The Unthinkable Has Happened!!!

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n00b said:
@Params : All i can say right now is versus 13 better be good. As for M.A.G im not sure, cant say that i have heard about it. But I think its a shooter. So a shooter for an RPG, id have to think about it. =P

256 players online, at once, in one map. Until then there's Warhawk which is receiving expansions upon expansions and its already a year old. M$ has played very aggressively securing a good RPG library for the box, but Sony on the other hand is developing it further with the online warfare shooters. The X360 has pretty much nothing to counter to Warhawk, SOCOM Confrontations and M.A.G except Battlefield BC which is also on the PS3. Sure it won't appeal to those looking for RPG's, but really, any dual PS3/X360 owner will pretty much get FF13 on the PS3 considering its sister title Versus is still exclusive and most probably, the PS3 version will be the better port.

And Bioshock will at most be a rent and finish for me. Never saw anything interesting in it from the start, and I'm growing sick of FPS's.
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