The Indian Education 'System'

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Many of our teachers are so pathetic the only way they can impart decent education is through memorization.

The concept of learning through understanding is great and is the correct approach but without teachers of sufficient calibre or at least interest that kind of thing falls flat badly. One of my neighbor kids(5th std) had come to my house to do homework and when asked to add 8 + 13 made 8 notches and then 13 notches and then started counting the notches. A 7th standard one when asked to add fractions 1/2 + 2/3 quickly came up with 3/5 as the answer. Forget about anyone knowing multiplication tables coz that's learning by memorization... they took 10 minutes to locate USA and England on a world map.

Now I was under the impression that this was coz they were weak students but after going through their textbooks I realized that that wasn't the case. They've discarded the godly NCERT based text books in favor of a watered down verbose version which doesn't bother properly teaching fundamentals and gives way too much examples that simply end up confusing students rather than helping(this is wrt the current kerala syllabus). Anyone else from Kerala care to comment? I was so pissed as to how they could allow that crap to pass as a textbook... those combined with useless disinterested teachers is a real deadly combo :@
"Quantity Over Quality" > That's our education system.

My history syllabus in school included indian independence and world war 2. Sadly, I never paid attention to history lessons back then and I can't imagine what I wrote in the answer sheets. I used to take 2-3 supplements besides the main answer sheets so I know I probably filled it with a lot of crap, more crap than it can handle.

But today, saying that I'm interested in history would be an understatement. I think our school teachers failed to create any interest in the minds of the children about a subject or any subject. I think an over-whelming majority of indian students complete their schooling years doing ratta-bazi. I know people who completed their graduations doing ratta-bazi. I know many people who completed their two years of management studies from top institutes of mumbai doing nothing more than ppt presentations(useless technical stuff). The HR profession in india must really be stressful.
Corporate system. This ruined our education system in a very short period. There are schools that impart good education now a days also . The christian missionary schools they are still maintaining their standards. the corporate schools are cheating the parents by giving the question paper before the exam and the students are getting 90+%---> parent happy, institute happy. Most of the corporate schools dont even have a ground. School does not become complete without a ground. IIT Foundation - Just saying this single word they are just stealing the parents pockets. Whenever this corporate system starts to fail that is the first sign of improvement of indian education system.
Nowadays the motto is on passing and scoring high marks. Nobody cares how you do it as long as you get 95% plus (and looking at the current scenario, that's the mediocre percentage most students nowadays end up getting /pokerface). The whole concept of "Education for Life" has gone down to "Education for Exams". Even the students follow the motto of ratte-bazi throughout their graduation. Who can blame them poor kids who with so many things shoved down their throat.

It's high time education goes through a stratification process and starts building on core fundamentals rather than pure memorization.
Why do we have to learn so much useless stuff? I am doing BTec and 75% of the stuff are outdated but still its included in the syllabus because thats what the teachers used to learn.Some of the equipments in our lab are more than 40 years old.
As far as few new practical applications being developed, I guess our conservative mindset, limited resources for r&d and lack of any real industry participation in campuses could be to blame.

what you said it all correct if speaking in objective terms..

but most of the times it is the parents and society.

The compulsion of competing against each other where results matter more than knowledge and where figures matter more than ability.

Do you not think it is the responsibility of not only the paid teacher but also the guardians who kids look after big time?

Kids are not capable of comprehending these things but adults are..what if the adults are just trying to make their kids what they themselves could not be?

Many parents take this as an opportunity to live a 2nd life game and they go as far as demotivating the kids by judging by results and not by efforts just because the neighbour's kid apparently excelled.
^^ I agree. Also, I've seen many parents dead set on starting their kids academic education at as young as 3 years old which imo does way more bad than good. imo there is absolutely no disadvantage to a kid who learns reading/writing/math after 5(and that is the age where most cognitive studies agree a child develops ablity to properly relate abstracts things like the alphabet to its sound and meaning to a grouping of alphabets) as opposed to one that is forced into starting at 3 but since your neighbor is doing it we have to do it as well.

@nikhilesh; dunno who you mean by "they" but I guess I could as well change it to "me" :D
I am doing engg. and i am in the 4th year and i will say that this kind of education system is the worst thing i have ever seen.I mean i learn more in a month by myself then spending 3 years in college.The kind of subjects and teachers we have in colleges are just pathetic.Earlier i was thinking of dropping out and in the end i am completing this just for the sake of the degree.
I agree and respect the opinions presented here. That is just one side of the story.

It's true that teaching should be made interesting, but is it worth the effort? The kind of passionate teachers/profs you get to see are a rare breed because the upcoming teachers are paid shit.

I was horrified to see the living conditions of some of my profs, rooms twice the size of hostel rooms you and I would complain about. But atleast for students those are temp for 4years, that shit room was her "Home". Maybe she was average at her job but living like that should not be anybody's fate. Do not talk about the frustrations teachers have in their teaching job.

Problem is that many of our teachers don't have money mentality, they should be more professional. Administrations suck the life out of both teachs and students and make money off it. They'll make even the sane ones go insane.
^ that's mostly true.Its the problem with the system itself but IMO the mentality of students as well as teachers leads us to these problems.. :(
I think the role of teachers should be reduced in the first place.


1.)Ask the teacher to assign you a certain portion.

2.)Read that portion right in front of the teacher,without him/her disturbing you.

3.)If you have doubts get it clarified from the teacher.

4.)Write a test on that subject matter right in front of the teacher.

If you score decently on that test,it means that the teacher was required only to make the test paper and clear your doubts.

Why the hell should one have to go to his/her class ?

Teachers are also required in labs because fresh students do not know how to use the equipment there and also need other forms of assistance sometimes.
Is the education system that bad now? hmm. If its true then everyone's to blame. The people making the syllabus, teachers, students, parents, government, corporates.
If corporates didn't want only engineers for unrelated jobs like software programming etc, then this wouldn't be happening.
Anyone seeing the drift here? Hardly any commerce, science or arts people graduating now compared to 10 years before. Most probably in next 10 years, there wont be any science or arts streams. Just commerce and engineering directly after 10th.
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