The Trumps & Elon tweets thread (Had to make this since it's never ending)

werent these idiots the ones claiming that as soon as Trump came into power, the prices would fall immediately?
Just like that without any time to do anything?

Nobody ever said that. You either make up shit or twist things about.

He mentioned many things (if you would care to read the linked article) he would do AFTER which prices would reduce.

Still not replying to my previous post about effects of tariffs? What are you afraid of.
Yes but the Israelis have been using their tanks throughout. Gaza is a totally urban environment

Maybe the Uki's have better anti-tank weapons.

Ya, this is the theory. Easier said than done. Thing is you have to get close enough to get one off before being spotted and engaged. The videos Hamas puts out are the partially successful strikes. We never see the aftermath of the strike. It's always left to the viewer to assume the rpg was successful.
Yes Ukraine use military grade anti tank weapons. While Hamas use made in Gaza crude anti tank weapons. While they cannot penetrate the armor, they are good enough to damage the weakely protected areas like engine, optical/camera/thermal sights and the trophy radar.
Once the tank is disabled it will be sitting duck to people sneaking in with more RPG and or explosives. But since Hamas doesn't have military grade explosives, Israel tanks are managing.

Ukraine and Russia use ani tank weapons that can penetrate even the turret armor of the best western tanks. It's in different league compared to what hamas uses.

Also like I said anti tanks weapons are mainly now used against troops or to destroy a building.
Most of the tanks or armor are taken out with jam proof drones that give HD quality video feed with lowest latency. That is able to sneak inside a trench shelter with just 2 feet opening and blow up the hidden vehicle or armor. This is because the drones have a fiber optic spool that it carries, so no jamming in the world can take them down.