The post your in-game screenshots (Console Version)

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I tries it, but it doesnt work for ingame screenshots :(

I took few XMb ss, thats it???

also Mr. Whatsinaname....there is no instruction of fiddling with Flash0 ???

plz help :)
xXx said:
I tries it, but it doesnt work for ingame screenshots :(
I took few XMb ss, thats it???
also Mr. Whatsinaname....there is no instruction of fiddling with Flash0 ???

plz help :)

You must enable both options in recovery menu - [vsh] and [game]. If you forget to enable the game option, the screenshots wont work ingame.

(When you enable in the recovery mode, the plugins (.prx files) get loaded into falsh. All you need to be safe is check for compatibility.)
I did enable both the .prx files in recovery menu. but it only let me capture in XMB mode, not in game mode, which CFW ur using???
Here we go, around 40 screens of my session in Warhawk today. Shutter speed of N81 is crappy so you will see shadows in lots of screens, as well as the angle is messed up but its the best I could do before I get capture card solution.

Just hoped in the server.
And roasted a guy :P

You should be able to see two guys inside, one is with our flag and the other is protecting him. Split second after I clicked this pick, I killed both of them with a single grenade throw in the bunker (was thinking of sneaking up but they saw me lol)

Just blown out of the sky with an RPG

And now clearing the skies with an RPG :P
Riding with Lacemagic, who's currently Ranked 2 in Zones rankings, with me on No.14 (its no child's play, lot of time and sweat went into it :P )

Normally I don't score this low, I'm usually Rank 1 in most games :P Like this one here
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SNES and GBA emulator. I used one of the guides posted on TE.
post the link so that i can use the emulators to play contra:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Thanks. This game has kept me busy for the past 4 months, with little breaks in between I just finished Uncharted, went halfway through Resistance and Assass's Creed and came back to WH. I'll probably rent Lost Via Domus or Army of Two next, next I'll post screenies of those.
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