The Photography Thread !

@foccy: Sensational shot of the EP-630s. Looks straight out of a 60s A/V magazine or something. Damn cool.

@nukeu: Dude. You had the chance of a great shot there... :( The focus got missed on the second shot and the flash totally messes up the lighting..what cam are u using? is it possible to bounce the flash somehow? u can do great stuff by bouncing the flash - macro is all about lighting and focus, so you need to be darn picky in which part of the millimetres available you are gonna focus on and what kinda lighting you are looking for. :)

Previously I thought macros were only good at the wide-end of the zoom, but after experiment with my H2...I find max-zoomed macros to be much more interesting. The extremely shallow dofs at this zoom levels (12x) with the really close distance (1m or a shade more) make for some very cool snaps. :)

Of Bugs, Toys and all such creatures - mighty and small.
(a short photo post :D )


Sci-Fi Bug:








A Mantis's Last Prayer. :D

I've missed posting here. Some great snaps here in the last few pages by Smith...stunning stuff. :)

you collect bugs? :p

how did you get the bees to sit on the peg? mind control?

cam is an s3, had to crop out most of the pic because flash couldnt reach the bottom half of the pic...gotta make me a ring flash sometime
Smith said:
p.s: Could someone pls overlay the following two pics to get a properly exposed picture (sky + terrain) ? TIA :)

I tried something in ps, but seems that the two images are taken from two diff angles and heights or cropped differently. You can make out a halo effect near the top trees if u look closely. thats where the trees/foliage dont match with the cloud. :(

Rahul, picture two is AMAZING!

Superbly captured, maybe if you could have gotten a hint of the kids faces it would have really enhanced it, but even the overall exposure, absolutely spot-on metering by the S3, lovely picture!

@ Masky - ZMA naa :p
Rahul - wat bike? :O

wiseorotherwise - well timed.. used a tripod? :eek:hyeah:

BD - diya pics have come out very well.. :thumb:

AK3D - nice collection n albums.. will check complete album later :D
TheMask said:
Rahul - wat bike? :O

wiseorotherwise - well timed.. used a tripod? :eek:hyeah:

BD - diya pics have come out very well.. :thumb:

AK3D - nice collection n albums.. will check complete album later :D

Thanks so much, Masky :) And no, did not use a tripod. I rested my cam on a wall.

Shutter Speed: 10 Sec

Aperture: f/8

ISO: 100
Photographer said:
^ Looks like u enjoyed your divali

yup i did :D

bluediamond said:

u took those with phone cam :-O

Anish said:
Rahul, picture two is AMAZING!

Superbly captured, maybe if you could have gotten a hint of the kids faces it would have really enhanced it, but even the overall exposure, absolutely spot-on metering by the S3, lovely picture!

@ Masky - ZMA naa :p

thanks anish :)

TheMask said:
Rahul - wat bike? :O

wiseorotherwise - well timed.. used a tripod? :eek:hyeah:

BD - diya pics have come out very well.. :thumb:

AK3D - nice collection n albums.. will check complete album later :D

its a Karizma mask :) ....