I myself got into share market in october last year. I must say with some dedication and tracking, one can get far more returns in share market compared to FD. I have put only 10% of my money in share market and I play just do trading in that amount. I got myself an edelweiss brokerage account, the broker calls me with recommendations and does transactions on my behalf. so does not affect my day time job as well. Here is what i have learned from my experience till know.
1. Brokerage houses give you 5 times the coverage for intra day trades. Stay away from that!! If you have 10K, buy worth 10K only.
2. Always keep booking profits.
3. Dont let your ego come in the way of booking a loss. Share prices do fall. If the share is making a significant loss, may be its time to get out and put the money on some other share.
4. Be early to catch the news. For e.g Network 18 has been taken over by RIL. As soon as the news came, the stock zoomed 35%
There are also tax saving bank FDs which will probably give the same returns as an NSC.
Do they provide premature withdrawal?