 7 days a week! I didn't exactly say that working out 6 days a week is absolutely useless - because I added that one can provided his no. of exercises and sets are low.

Even the professional BB worldwide (heavily into steroids and Growth Hormone) do mostly 4 days (perhaps some add in one more day) a week. What then makes us mere mortal think about more than this?

AND, perhaps you will feel offended by this - but are you insinuating that even after working out for 4 years you are still able to make progression in major compound lifts???
Even the professional BB worldwide (heavily into steroids and Growth Hormone) do mostly 4 days (perhaps some add in one more day) a week. What then makes us mere mortal think about more than this?

AND, perhaps you will feel offended by this - but are you insinuating that even after working out for 4 years you are still able to make progression in major compound lifts???

I agree with you on the first part of your post now that you explained.

But the part i've quoted you on is absolutely wrong. I know this through my own experiences and I know this through a friend of mine who is a Professional bodybuilder and is also the 2013 Mr India in 65 Kg category . There are a lot of training variables you can change up and deload weeks which can be added to your routine to make this very possible. I'm sorry , but you have no idea what you are talking about,at least when it comes to the fact that 'training 6 days a week is not possible' . about the weights , of course after 4 years they will stall and increments come in very very slow. This is bodybuilding not powerlifting where hypertrophy is important not max loads on every day of the week, mostly powerlifers tend to hit the gym around 4 times max , since their training loads are at 90 % pretty much the whole week. Overtraning is so hyped.
through a friend of mine who is a Professional bodybuilder and is also the 2013 Mr India in 65 Kg category .
Your friend doesn't take a heady mix of steroids?
If he admits, ask him when he started on it and why.

There are a lot of training variables you can change up and deload weeks which can be added to your routine to make this very possible. I'm sorry , but you have no idea what you are talking about,at least when it comes to the fact that 'training 6 days a week is not possible' . about the weights , of course after 4 years they will stall and increments come in very very slow.

The point that I was trying to make (perhaps I was too subtle) and therefore everyone keeps missing is this:

1. A natural person can do whatever he want when he starts - he can start doing powerlifting routine, bodybuilding routine, calisthenics, olympics weightlifting - well let me be more specific - he can do Rippetoes program, Arnold's routine, Dorian Yates program, Doggcrapp training, 5/3/1, Lee Haney routine, Steve Reeves routine, 20-rep squat and GOMAD, anything else you can think of. He will progress with weights as well as build muscles till he comes close to his genetic limit. This happens at roughly 2-3 years into training. If someone has been a pussy and going to gym to only ogle/fetch girls then perhaps he may take 10 years.

2. The reason why this happens in because human bodies (as well as other animals) have very limited amount of growth hormone and testosterone in their blood. Therefore the body cannot keep synthesizing proteins any more than what genetically it can do. This is very similar to height. You can only grow (by overfeeding your self) to your set genetic limit of height. You can keep yourself BELOW this genetic limit by underfeeding during your <20 yrs phase. But no matter what you do the only what to increase your height beyond will require extra growth hormone in your blood.

3. In the process of getting to this point of stagnation - if you do strength training you will gain less visible muscular mass. If you do bodybuilding type of training you will gain more visible muscular mass. Why? Because in case of strength training you are using increased nervous efficiency to lift more weight. But in case of bodybuilder type of training you HAVE to grow muscles to lift more weight (or increase reps). But then a person can easily make a switch from one to another any time.

4. You want to progress further? Eat MOAR. ... and get fat. Getting fat while training is a sure shot way of gaining strength as well as muscles.

5. Usually at this stage most people start switching programs and start looking for magical elixir that will make them look like Wolverine. Well well well, this is when some intelligent (or perhaps aware/connected) people realize that the magic is in hormones. In comes testosterone / deca injections and/or dianabol pills. Suddenly in course of 1-2 months the person starts seeing progress again - just like when he started training. And gains 5-10 kg of mass. If you take blood test of this person at this moment - the amount of anabolic steroids will be about 100 times more than a natural person. And the cycles continue. (LOAD = take steroids, DELOAD = you are off steroids). You have to do this otherwise your testes will stop making testosterone forever. The only way to keep progressing is to keep taking ever increasing boat loads of steroids. Till your blood sample anabolic steroids reach about 1000 times more than a natural.

6. Now what do you do? You take growth hormone and insulin. Remember the point no.4 above, Eat Moar = increase insulin naturally. Here we take additional insulin shots like a diabetic patient. You will again start pushing the limits. Of course since insulin doesn't discriminate against fat, you will have to take in T3 also.

7. The Mr Natural of point no 4 will start his "cutting" and in due course lose all the gain he has put in while getting fat. Because our bodies are genetically programmed for certain set points of muscular mass. As I said the only way to increase this set point is to gain fat. You lose fat, you will lose muscles. Simple. UNLESS you start taking trenbolone and you will start looking like a bit like Hritik Roshan. (You will actually look like Hritik Roshan if you went on Point no.5 and now starts taking trenbolone perhaps better - like Wolverine)

8. Continuing from point 6 If you had superb genetics you can enter Mr India or even Olympia by now. If you have a poor genetic makeup you will look like a shredded bouncer. Of course don't forget massive dosages of Trenbolone ever. The most important hormone.

9. Now my point about 6 days a week or 2 days a week. I said it in the point 2& 3 above that you will anyway reach your genetic potential in say less than 5 years time. Does it make any difference whether you are doing 6 days a week or 2 days a week? So why do you want to waste your time? Besides, once you are near to your genetic limits, you can drop working out to even once a week and not see any worsening of physique / strength.

Bodybuilders can profit from doing more workouts because they have special thing in them in abundance which allows their bodies to keep utilizing the proteins in your blood stream and actually build muscles (and therefore strength also) - the special thing called hormones.
In spite of this most bodybuilders prefer working out only two days in succession. That means about 4-5 days per week.

This is also the reason why all protein supplements are big BIG SHAM. Hokum. Lies. A natural person's body running on depleted testosterone (compared to a bodybuilder) cannot make use of this extra protein. That is why it cannot build muscles also.

Also remember ANY goddamn person on this earth who walks with 4 pack or 6 pack AND looks muscular HAS taken steroids.
You need trenbolone at the very least to sport a ripped physique.

There is an exception to this:
A person who in his late teen (and has not touched any steroids) has naturally sporting shredded physique. This bastard naturally has a good hormone profile and is quite lean. BUT even he will never look muscular. He will look like those small and lean martial arts / boxer guys.

BTW to everyone - here is a sure shot way to know whether the person is on roids or not: Check his trapezius and lateral detoids. If they are bigger compared to other muscles of his/her body and also compared to a normal untrained person of his/her size - you can be dead sure.
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Your friend doesn't take a heady mix of steroids?
If he admits, ask him when he started on it and why.

Sorry man , don't have time to read your whole post honestly . And my friend takes PED's for obvious reasons , he's a professional bodybuilder. You seem to over think everything . My point was simple , even natural guys can do 6 days a week while you disagreed. No amount of 'reading books' and 'watching youtube videos' ,which is the vibe i get off you ,will get you the knowledge about your body and what it's capable of . I know mine and being around the bodybuilding scene along with my friend who trains a lot of clients , BB is simple , once you know it. And knowing part comes with time in the gym and understanding your body. And if anyone looked at my body they know that I know what I'm talking about.
Also remember ANY goddamn person on this earth who walks with 4 pack or 6 pack AND looks muscular HAS taken steroids.

BTW to everyone - here is a sure shot way to know whether the person is on roids or not: Check his trapezius and lateral detoids. If they are bigger compared to other muscles of his/her body and also compared to a normal untrained person of his/her size - you can be dead sure.

Really ? Any scientific evidence/explanation to back up your o_Oextraordinary claims ??? :cool:
Really ? Any scientific evidence/explanation to back up your o_Oextraordinary claims ??? :cool:
I think you missed the exception part in my post.

Anyway the scientific explanation?
For survival stamina is most important criteria not strength.
For mating (to fight and kill other males) strength is the more important criteria than stamina.
Human body is not designed to look like a bodybuilder. It is more designed to look like a marathon runner.
Huge muscles + 6 pack means very high level of muscles and low body fat. Not something that a body would afford to keep in order to survive.
Also if we see mating angle (strength to fight other males) you don't require low body fat to achieve this. Something similar to champion warriors / wrestlers of older age.

For survival big muscles + low body fat is the worst possible scenario to be in.

If you really want to see how freaks of nature (with respect to muscles and strength) look like (something that you cannot achieve unless you were born with this genetic makeup - and believe me you realize all this within first few years of teenage growth):
Saxon brothers:

Eugene Sandow:

Gama (Indian wrestler):

George Hackensmidt (by the way 'Hack squats' were used and first popularized by him):

Herman Gorner:

Charles Atlas:

The only thing that has really changed from that period to now is hormones.
Testosterone was available from 1940s onwards. (This was when the first spurt of growth was observed in all weightlifting/powerlifting/bodybuilding crowd - Grimek, Reg Park, Steve Reeves)
Dianabol was available from 1960s onwards. (This was when the second spurt of growth was observed in the above competitions - Larry Scot, taken further by Sergio Olivia and Arnold)
And myriads of other chemicals like Growth hormone from 1980s onwards (again another spurt of growth - Mentzer, taken further by Lee Haney)
And usage of Insulin from 1990s onwards (another spurt - Dorian Yates, Nasser, taken further by Ronnie Coleman)

By the way from the pictures do you see an underlying theme?
1. None of them have overpowering trap and lateral deltoids. In fact except Eugene Sandow no one actually looks ripped (in today's standards)!
2. Each one of them has a thick blocky waist - this is a barometer of how strong you will be genetically - and how much muscles you can put on naturally.

Both these points are quite contrary to what gym instructors will be instructing you to do (because everyone has painted a wrong ideal picture in their minds):
a) do 4 super sets of lateral raise with press (to improve the shoulder width)
b) do 6 sets of shrug (to improve the traps)
c) do 10 sets of crunches/situps (to chisel the abs)

Sorry, what you require is a shot of injection in the butts is what the gym instructors will never tell you.

You want to see what happens when someone starts injecting very very mild dosage of testosterone (Steve Reeves)?

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Looking forward to buying some weight for working out at home ( I live in a remote village)

Haven't ever been to a gym but I play football and have a decent healthy body because of playing. In fact the reason I'm buying the weights is because I might not be able to play anymore :(

No idea about such things, Googled, there's a 100kg gym set available for 7k, BodyMaxx

Is there any particular good brand or things I should look for, or just go with it.
Looking forward to buying some weight for working out at home ( I live in a remote village)

Haven't ever been to a gym but I play football and have a decent healthy body because of playing. In fact the reason I'm buying the weights is because I might not be able to play anymore :(

No idea about such things, Googled, there's a 100kg gym set available for 7k, BodyMaxx

Is there any particular good brand or things I should look for, or just go with it.
Dont get those. they are rubber. Shitty quality and practically unusable. Get locally. They will be costly. But get ones with iron inside and rubber coating. They are generally available in colours and have gaps for grip.
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Looking forward to buying some weight for working out at home ( I live in a remote village)

Haven't ever been to a gym but I play football and have a decent healthy body because of playing. In fact the reason I'm buying the weights is because I might not be able to play anymore :(

No idea about such things, Googled, there's a 100kg gym set available for 7k, BodyMaxx

Is there any particular good brand or things I should look for, or just go with it.

i once saw an account, on Ross Enamait's blog, of some under-privileged but enthusiastic African bodybuilders, fabricating and using equipment from discarded machinery and scrap material, as well as that of a trainee from an Italian village, who had constructed a whole open-air gym in his garden/backyard from such material!
but the above info was just meant to be a morale-booster for us! :)

i couldn't see pics of the bodymaxx weights, but i have such weights as party monger mentioned; bad quality rubber weights, which left soot-like residue on the hands upon training with them, and also left chips of rubber here-and-there! i had purchased them as a package, with a bench and a couple of rods and dumbbells, for some 4k from ebay 3 years back. had to get the rubber-weights covered with rexine from a local bag-maker/repairer. atleast that was a good decision!
what PM has suggested is what i would suggest too. get those rubber-coated weight-plates. they look like steering wheels. i think atleast rockfella here has those. might be costlier, but would be better. though yes, the rubber-coating on them would also wear off with time and usage, but they're good anyway, esp. if you go on to practice some heavy compound movements and slam the weights down on a pucca/tiled floor later on. ;)
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Gained around 2.7Kgs over the last 3 weeks of Holiday. :) :) :( :(. Weight hovering around 86Kgs. haven't seen this high in last 1 year. Cant exercise for few days either.. bad back. :(. Guess strict diet the way to go. :( :(.