Thief - Discussion Thread

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Re: Thief 4 - photo snapped in the wild!

Awesome cant wait , I am hoping it would introduce more of the cool stuff , i loved the lighting setup @ the older one :)
Re: Thief 4 - photo snapped in the wild!

Gannu said:
What are you waiting for then? Grab the copy right away. The graphics wouldn't be all that bad even if you were to play it now. I recall using a 7900GT back then and couldn't max it out on the card with a 17" CRT display. :ashamed:
then i will :P
Ladies and gentlemen! Garrett is BACK! :ohyeah:


Our April cover story is a world-exclusive look at this next-generation stealth title. Series hero Garrett returns to the Gothic, industrial metropolis known simply as the City to steal any and everything that will make him richer. Unfortunately, the City is broiling with social tension as it is ravaged by a plague and lorded over by a political tyrant known as the Baron. In order to survive his adventures, Garrett will have to pay attention to his environment and make use of the may possible paths through each of the game's levels.
Square Enix plans to release Thief for PS4 and PC sometime in 2014, but the game is also planned for other next-gen consoles. Check out our coverage trailer for a taste of all the content you can look forward to absorbing over the next month.

April Cover Revealed: Thief - News -

Thief: Garrett redesign more mainstream, less gothic, reflects action focus

Eidos Montreal’s new take on gaming’s undisputed mater thief, Garrett, is designed to be faithful to the original vision while making him more acceptable to a broader audience.

Game director Nicolas Cantin told GameInformer that Eidos Montreal was given free rein to remake Garrett however they wished.

“But we wanted to keep the main DNA of who Garrett was; we didn’t want to change that much because it was working already,” he said.

Duly noted, but Cantin also “wanted to bring in more of the audience of the modern console market”.

“He’s more, in the game, doing more action moves; we wanted the costume and the suit to reflect that.

“In the beginning he was more gothic; we toned down all the things that felt gothic, like black nails and things like that. We wanted to make him a little bit more mainstream. Yes, he’s a dark character, but we don’t want to say he’s a gothic one, even though the Victorian period feels really gothic.”

Cantin’s previous work includes art director on Assassin’s Creed, where he designed Altair.

“It was the same thing I did with Garrett. Both were characters that can feel mystical and we had to make them more action-oriented figures. He needs to stand in a crowd of your NPCs and he also has to stand with all the other heroes on the market.

“People will often say oh he’s too white, he’s too black, he stands out too much – but really that’s a good thing. He has to stand out in a crowd of heroes.”

Cantin said Eidos Montreal wanted to show that an anti-hero like Garrett can be popular in mainstream culture.

Thief was finally unveiled unveiled last week after years of being an open secret. It’s coming to PC, PlayStation 4 and probably Microsoft’s as yet unannounced console in 2014, and you a pile of gameplay details are available, including upgradable equipment and an opening mision sequence.

^^ The trailer looks amazing. Infact Garret's voice is extremely well done IMO. I just read on Wiki, the title has been named as 'Thief: Out of the Shadows' and the plot seems solid.

Thief will contain “mystical” elements, but no zombies

If you played any of the past Thief games you know shit sometimes got weird. Eidos Montreal has hinted that however much Garrett’s latest outing may differ from past adventures, some things will remain constant.

Speaking with StrategyInformer, producer Stephane Roy acknowledged there’s a “tradition” of fantasy elements in the otherwise realistic immersive sims, and said that Eidos Montreal has ‘done its homework’ on what people loved about the early games.
“I think we understand very well what makes a good Thief game. That’s the maximum I can tell you without Adam cutting me off, but I think if you read between the lines you can get your answer there,” he said.
“For this one we decided not to be too magical, instead we talked more about mystical. On our side it’s really important to see players connect with the games and the realistic believable aspect is important for this, but that said we are going to have some stuff that looks weird and is mystical. But we will not have zombies in this one.”

Thief PC system requirements released and here they are:
Minimum System Requirements:

OS: Windows Vista with platform update
CPU: High-performance dual core CPU or quad core CPU
Graphics Card: AMD Radeon 4800 series / Nvidia GTS 250
DirectX: DirectX 10

Recommended Specs:

OS: Windows 7 or 8
CPU: AMD FX 8000 series or better / Intel i7 Quad Core CPU
RAM: 4+ GB
Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD / R9 series or better / Nvidia GTX 660 series or better
DirectX: DirectX 11

Thief is coming to PC, PlayStation 3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One at the end of February.


I have played each and every Thief title till date and really looking forward to this one. February 25th it is! :)
Just saw some gameplay previews and it looks super dull, was kinda looking forward for quite a long time since i had so much fun with Deus Ex HR.
This game has been in development hell and it shows in the previews. No wonder there isn't much marketing or anything around it, they just want to put it out there and get whatever they can from their investment.
I like that trailer. Thief along with Splinter Cell has been an ever favorite stealth line of games for me and I'm going to be lying if I say I'm not looking forward to the upcoming game. Getting through the entire game with zero kills... oh yes please, bring it on! :D
First mission 17 minute gameplay:

Man the atmosphere looks fantastic. Never touched a single Thief game, but will consider this one. It's got the Dishonoured vibe.
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