Three things you want to do before Dec 2012

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My list

Checking if the Dolphins are still on Earth.

If not, I need to know where my towel is.

And yeah, my first mug of beer. and several more.

and finally, wait for my friend from Betelguese to rescue me :P

13th baktun, go to hell!
There is a group of people living on top of a mountain in France.They*believe that on December 21, aliens will save them from the apocalypse.
So, the most anticipated day of the year comes tomorrow :P

If I live this day then would like to revisit the first Unreal Tournament. It was fun fragging Xan on the harder levels :flex:
Entering the thread.

Finally the day is here in few hours.. Its already 21st in Australia & few other islands. I am closely following forum on net where all users from diff countries are posting live situation there.

As of now, No panic in Australia, Animals behaving normally. Clear sky. No view of so called Nibaru or Planet X...

People here are joking but this thing is scarry & with all hype around .. Lets see

- - - Updated - - -

One more thing of Science, People who believed in Planet alignment b/w Sun, Earth & Center of Mikyway Galaxy & Solar system getting pulled inside hte black hole.

Well, Alignment has already happend on 19th December. Nothing happend. It happens every December. It was exact at a point on 1998 but nothing happend.

For few days, Its so much of mental tension crap, No more tech for few days. Just let sun of 22 December come in Sky & will be relaxed.
Same thing happened when Titanic sank, it was clear n pleasant weather, sea was calm.

When all is calm means .... now is the time to panic !!!!
What i wanted to do & what i achieved
1. Marriage - DONE
2. Have Kids - DONE
3. Play GTA IV at high settings w/o any hiccup - PENDING

its 10:42pm in Australia

Yeah, 2 more hours to go for 21st.. Few people from Islands near Australia reported they have entered 21st..

Hype is increasing.. FB & Twitter has started buzzing now. Crap this thing will add more fuel even if there is nothing going to happen.
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