The Photography Thread !

Wilma from the Flintstones, :).
Btw, just curious....... did you ask for her permission before taking the photo?
Here in australia, you can take any photo in public place and dont really need to ask permission(little careful about kids). but some people get grouchy but most of them dont mind. Here I didnt ask and usually I dont ask permission because when you tell them that you are taking a pic, they try to smile. I like taking candid portraits.
Wilma from the Flintstones, :).
Btw, just curious....... did you ask for her permission before taking the photo?
Here in australia, you can take any photo in public place and dont really need to ask permission(little careful about kids). but some people get grouchy but most of them dont mind. Here I didnt ask and usually I dont ask permission because when you tell them that you are taking a pic, they try to smile. I like taking candid portraits.

IRL her hair and lips looked stunning red. :)
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Guys I am new to photography and use a humble advanced point and shoot. Still figuring out how to tinker with manual settings to get the best out of it. Most of the times I get a black or a white ghost images :P.
However, when I used auto mode, while autofocussing the picture is quite bright but once I click image it comes out dull. Tinkering with ISO doesn't seem to do the trick. Any pointers to what I can do here ?
Here is what I use...
For me depth of field is important than the other stuff so I keep the camera in the aperture priority mode. for potraits and objects which require highlighting, I try to get the lowest fstop. for e.g., portraits go down to 2.8 fstop and then let the camera select all the other stuff like shutter and iso. if you go beyond 6400 iso (in my camera), the images tend to become unusable. so I set the auto iso max to 6400.

Autofocus.. never trust the autofocus unless you are shooting something fast moving. like children. I use focus peeking a lot on my camera. (if canon, install magic lantern)

dont shoot manual unless its absolutely necessary. it requires tinkering 4 parameters and you lose the moment most of the time. so in my case, the aperture and focus are two dials on the lens(manual range finder lens) and the rest of the stuff is selected by the camera. if I feel the photo is dull, I turn up the +- dial to increase the light.

The legends of street photography used to use rangefinder lenses and set the focus to pre determined distance(something like 3 meters) and then set the f stop to 8 (for a decent depth of field) and take shots.
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Here in australia, you can take any photo in public place and dont really need to ask permission(little careful about kids). but some people get grouchy but most of them dont mind. Here I didnt ask and usually I dont ask permission because when you tell them that you are taking a pic, they try to smile. I like taking candid portraits.

IRL her hair and lips looked stunning red. :)
Nice to know that the Aussies are cool about it. :cool:

I asked because it did seem as if it was a candid shot taken while she was walking past. But at the same time, it's a close-up. So I was wondering how you managed it, :).

@aquaticbullet Why not post some samples? Others might then be able to look at the exif & say what needs tweaking. Another thing you could do is compare shots from Auto mode (provided they come out correctly exposed) with the ones taken manually & pick out the differences in the exif. Lastly, start learning post-processing in PShop bit by bit along with learning the camera stuff. That way you'll know what you can get away with in the field, & still achieve the image you set out to get in your mind's eye.
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I asked because it did seem as if it was a candid shot taken while she was walking past. But at the same time, it's a close-up. So I was wondering how you managed it, :).
she was standing and talking to someone hence the sharp photo. I had like 20seconds to focus and I managed 4-5shots.
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how do I upload pics out here... not able to figure it out..

Flickr link just doesnt work here... :/
In flickr, share using the BB code option. Use the size "large" for best compromise between picture size and page load time. That's how I'm doing it.
^go crazy. this was taken using the kit 28-70 lens hence the shitty quality. Anyways... Do you want raw file? It is some 30mb dng file.[DOUBLEPOST=1423046164][/DOUBLEPOST]

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^go crazy. this was taken using the kit 28-70 lens hence the shitty quality. Anyways... Do you want raw file? It is some 30mb dng file
Thanks. Ha ha, I'm not some master editor who can work his magic if given a raw file, :). All I wanted was to be able to mainly crop the image & thus arrive at what I hope is a better composition. But of course, you be the judge!


Credit: Image by @booo

I just felt that there was too much going on that took away attention from the girl. For instance, the jeans brand tag, the 3 spots on the back pocket that form a triangle, the sofa, the fan etc. So I just set out to try & "fix" that, :).

Now, this is all subjective. So I can understand you or anyone else disagreeing or disliking my version. I can also understand that the shot through the legs is a fun shot for the photographer because he caught the moment. & for the audience, it is one of those cute moments. But I felt the need to crop it because as is, it would definitely be family album-worthy, but not wall-hanging-worthy, imo.

Anyhoo, I'm open to criticism, of course. In fact, I'd appreciate critique so that we all can at least get something from the process. Cheers.
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Nice One! Location?

Why not push the lighter side a bit more & try & convert what seems to be a cloudy day into a sunny one? The range (from light to dark) seems a bit limited at the moment. Why not try & push it a bit more & see if some drama can be added?

& is it my monitor or are the shadows a bit too dark?

& goes without saying, simply cloning out those people would improve the image a lot!
Nice One! Location?

Why not push the lighter side a bit more & try & convert what seems to be a cloudy day into a sunny one? The range (from light to dark) seems a bit limited at the moment. Why not try & push it a bit more & see if some drama can be added?

& is it my monitor or are the shadows a bit too dark?

& goes without saying, simply cloning out those people would improve the image a lot!

Location is Kodaichadri, Karnataka

I got the point you are trying to convey but I have very limited skills with PP... So I try to get the best out of a pic with what I know in PP... Tried few tutorials via google but its tough to follow... :)[DOUBLEPOST=1423165749][/DOUBLEPOST]16 by redlogo2089, on Flickr

Herez another one....
I got the point you are trying to convey but I have very limited skills with PP... So I try to get the best out of a pic with what I know in PP... Tried few tutorials via google but its tough to follow... :)
If you keep at it, you'll surely find that Photoshop gets easier. I'd suggest learning about masking, & adjustment layers 1st before tackling anything else. Just those two in combination will give you almost 80-90% control over your images.

By the way, I took your pic & tried my take on it. Hope you don't mind. ..... & hope you like it, :)


Credit: Image by latino_ansari

PS: I can share the Photoshop file if you want.
If you keep at it, you'll surely find that Photoshop gets easier. I'd suggest learning about masking, & adjustment layers 1st before tackling anything else. Just those two in combination will give you almost 80-90% control over your images.

By the way, I took your pic & tried my take on it. Hope you don't mind. ..... & hope you like it, :)

PS: I can share the Photoshop file if you want.

Whoa that looks awesome... Do share the psd file... It should help me with my future endeavors...