Think twice before buying from dBrand again.

Oh, I didn't know being abrasive was company policy :D

With humour like this they sound Canadian or a state bordering but I could be wrong

Love these guys. Yay. These are real people
Canadian indeed lol I'm impressed you guessed

I would much rather deal with a professional boring company 365 days of the year instead of paying someone to abuse me? What is so cool about that?
You're paying someone for something they're selling. If you don't like who they are, don't do business with them. They have a track record of taking care of their customers when they have issues anyway.
All I'm saying is that I'd rather have a variety of characters in the world than have everyone be a monotonous and predictable drone.
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My two unsolicited cents: Indians can be some of the most easily butthurt people online. No idea if it's nationalism or stupidity, but some people take any random insignificant slight at "InDiAn CuLtUrE" very personally. Next is the brigading mentality; you don't like something? Block it and move on! This omnipresent desire to "let me teach you a lesson", most commonly seen by helmetless Activa/Dio riding chapris weaving in and out of traffic, is everywhere in this country. Maybe it's my elitism or my privileged upbringing that I think of speech as "text" that causes me to be careful of how I engage with people, both online and offline.

Was the dbrand tweet in bad taste and/or "racist"? Technically, yes. But dbrand social media has always been like this. Did anyone check if the guy who made the original tweet was offended enough to hit back?

Getting triggered and outraging about every minor "microaggression" serves no one.
Canadian indeed lol I'm impressed you guessed
Oh no way I always thought they were American.

One thing I realised on a short trip to Canada is what separates them from Americans is a sense of humour. I was waiting outside the american embassy and this security guard woman was trolling/teasing me. I was looking at her all strange. Then she said welcome to Canada. Haha.

They hate to be thought of, as Americans which is what a lot of people assume.
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Our brand voice hasn't changed one bit since 11-11-2011. Have some of you gotten tired of our communication style? It would appear so. We don't care. This isn't some ****ing marketing schtick. What you see, what you read, and what you experience is nothing more than a window into who we are.

The intersection of our accessibility and our abrasiveness has always made us a polarizing brand. Some people find our honesty and lack of filter charming. Others find it grating and annoying. Neither group is right or wrong, nor do we have an obligation to tailor our brand voice to align with your standards. If you’re looking for a company who fakes parasocial relationships and bends over backwards to meet socially acceptable norms around politically correct corporate speak, all in a thinly veiled attempt to exploit your hard-earned money, look elsewhere. We make an excellent set of products and we want your ****ing money. Simple as that.

You might take issue with, for instance, a cart abandonment email that says "hey human, don’t be a wimp and purchase what you left in the cart," but the fact of the matter is that a lot of people are into it.

This is exactly what it means to be polarizing: what one person hates, another will love. Take politics, for example. While most brands treat political discourse like corporate suicide, we jump right off the bridge. Some say that you can't please everybody. We don't even try.
Lol this is the best thing I've read all day. As real as it gets, especially the last line.
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Oh no way I always thought they were American.

One thing I realised on a short trip to Canada is what separates them from Americans is a sense of humour. I was waiting outside the american embassy and this security guard woman was trolling/teasing me. I was looking at her all strange. Then she said welcome to Canada. Haha.

They hate to be thought of, as Americans which is what a lot of people assume.
Growing up watching American movies and TV shows I always got the impression that Canadians were more polite, more likely to apologise first, etc. In reality, at least in my experience, it's Americans who will go out of their way to be polite (at least to your face), use polite language, and be very cautious of what words they use, especially when talking to "ethnic" people. Canadians are similar to Europeans in the regard that they will assume you can take a joke.
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I would much rather deal with a professional boring company 365 days of the year instead of paying someone to abuse me? What is so cool about that?
Humour. It's unique. You're on auto pilot expecting boring company and get a shock. They're using it to hook customers. Course if you don't get it then it won't work. It's risky and culture dependent. Will definitely work with Canadians

I could say I'm offended they said stop 45 but why. Typical for Canadians to say that and it's OK. It took effort to do that and that kind of attention is endearing
I never understood the point of applying skins/stickers on mobile/laptops etc. I remember using stickers as well, I was in class 6 maybe. And for those stickers their asking price is pure comedy. I don't get it.
Nothing about the tweet, which is obviously racist and insulting AF anyway. But I'm not sure whether I can sympathise with a person who bought an expensive sticker, for his laptop nonetheless. Lol stuff.
Did anyone check if the guy who made the original tweet was offended enough to hit back?
Yeah, he did. Did you check before posting?

My two unsolicited cents: Indians can be some of the most easily butthurt people online. No idea if it's nationalism or stupidity, but some people take any random insignificant slight at "InDiAn CuLtUrE" very personally. Next is the brigading mentality; you don't like something? Block it and move on! This omnipresent desire to "let me teach you a lesson", most commonly seen by helmetless Activa/Dio riding chapris weaving in and out of traffic, is everywhere in this country. Maybe it's my elitism or my privileged upbringing that I think of speech as "text" that causes me to be careful of how I engage with people, both online and offline.
Sir, your post mirrors the trolls replying to the tweet that what dbrand did was alright. To be honest, I do ignore all such posts but I didn't expect this on TechEnclave of all places.

You just generalised an entire country's population. Do you have some statistics based on which you wrote "Indians can be some of the most easily bu**hurt people online"? Or did you write it cuz it made you feel "cool"? Did you actually go through the replies to check if only "Indians" were criticising dbrand? I guess no. But you chose to take a dig at India, call people chapri and write how India is terrible in all sorts of ways.

Where did "Indian Culture" enter the scene here? Your post makes it absolutely clear how oblivious you are to the actual reality. Do you realize how 'curry', 'dirty', 'smelly' are almost synonymous with the name "India"? Did you check the replies to that tweet before posting this?

There is a fine line between "joking" and "insulting". Can't help those who can't figure that out. As for "teaching a lesson", the company did learn it the bitter way. And no, seeking compensation for pathetic insults like this is not equivalent to chapri characteristics. Lol.

Was the dbrand tweet in bad taste and/or "racist"? Technically, yes. But dbrand social media has always been like this.
This is like saying that an annoying kid pestering you is alright cuz he "always" does that.
Dbrand literally pays Linus tech tips so that hosts at Linus tech tips abuse Dbrand. You'll know if you see a YouTube video from Linus tech tips that is sponsored by Dbrand.
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This was savage and slap on that idiots face. He is getting bashed left and right now. MKBHD broke ties with dBrand till they removed that tweet.

View attachment 194573
Are we saying this is a good clapback? Because anyone who thinks flaming someone online is comparable to IP theft hasn't thought about it very hard.

Honestly, I don't know why they gave him money - they should've just apologized for making fun of his name and moved on, maybe give him a free replacement skin since that was his original complaint. Literally no one would've cared about this if this was a Westerner being made fun of in the exact same way, and bending over backwards like this just makes it seem like Indians need to be treated with kid gloves.

There's so much casual racism towards Indians online and yet we get mad about some substandard, uncreative banter that isn't even racist. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Honestly, I don't know why they gave him money - they should've just apologized for making fun of his name and moved on, maybe give him a free replacement skin since that was his original complaint. Literally no one would've cared about this if this was a Westerner being made fun of in the exact same way, and bending over backwards like this just makes it seem like Indians need to be treated with kid gloves.
Yeah mate, keep lowering that bar of professionalism. Dude asked a question and got humiliated for absolutely no reason on social media. This also drew him unwarranted racial hate by trolls around the web. That's nothing, right?

Normal people have dignity, self-respect and stuff yk. Not everybody thinks of themselves the way some do. Talking about those defending dBrand and tweeting dBrand to insult them for that $10k.

Thing is, he never signed up for this trolling. Do you realise that this is the Indian equivalent of people throwing colours on you screaming "Holi hai" without your consent?

There's so much casual racism towards Indians online and yet we get mad about some substandard, uncreative banter that isn't even racist. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
We should let this through cuz there is racism already?

Again, you've not seen the amount of hate in replies. The post wasn't even a joke. Cuz a line needs to be funny in order to be called one.
You just generalised an entire country's population. Do you have some statistics based on which you wrote "Indians can be some of the most easily bu**hurt people online"?
Do you understand the difference between "group A can be X" and "group A are all X" or "group A are mostly X"?
Do you understand the difference between "group A can be X" and "group A are all X" or "group A are mostly X"?
I do. Changing the way a line is worded doesn't change its meaning. How did you figure out that "Group A can be/are mostly X"?
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Yeah mate, keep lowering that bar of professionalism. Dude asked a question and got humiliated for absolutely no reason on social media.
"Professionalism" would never demand monetary compensation if it was anyone else in this situation - the only reason money was involved here was because he was Indian or "PoC" as the white people call it. I'm not defending what they did, I'm saying the response to it is massively overblown.
Do you realise that this is the Indian equivalent of people throwing colours on you screaming "Holi hai" without your consent?
You can't tell me that you don't see the difference between insulting someone unprompted vs throwing something at them unprompted. Also, even if someone did throw color at me, there's no chance that I would expect ₹10,000 for it, let alone $10,000 (unless I was wearing extremely expensive clothes or something). Again, I'm not saying they shouldn't compensate him in some way, I'm saying that the level of compensation is so high only because he was Indian and apparently needed to be treated with kid gloves, which IMO is more offensive than the original tweet.
We should let this through cuz there is racism already?
No, we shouldn't call it out for being racism because it's not racist. They treat literally everyone like this. Does that make them assholes? Yeah, probably. Does that make them racist? Only if you believe Indians should be treated more delicately than everyone else.
In other words, call out racism when it's actually racism.
Again, you've not seen the amount of hate in replies.
I don't use Twitter, so I can't, but I'll take your word for it. I just don't see why Dbrand should be held responsible for Twitter being Twitter when their tweet was relatively low on the asshole scale. It's not like they said, "hey, dogpile on this guy".
The post wasn't even a joke. Cuz a line needs to be funny in order to be called one.
Do you think every joke that doesn't land fails to be a joke because it didn't get a laugh? By this logic, you could tell the best joke in the world, fail the delivery, and cause it to not be a joke.
The post was obviously a joke, just a pretty lame one.
Changing the way a line is worded doesn't change its meaning.
... What? I must be misunderstanding you; the entire point of using different words is to convey different meanings - surely you're not disputing that?
How did you figure out that "Group A can be/are mostly X"?
These two statements are different, so you can't ask that as if they're the same thing. And even if they were, @m1tr expressly stated that that was their opinion i.e. it's anecdotal - they weren't making a scientific claim.
Or the difference between "group X can be A" and "group X are all A" or "group X are mostly A" ?
So in this case it would be "Some of the most easily butthurt people online can be Indian"? Despite the weird syntax, that does seem to be an equivalent statement for the first one yes, but not for the other two. Was this meant to be a disagreement, or... ?
Are we saying this is a good clapback? Because anyone who thinks flaming someone online is comparable to IP theft hasn't thought about it very hard.
IP violation : offense
bullying someone: offense.

If Jerry made so much of noise over IP violation "offense", he should have supported one who was bullied "offense". He took a stand against IP violation when it affected him and took brand's side because his earnings will get affected id dbrand faces backlash (collabs, promos etc where he is paid by dBrand).
Honestly, I don't know why they gave him money - they should've just apologized for making fun of his name and moved on, maybe give him a free replacement skin since that was his original complaint. Literally no one would've cared about this if this was a Westerner being made fun of in the exact same way, and bending over backwards like this just makes it seem like Indians need to be treated with kid gloves.

They gave money because if the victim goes to court, they will end up paying lot lot lot more. They tried to diffuse situation is a typic bully way. Also, just because someone else does not feel offended does not mean everyone has to put on a happy face when they get bullied. No, it doesnt work that way.

The reason why this blew out is because dBrand has been at it for years and this time, they crossed a line. There is a limit to humor even if it is dark humor.
If you're a foreign-born Indian and grew up in the public school system in the US/Canada/etc, you will have a much harsher response to this than other Indians will. It's impossible to communicate to people the lived experience of getting ostracized and bullied for your name as a kid, and how shit like this triggers those memories. I'd never use a dbrand skin anyway but yeah, they can go **** themselves.

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