The Spartacus Discussion Thread ! (Spoilers Alert)

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This was due a long time. A separate thread for the masterpiece !
What started with a lukewarm Episode, later had me waiting with bathed breath for Saturdays so that I could catch another episode of this series.
Just saw the Finale and have to say it was completely earth-shattering !!!
Though there were plenty of loopholes, like people conveniently ending up at the right place at the right time, you have to admit it, you too wanted it so ! eg. Aurelia with Numerius. Crixus with the Domina etc.
The end was unexpected and I am curious to see the path which Season 2 would take.
Ashur is still alive, so he could spring a return as an antagonist. So will Glaber I guess, now that his arch-rival has his own army, which actually includes Doctore and the Champion of Capua, The Gaul, Crixus :clap::clap:

God, hope Andy recovers soon, and we get Season 2 ASAP !!!!

Edit: Mods, In the title, please put Spartacus in quotes. Else it looks odd.
A totally mindfcuking finale. I was not expecting them all to die in just a span of a single episode. I guess it was done due to the uncertainty of the show's future because of Andy's condition. But even if the show doesn't return, it will probably become one of the best and coolest mini-series ever.
I request the mods to transfer all Spartacus related posts from the TV Discussion thread over here.

Back to the topic, that 'Jump over shield' Maneuver was awesome ! It was quite similar to Poetry in Motion done by the Hardy Boys in WWE :)
But I don't think Lucretia is dead. Well, it would be a shame if the series doesn't go into Season 2. There are plans for a prequel though with a much younger Spartacus. But Spartacus without Batiatus would be yuck ! :P
@ Bluffy : Not surprising man. Afterall, the episode was titled " KILL THEM ALL " :D

the 1st is the worst. I too was going to stop. But then thought that I should give 1 more episode a try. Thank God, I did !
udayrulz said:
I saw the first episode and thought it was utter gash , does it improve later on ?

the first couple of episodes are really cheap. soft porn + lame action sequences with overdone slow motion and what not. the show gets much better after that though.
I always had faith in this show despite its fckall start.

Glad i was not disappointed. The twists and turns have been entertaining, plus everyone got their revenge so i was very satisfied :p
The finale was insane. Hope they bring out Season 2 pretty soon. I think the start wasn't bad either. The first episode had it's lousy moment's but the end part was the best. That' what got me interested in this show.

In the finale episode, when Doctore says "Crixus, What is this madness?" It almost reminded me of his dialogue in 300, before he gets kicked into the 'Well of Doom'. :P
In the finale episode, when Doctore says "Crixus, What is this madness?" It almost reminded me of his dialogue in 300, before he gets kicked into the 'Well of Doom'.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Crixus should have yelled back "Madness....?? This is Spartaaaaaaaaaaaacus..!!"

An interesting ending with several loose ends to pull the series into a second season. There is still a lot left in the history of Spartacus. Hope the next season comes soon enough.
I actually thought the the Finale went as expected.. :o And IMO there could not have been a better Finale than this even though there were no surprises..
Totally off topic but i cudnt resist :ohyeah:

gizmoholic said:
After a PRISON BREAK, I and my FRIENDS ,got LOST, ended up at a place called JERICHO where something SUPERNATURAL happened & we were worshipped as HEROES ! and kids thats HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER...:ohyeah:
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