funkymonkey said:
undertaker dude, noone expected Nvidia cards run so well in HL2. But HL2 is one of the best coded piece of game when it comes to graphics. Even FX card run preety well. Try running farcry on 5900U with AA and AF enabled.
Farcry ran like crap compared to my 9800XT. Almost every graphically good DX9 game sucked on 5900U when you crank up the details.
HL2 needs to reload every 5-10minutes, Farcry could fit 10 HL2 levels in a single level and not sweat.
And don't forget HL2 doesn't use advanced effects even half as much as FarCry.
There was some excellent shader work in glass panels and water but those levels especially reloaded less than every 500mts only leading one to believe that Source cannot handle large maps at all.
I could be horribly wrong but I base this off HL2 and Bloodlines which everyone has experienced.
The game only had the most amazing artwork I have seen yet (hi-res photo texture work stuck on every wall/skybox).
It gave 40+fps on my 8500 at 1280x960 16xAF everything high except textures at medium.
Farcry on the other hand has HUGE levels, virtually neverending 3D vegetation, complex AI pathing + advanced shaders all running in one single map.
Inspite of all this, it also ran very good on my 8500 at 1152x864 medium to high details (water@medium, texutres@high), around 40 outdoors, and 70-80 indoors.
Ofcourse who gives a damn how it's done when the end result ends up looking good, but to say Source is the most efficient engine around is wrong.
If it's curent record is anything to go by, it must be the most inefficient one.