Tikona Digital Networks Wireless Broadband (Nominal Rates)

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I find the plans to be really good..

and after using something like Nivyah broadband and being satisfied with it... i have my hopes UP with this new ISP`s as compared to all the way looters like reliance/tata/airtel

check it out



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Yes plans are definitely good but nothing compared to Nivyah I would say. BTW, being wireless broadband, is it like wimax? Downtimes would definitely be nil in that case.
arun687 said:
Yes plans are definitely good but nothing compared to Nivyah I would say. BTW, being wireless broadband, is it like wimax? Downtimes would definitely be nil in that case.

yap i accept its nothin compared to Nivyah...

but this one has the advantage of being wireless..

check out their whole website. ppl who are behind this ISP are heavy weights of the telecom sector

warm regards

i just wish atleast this newbies lead the broadband revolution in india. SIFY/Reliance/Tata are all chor !
Dinesh_Malhotra said:
i just wish atleast this newbies lead the broadband revolution in india. SIFY/Reliance/Tata are all chor !

Absolutely true. When new comers like Tikona and Nivyah can afford to provide such kind of bandwidth for such low costs, there's no reason why the big dogs can't do it. Let the competition bring down the rates as it did in telecom sector.
For me Reliance does the job.....especially after going through hell with all the other ISP's available in my area....which by the way are more costly than Reliance for eg. Wincable(Providing Hathway) charging 12k for a yearly connection of 256kbps unltd.

and the connection being turned off on Sunday as offices are shut down and half-days on saturday
Jaxx89 said:
For me Reliance does the job.....especially after going through hell with all the other ISP's available in my area....which by the way are more costly than Reliance for eg. Wincable(Providing Hathway) charging 12k for a yearly connection of 256kbps unltd.

and the connection being turned off on Sunday as offices are shut down and half-days on saturday

Utility from ISP`s when u dun have any other good alternatives can be very subjective.

in my case, i have loads of alternatives to opt for my Broadband needs but Nivyah (as i have been using it for the 5th month now) was the only one that served me with respect that too without creatin a big hole in my pocket.

leave alone nivyah... even the current plans by youtelecom are good for unlimited downloads.. for the price of 5-6k/year they are offering 192kbps day- 1mbps nite plans...

simply awesome...

Reliance/Tata/Airtel/Sify/Mtnl/Bsnl are all biggies of the ISP network in india, yet the plans they offer are simply pukable.

they have so much of capital + bandiwith + user base @ their disposal, yet the looooot !!

warm regards
arun687 said:
Absolutely true. When new comers like Tikona and Nivyah can afford to provide such kind of bandwidth for such low costs, there's no reason why the big dogs can't do it. Let the competition bring down the rates as it did in telecom sector.

they can do it...

its just that these dogs dont wan2 do it..


Tikona has been launched in Mumbai for more then 2-3 months now and they have also set something up in Delhi but they are not advertising it yet probably coz they are getting enough customers already.

Tikona digital networks is the name of the company and was set up about a year ago. I have been to their office building at Mumbai and to be honest I envy the people who work there... Thats one building where you enter and say wow the vibe is all happy shappy and positive all over the place... smiling happy staff good interiors and what not.

Tikona digital networks was started by Mr Prakash Bajaj and Mr Tiwari of Mtnl fame with funding from Goldman sach and a couple of other companies.

Tikona is using unliscenced frequencies and has a pan India license with plans to launch in 110 cities across India very soon.

We shall soon have a seperate sub forum dedicated to Tikona although I am very positive on the fact that they will have the happiest customers with hardly any complaints
am using this for almost 2 months. speeds are as stated.

i have the 600kb day & night 1mb plan. i get 70-72kb on torrents /http & around 115-120kb in night on torrents/http.

the advantage is that its completely wireless & no wires required.
stormblast said:
am using this for almost 2 months. speeds are as stated.

i have the 600kb day & night 1mb plan. i get 70-72kb on torrents /http & around 115-120kb in night on torrents/http.

the advantage is that its completely wireless & no wires required.

any technical issues with same in last 2 months ?

how is the customer support ?

warm regards

what kind of wireless broadband it is ?

i mean can u roam around whole mumbai/navi mumbai zone usin it along with ur lappy ?
Dinesh_Malhotra said:
any technical issues with same in last 2 months ?
how is the customer support ?

warm regards

what kind of wireless broadband it is ?

i mean can u roam around whole mumbai/navi mumbai zone usin it along with ur lappy ?

initially for the 1st 3-4 days speeds were not proper. after complaining to them they fixed the issue. its been proper since then.

customer support is decent, sometimes you need to wait on the line, but they are helpfull.

you cant roam around with the net. they will install their wireless access point in your building terrace or next to it & then provide you with a wireless modem for your house which connects to the accesspoint. you can keep that anywhere in your house & connect to it via laptop or desktop wirelessly to login to the net.

they have their own login software also which i am using. sometimes it logs out on its own, but i think that is prolly cause it drops the wireless connection. not too sure abt this problem yet. they also have web login available.

according to their executive you can use only 2 pcs to login to the net with the same login id & password. but on checking the settings in the modem that they provide, it saves 4 diff. mac ids so i think it should be possible to login with 4 diff pc's at the same time with the same login.
currently i am using 2 pc's with the same login id. 1 is my desktop via pci wireless lan card & other is my laptop via wireless lancard.
hope this clears some doubts. let me know if you guys want to know anything else.
^ to clarify further, you can use it 500m from the wireless access point...dont have one installed at my building, but have to keep the receiver outside window for reception..

speeds are as advertised on 1249 ul plan

regardin the logout issue....if i keep the torrent active, it remains active when i check in the morning.....however i once noticed it log out when i was not using the net; not sure whether that was coincidence
Fahrenheit said:
how about gaming dude? any lag on the PS3?

i havent used it on the ps3. also not too sure abt how to use it on the ps3. maybe weblogin will work.

also gaming wont be that great since its a wireless connection, pings will be higher than any net that is wired. so this will have more lag.

jith77 said:
^ to clarify further, you can use it 500m from the wireless access point...dont have one installed at my building, but have to keep the receiver outside window for reception..

speeds are as advertised on 1249 ul plan

regardin the logout issue....if i keep the torrent active, it remains active when i check in the morning.....however i once noticed it log out when i was not using the net; not sure whether that was coincidence

it has logged out for me even when i have left the torrents on. are you using the weblogin or the software.
@storm : What is the ideal range from the Accesspoint..

The thing is that I am at a hostel in VidyaVihar, so there is now way they are gonna allow an access point on our hostel terrace. So I was thinking that if possible it can be done on the residential building which is in front of my hostel..

Hence.. the query..
log 1 = 0 said:
@storm : What is the ideal range from the Accesspoint..

The thing is that I am at a hostel in VidyaVihar, so there is now way they are gonna allow an access point on our hostel terrace. So I was thinking that if possible it can be done on the residential building which is in front of my hostel..

Hence.. the query..

It is all a question of money I guess. I am sure that the ISP has to pay some amount for the privilege of using the place. They could as well offer the money to the hostel. In other words, you leave it to them to handle the feasibility part.
log 1 = 0 said:
@storm : What is the ideal range from the Accesspoint..

The thing is that I am at a hostel in VidyaVihar, so there is now way they are gonna allow an access point on our hostel terrace. So I was thinking that if possible it can be done on the residential building which is in front of my hostel..

Hence.. the query..

it should work. but you will need to ask tikona abt more details regarding this.
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