The scam that is Maggi Double Masala

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I am experimenting to make the Maggi Masala....then I will become King.

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GuruGulabKhatri said:
This Thread Ran 3 pages...seriously????

Bcoz of comments like yours :P

(And Mine like these :ashamed: )
Chings is good as well. I used to add two spoons of soya sauce to my noodles to give them flavour and colour.
This page just shows geeks are lonely and literally live on noodles :p. Hence the 3 pages..... And I have to agree, maggi is pretty much extruded flour these days. No taste whatsoever. I found sunfeast noodles better, but I got bore with that too.. Will try Chings now I guess.
^^^We prefer living on noodles because they are cheap and can be made with minimum fuss leaving us to focus on more important things like gaming and helping us save money to buy new hardware. if you have a problem with that you are in the wrong place and you will be torn to shreds!
Roxtin said:
Am living on Nissin Cup Noodle / Souperoni these days :P

Cup Noodles is on a completely different page altogether. Probably the best noodles I've ever tasted, pity the quantity and the quality of the bottom of the noodles sucks :(
fire said:
Maggi has always been too bland for me.. Top Ramen Curry FTW

I liked Top Ramen but since 2-3 months (or maybe more) they've changed the recipe and now it taste's shit (like maggi). Anyone know why? 0.o
My favorite is still Tom Ramen Curry and Maggi Chicken...And add a little Maggi Hot and Sweet Sauce and any noodles starts tasting good... :P

Also, you can add some chicken nuggets into the recipe for super awesome taste :)
Tried Top Ramen curry after reading all the recommendations in this thread , hated it , also tried maggi capsica , was better than masala
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