The Unthinkable Has Happened!!!

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E3 2008: Japan won't get Xbox 360 FFXIII, Versus XIII still PS3 exclusive, new FFXIII trailer - PlayStation 3 News - QJ.NET

Square Enix stock shares rise after FF13 Xbox 360 reveal - PlayStation 3 News - QJ.NET

Im Hurt.
So Hurt.

I have always had a lot of respect for FF games, (apart from the ^Emo^ story), the games always stood out interms of quality. Atleast thats what i felt. So this was something that i always used to say "Well the PS3 can play FFX13 so it def is better than xbox360". Well i guess i was underestimating xbox360. Or Maybe the PS3 version will standout (thats my fanboism standing out, right there).

This freaking sucks.
Yeah I was a little hurt too after knowing this, but that's business for you.

Besides, its not releasing for X360 in Japan and XIII Versus is still exclusive to PS3.

Also, the pain was healed by the announcement of MAG - Massive Action Game on Sony's E3.
Very soon Sony and Microsoft will be the only ones releasing exclusives for their consoles. Developers have realized that non exclusives will fetch them more sales.

Maybe they will create a few level differences or release exclusive expansion packs to differentiate.
n00b said:
Im Hurt.
So Hurt.

I have always had a lot of respect for FF games, (apart from the ^Emo^ story), the games always stood out interms of quality. Atleast thats what i felt. So this was something that i always used to say "Well the PS3 can play FFX13 so it def is better than xbox360". Well i guess i was underestimating xbox360. Or Maybe the PS3 version will standout (thats my fanboism standing out, right there).

This freaking sucks.

Well then you should listen to the Rage video where John Carmack compares the PC, XBOX360 and PS3 in terms of capability :bleh:.
Chaos said:
Well then you should listen to the Rage video where John Carmack compares the PC, XBOX360 and PS3 in terms of capability :bleh:.

can you give me link for the RAGE video where John Carmack compares the PC, XBOX360 and PS3 in terms of capability

thanks in advance
^^ Try playing a game with 7 DVD's (or maybe more)(This is for the comment on MGS for Xbox). Apart from commenting on the storage capacity capabilities and IT being an obvious paper-weight. Im not , NOT, Never going to open my mouth on what the PS3 is actually capable of. (because at this point, even im not sure)
Grrr, im so pissed off.

Another reason why im "hurt" is also the fact that since they opened it up for xbox360; the rest of the world other than Japan, has to wait till they release xbox360 version for us to get the PS3 English version of FF13. Which is total bull crap.

LOL, on the hurt stuff, i wasnt being serious by the way, the news just made my jaw drop. Thats about it. And the reason why it did was because FF i think never broke into another console. EVER! (and No, before you start, a PC is a PC) And this is like the first time that such a decision was made. But i think i saw it coming tho, from Star Fox or someother Square-Enix game going xbox360 exclusive.
Exactly... Just be happy that you can play it on the PS3.

It's the sense of a brand dying out. The whole sinking ship syndrome.

Of course, there's no reason to fear for the reasons you mentioned. Exclusives is what kills other consoles. More multi-platform titles will help each console to hang in there, just the competitive edge is lost and it'll make the console industry too boring.
Well guy's, think about it from the perspective of the game developers. They are not sitting there just so that their game can help Sony or Microsoft to sell more of their respective consoles.

Game developers too want to see more of the green stuff in their wallets and one of the best ways to maximize sales is going Multi-platform.

btw, for the people who are unhappy that Sqaure soft is developing Final Fantasy for XBOX 360 rather than keeping it Sony exclusive, the Final Fantasy series originated on the Nintendo consoles and the developers later adopted the Sony PS due to hardware limitations of the Nintendo consoles.
^ Exactly what I was thinking.

Square began the FF series on the SNES along with Chrono Trigger (possibly the best SNES game ever and one of the best RPG's even today).

Don't see how Sony fanboys even have any claim here.
KingKrool said:
Why would you be hurt?

If your sense of self comes from a console.... boy oh boy you need help.

Maybe I put it wrong, lets say I was a bit disappointed at $quare-Enix. Stop being do damn elitist all the time.

Sony needs to publicize M.A.G. as much as they can, its the counter to FF13 going X360. Also, VS FF13 still remains exclusive to PS3, and FF13 on X360 won't be releasing in Japan.
OHHHHHHHKAYYYYYYYYY. About the NES thingy, yea tell me about it, i started FF when that name had a meaning... FF was created by sqaure as the last hope of the company. Hence the name Final Fantasy. And ive played it from weeeee back then, so im aware about the history of NES and the games that it hosted (C-T FTW HELL YEA!!!).

Its funny how the prespective changes ... Topic is pretty simple, a game which has been releasing to one particular company's console, for about what 7 years (?) decides to change the exclusive rights. Which is pretty funny, considering after what Sony said :- we are not going to pay you to make games for our console (anymore). (And yes i do imply that M$ is) (Should have gone with the statement, "M$ has enough money to pay you to buy their consoles")

And the announcement itself is fishy as hell, you wait like how many years to announce this, if you had told me this earlier i dont think i would have to buy a 22K paper weight (dont throw that mouse at me Params7 (-.-)''

@Params : All i can say right now is versus 13 better be good. As for M.A.G im not sure, cant say that i have heard about it. But I think its a shooter. So a shooter for an RPG, id have to think about it. =P
If three years back someone had told me the PS3 would show mostly shooters at E3 and MS would show off mostly JRPGS I would have thought they were crazy.

Personally as a 360 owner this news is worthless for me as I am not into JRPGs. If only they could get Konami to port over MGS4 though.

I cant believe some people are stupid enough to be personaly offended at this though and actually blame SE. I dont recall a lot of pissed of fanboys when Bioshock was ported to the PS3. Yeah I know Bioshock is not FF but point still stands. Just because its out on an alternative console doesnt mean your version got cancelled.
Just because its out on an alternative console doesnt mean your version got cancelled.

No, see. That's how it all begins. Next gen, the PS4 is gonna start losing multi-platform titles as well and then by the time the PS5 comes out, Sony's gonna have to close shop and resign themselves to the fate of third party game developer and end up making shitty games like SEGA for the rest of their lives.
m47r1m said:
I dont recall a lot of pissed of fanboys when Bioshock was ported to the PS3.
Sony fanboys don't get pissed. They simply decide to hate whatever they don't get.

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