The Spooky Experiences thread

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In my 30 years of existence I have never experience any 'un-natural' or spooky incident. Just a small one, which defies common sense.

It was in 1998, when my grandfather died. When somebody in the family dies, it's a customary to have raw-food/uncooked/fruit-diet during the day time and oil/onion/garlic -less food for dinner for the entire family for around 10 days. In the evening the oil/oinion/garlic -less food is prepared and first it's offered to the deceased, at some place outside the house. Though none of us stays or watch, we assume some stray dog eats the food. In the morning the place is cleaned up.
Normally my mother used to cook the evening food. But one particular evening, I don't remember exactly who, but it was somebody else who cooked the food (may be my sister or some aunt), and she put something which my grandpa didn't used to eat when he was alive.
What defies common sense is, that night none of stray dogs touched the food. It wasn't something that dogs do not eat that kind of food.

i read of a similar experience of a gentleman a long time back, albeit there, it was a single crow.
how come the spooky incidents are witnessed by only those who believe in ghosts/paranormal/supernatural/god?

BTW, why hasn't anyone yet reported about those ghosts/spirits trying to strangulate you while you are sleeping? or those evil forces not letting you get up from bed or wake up from sleep? :p
not true. people with prior disbelief have reported about them too, while some such others still try to anyhow vehemently deny/dismiss their own experiences using mental gymnastics, and instead put grave suspicions on their own mental dispositions; it can be a daunting task to peek out from a shell and take a look beyond the tight boundaries of presupposition(s).
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The medical term is Sleep Paralysis. I have experienced it intermittently, in my early teens.

I used to experience these frequently and every time i kept seeing different "monsters". The last one had a woman lying right next to me with the most scariest face ever. Just waiting for it to happen again, gonna regain control and slap the **** out of that b**ch :p
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@Kilroyquasar - Yes Bro, did want to get feedback from TE members too. Social networking is all about sharing :P

PS: If you are a member there, PM me your handle. Mine is the same as TE. :)
I see. nice initiative, but be wary/cautious against too much (of) sharing. beware of casting pearls openly; it may & will invite ridicule more. ;)
There was this another incident that took place just some months ago. I have recently shifted to my new house and it is near a Hindu-Custom-ed Cemetery. Probably that's one reason why i could afford the flat. :cool: But on the contrary we are a practical family and this is not a major concern for us being on the 11th Floor.

Now we had the entire house set up and all the pooja-paath done. But weirdly for some reason or the other I used to wake up from my sleep at exactly 3pm each night. Was not a concern, as i used to pee and go back to sleep. But when this happened numerous times, it sorto got scary.

One fine day, at around 4am (again goosebumps while writing this - Darn i'm a pussy at times :shifty:) I felt someone trying to approach me on my bed from right side. I was slightly awake and it felt as though someone placed their knees on the bed trying to crawl next to me. I swiftly opened my eyes and almost got up like "The Undertaker" to find my bed rattling. I could not make out if it was the bed or the whole house. I got up and ran to my parents room. My dad wakes at 4am and he was standing right at the door. I explained him everything. He said nothing happened at all.

My mom said me to sleep on their bed, but the incident i went through had me shaken enough to keep me awake the whole day. Although the other night i dozed off in my room coz i am not used to waking so early.

I was a bit scared for a few days but nothing happened later on and now that I'm married, I feel even more secure to sleep in my room. :D
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The medical term is Sleep Paralysis. I have experienced it intermittently, in my early teens.
yes, i know about it... i didn't mention it as it would've spoiled the fun for believers. now, that you have mentioned it, half of the people who've gone thru this phase won't share their spooky sleep paralysis experiences :p
it can be a daunting task to peek out from a shell and take a look beyond the tight boundaries of presupposition(s).
i did everything to turn myself into a believer but i am yet to experience a real spooky incidence. though, i've come across lots of unexplained behaviour by some animals but then we don't understand animals that much... and they've got some heightened senses to help them.

anyways, i've been to haunted places/houses in india but couldn't meet any ghost. :D infact, i have visited so called "certified" haunted houses while i in lived in NJ and VA in USA but again, no luck there as well. if i had encountered that the endless tunnel mentioned in the OP, i would have gone back in the morning to inspect the place all alone.

i have gone to places of worship in rural areas where you could see ghosts with the help some revered baba but it seems baba didn't bless me. my relatives see ghosts in their houses. couple of tantriks verified their existence as well. those ghosts seem to elude me but my relatives had to leave those houses.

no one i've come across in my life believes in sleep paralysis. from my hostel mates to close relatives, everyone thinks that they experienced a real paranormal incidence. for almost 2 years, i had to sleep with one of my close relatives just because that person needed to be awakened when the so called ghost would be strangulating him. he would shriek during nights and perspire heavily with an ashen face. now, why would a ghost spare the person (me) sleeping next to my relative?

it's not that i vehemently deny the existence of ghosts etc but how could i not see them or experience those spooky instances when i would be standing/sitting/sleeping next to the person experiencing them? why ghosts hate me so much? :p

i secretly taped one of my relatives performing "black magic". she also mixed some stuff in our food and i taped that too. i did that because she was known for doing such stuff. all of my family members got some serious (irreversible) illness but not me. all of them met with accidents (separately) within a month. and i ate the same stuff!

i am not a ghost hunter but i would love to experience some spooky incidents. can you recommend me some places of interest?
yes, i was going to write something about that. as briefly as i can write, the supernormal phenomena i deem isn't intended to be as evident as our normal physical world, its laws, its workings, etc., and that could be the precise reason why it isn't so 'obvious', say like an object freely falling down to the ground due to gravity. we are perhaps meant to lead our lives with our tasks, our responsibilities, and fulfill our purposes, whatever they be, without interference from the 'not so obvious' to distract us from our journeys. but anyhow, the dimensions do intersect frequently, for good or bad, for reasons that may be not so easily known. i hope i have been able to explain somewhat.

plus, coming to ghosts and such, this is an insanely wide topic to discuss online or in writing alone. for one, most of the people are not sensitive to directly witness anything. at the most, their bodies would alarm them when seemingly no threat is present in an area (hairs on the neck standing on end, a gut-feeling telling you to just run the hell out of a place). this alarm could also get activated in a situation where a physical danger is present, but your eyes yet can't see its presence. ghosts, in particular, aren't scare-entities with the sole purpose of roaming around scaring anyone, as the movies would like us to believe. some are residual hauntings, others are spirits who aren't still aware that they have left their physical bodies, others are reluctant to move on due to strong attachments with things/people, a symptom more of our modern era i could say, while others are utterly confused on what to do, where to go. they are people too, have the impressions of their lives lead in physical form strongly imprinted on their sub-conscious, albeit now, these are people without flesh and blood, and many are miserable because they desperately want to cross-over and find some peace after leading the turbulent lives that an earthly existence guarantees, and hence, many of them are plain miserable. yes, its said that spirits are not evil, but miserable, and some times, malevolent (expecting the hung spirit of a brutal psychopath to be all goodie-goodie in spirit-form would be expecting too much; impressions do get carried over). since you've a good experience (second-hand, as in, witnessing others' experiences), you might also know that in some seances, only one of the subjects is communicated with by the entity, citing a previous relation/connection with the subject. many-a-times, the intelligent spirits (not the residual hauntings) establish a communication with them those who are receptive (either in belief, which is an almost-magical thing in itself, or in sensitivity, ie, can sense their presence). i think you may be a little more resilient in that regard. even i've rarely had any experience with ghosts and such, but spiritual experiences (ie, the non-spooky types), umpteen. but i know of a lot of experiences of others, like many of us here must be knowing. there are some who keep experiencing such things moderately all their life, taking it in their stride somehow, not revealing much about it to others; there are a few others who are extremely sensitive to these phenomenon, and find their calling in being psychics later on, and then there are others like you and me, who are very thick in sensing some of these things.

also, added to this is the fact that these are rare incidents to happen to any urban-folk (i write urban because, we city-dwelling citizens have lost a lot in sharp senses), plus, it doesn't happen that we plan to spend a night in a supposedly haunted house and the phenomenon just has to register with us. some people spend multiple days/nights to have an experience; perhaps that helps in 'acclimatising' their senses, i dont know. that is why mainstream science is so unrelenting in its approach towards the supernormal, as it wants to test something that is empirical & demonstrable, whereas these deliberately hidden workings of our world/universe reveal themselves in an entirely different way. as for us, may be, you and i have to wait for JUST the right time and moment, and 'it' would happen when we are least expecting it.

since you seem to be well-travelled, if you happen to be in UK for sometime, you may visit the village of Scole near Norfolk. this village was the location of an exhaustive study of seances by the famed SPR (Society for Psychical Research) over a period of some 5-6 years or more. the whole affair/study was utmost intriguing, to put it mildly. the study and its findings could (immensely) help understand/appreciate some of the 'whys' and 'hows' about this subject to a thinking person.

for back home, though i have read and heard of a lot of places (not the ones which feature on news channels at prime-time), writing about them here would be a dreary task. if you happen to be in Mumbai/Delhi, you could contact GRIP. they have local-units too in some smaller cities, and have led many expeditions with some very interesting results, esp. in their beginning years. now i find that they have become quite commercial, may be am wrong, but atleast you could get to know about many places that they've visited, their findings, etc. one cautionary note though - please don't try to venture out alone. plan and prepare, and take some friends along, or better, a person who is experienced in this. moreover, the danger from nightstalkers & criminals is far more, so, much better & safer to be prepared & act and remain alert.
as for the perils of such a hunt, some months back, i was at the village of a coursemate of mine, and was enquiring about any supernormal phenomena in his village (which i habitually do whenever i go to a place and am at leisure), and he specifically warned me not to try to be adventurous in this regard, for one could never know what things beyond our physical senses could do to our constitution, be it unintentional, or otherwise. and i could understand and appreciate his concern, though many individuals do go out to investigate such phenomenon on their own, all alone.

anyway, let's keep our discussion aside, and maintaining the decorum of this thread, by focusing more on relating our experiences than trying to explain/dissect them at length.


this could be interesting to you too.

sometime back, two friends of mine reported having unusual experiences at the same location, on different days, but at the similar time (very early in the morning). both the friends don't know each other. the location is somewhere at Versova/Juhu. there's some graveyard nearby. both of them were out on their morning walk/jog.

one friend told this to us reluctantly, that he saw some person (man or woman, couldn't identify), not exactly from the corner of his eye, but yes, at a casual glance, turned his head away, and when again looked at that spot, there was no one there. time-gap between his looking, then turning his head, then looking again was just a couple of seconds. barely any other person around, and no traffic. this was during the winter last year. till now, he was insisting that he must've hallucinated, until i told him what another friend of mine reported. moreover, the first friend is a little more sensitive than us fellows (has had a couple of experiences earlier). the second friend, what he reported was that he was jogging around the same area, noticed a woman in a burqa, saw that she was just seeing straight ahead, without any head or neck or eye-movement, and seemed to be sort of gliding/floating, than walking. he didn't think much of this, and jogged a couple of feet ahead, and stopped to turn around, and there was absolutely no one there on the street nor in the vicinity. again, it wasn't like he went far away behind her and took a look after many minutes. understandably, this left him baffled. not suggesting that something supernormal took place, but yes, seems to be a bit out of the normal.
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There was this another incident that took place just some months ago. I have recently shifted to my new house and it is near a Hindu-Custom-ed Cemetery. Probably that's one reason why i could afford the flat. :cool: But on the contrary we are a practical family and this is not a major concern for us being on the 11th Floor.
The whole "near" or build on cemetery thats why could afford is a stuff of legends in hostels. Most of the colleges seem to have this problem, first time hearing about an individual having such property ;)
The whole "near" or build on cemetery thats why could afford is a stuff of legends in hostels. Most of the colleges seem to have this problem, first time hearing about an individual having such property ;)
Weirdly it is surrounded by all residential buildings on two sides and the other two sides is a lake. Its a hell of view if you ask me, but people have superstitions, can't help!
And yes buddy I live nearby and have a wonderful house. :)

I see funerals everyday and all I do is pray to god to bless their souls.
how come the spooky incidents are witnessed by only those who believe in ghosts/paranormal/supernatural/god? :p
I believe in all the above, I Stayed 11 years behind a Muslim cemetery where we could see daily burials but couldn't experience anything, Maybe I'm a Null :(
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supernormal or otherwise, just came across a news-article and thought of sharing it here. tragic indeed, but intriguing at the same time (interestingly, the occurrences somehow resemble the plot of a movie named 'shadow people' or 'shadow men' or something, released an year or more back. haven't watched it, but have read a little about it):
Hey Guys,

I have heard of many people having some spooky experiences in their lives. This thread is dedicated to all such experiences either felt by a member, their close ones or heard of.

I'll share one that i had. Some years ago, during my graduation days, we (me and my friends) loved playing Garba and Dandiya, for obvious reasons.;) So we used to play at several places in a night as we wanted to explore all the Dandiya Mandals. Few years ago, these programs used to be played till late night ~2am or sometimes even more. I stay at Navi Mumbai and so we decided to visit this Gujarati Mandal that had some authentic music and this decision was taken while playing till 1am at another Mandal. There were 2 ways of reaching there: One was the crowded city road and then there was a deserted road which was a shortcut from one of the highways leading to Old Panvel. Now this shortcut runs down the main highway, through a dirt filled road into a tunnel and another left turn after the tunnel into the city.
We were excited and were riding a bit faster than usual. We entered the dirt filled road. It was pitch darkness, no street lights, no cars, deserted road and only my bike with a friend as pillion. The headlight throw was decent enough. We barely crossed the dirt filled road and entered the tunnel. The tunnel is not more than 30ft in length, but weirdly even at a good speed we felt like we were in the tunnel for quite a long period of time. Our smiley faces started showing signs of concerns and just to ease the air, we were cracking jokes that may be the tunnel has been extended directly till Pune.
We then started worrying as the tunnel seemed it wont end, and i switched from the dipper to High beam just to find a thick mist of cloud right in front of us. (Even while writing this i am having goosebumps). We passed through it. It felt chilly as if we entered subzero temperatures. It passed soon though, and all of a sudden I had to hit the brakes real hard coz it was dead end bang in front of us. We almost slipped and the front tyre did head-butt the rocks ahead. We did not even look back, just turned the bike and almost wheelied our way out in the city.
No, we were not drunk and it was felt by both of us. This incident is one of the spookiest I have encountered.
Spoke with localites and they warned us never to use the road. There are several mystery deaths in the said area.
The tunnel is no more, thanks to the newer bridges and development. But that place gives me a chill whenever i cross it.

Let us share some of our experiences. Would love to hear some.

- Pratik
When did this happen?
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