Time for the Windows Taskbar to move!

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I had posted this article on a WinVistaClub. Go through it and leave comments. Would like it more if you do so on WinVistaClub itself, but even here would be fine.
Let me start by how this idea or thought came to my mind. I was sitting in front of my cousin's 19" Widescreen LCD with a resolution of 1440 x 900 pixels!! On the other hand, i have a 17" CRT, with a resolution of 1280 x 1024. While working on his desktop, two things came to my mind. One of them shall be discussed or presented here. The other will be posted in a new topic.

At the first glance, what caught my attention was the "low height" of his desktop. Although his vertical resolution was only about 10% lesser than mine, I am so much accustomed to my resolution that his set up looked rather low heighted! Add to that Vista's Black Taskbar being there at the bottom of the screen from one side to the other. It really catches you attention!

While surfing the net on his computer, one thing started irritating me. The widescreen was not being utilized to its potential. On the other hand, a lot of screen space was being left unused and wasted in the horizontal frame. But in the vertical frame, there was clearly a shortage of screen space for browsing. Added to that the space being used by the taskbar. The setup simply did not seem logical to me!

After giving it a though, it dawned upon me that since the taskbar was introduced, it has always been placed at the bottom of the screen. During the Windows 95 times, the monitors were usually the square ones (or so i presume), and the taskbar came to be placed at the bottom of the screen. Although the sizes and orientation of the monitors have changed, but the role and placement of the taskbar hasn't changed (I know the taskbar undergoes a massive improvement in Windows 7, but the core is still the same, and so is the placement).

But is the placement of the taskbar at the bottom of the screen the best options / choice according to the current scenario? Although i don't have real figures, but i don't think i would be wrong in thinking that the majority of the laptops and monitors sold today are widescreen with 1280 x 800 being the minimum resolution. Keep in mind i am talking of the "sold today" screens only, not the screens used by majority of the users. But even the first time buyers in the emerging markets, who might still be using the 15" CRT monitors, are up for upgrades and are going for the widescreens.

So coming back to my though of the current placement of the taskbar at the bottom of the screen being not the best option, i changed the position of the taskbar from the bottom to the left hand side. My cousin protested, but i asked him to try and use it like this on a trial basis for a few days. With the taskbar at the side, it was no longer eating up the valuable vertical screen space, and also, out of focus for the most part allowing me to surf and do my work with a lesser need to scroll up and down.

I have also placed the taskbar on my computer to the left side and been using it like this for around 10 days. And i love it this way! Its much better than having it placed at the bottom. It takes getting used to, but according to me it is worth it.

I know many of you would have set the taskbar to auto-hide, but this article is aimed at the majority, for whom taskbar has always been at the bottom of the screen.

So go ahead, if you have not tried it this way till now, give it a go. Move you taskbar to the side of the screen and keep it that way for a week.

What do you guys think? Isn't it time for the taskbar to move....?
Original Article - Time for the Taskbar to move! - Windows Vista Help Forum
I always had my taskbar on TOP.... :P

I know top or bottom it's still eating vertical space, but hey.. I moved from 1280x1024 to 1680x1050... so giving some part of those extra 26pixels to taskbar doesn't matter to me.... plus, I've been using taskbar on top since 1998.

Old habits die hard!!
Yaaa. I tend to like mine on top too. Gnome Desktop defaults to the top ...so I got used it that way and really like it in Windows 7
iGo said:
I always had my taskbar on TOP.... :P

I know top or bottom it's still eating vertical space, but hey.. I moved from 1280x1024 to 1680x1050... so giving some part of those extra 26pixels to taskbar doesn't matter to me.... plus, I've been using taskbar on top since 1998.

Old habits die hard!!

Thats why this article! Give it a try and place it at the side! You have 1680 pixels with you! How much are you using! The websites are not even 1280, so 1680 would be really a lot of unused space!
Old habits shouldn't be continued onjust because they are habits..
It feels unnatural for me to keep it on the left side. Maybe thats because we have grown with the taskbar always at the bottom. But you are right, people with the widescreens may find it useful.
heh heh! the first week when i got my widescreen monitor, the taskbar looked quite long and stretched at the 1680 resolution. I tried moving it from bottom to top, then to the left and then right. Bringing it to the side is a good option but there's no way the start button can be moved to the fastest accessible position in any of the conditions.

So after a month or two of testing it came back to the default bottom side of the screen. Besides, its faster to access collapsed windows from the bottom rather than the sides or the top. I know Alt+Tab is faster but only if you switch between two open programs. Its cumbersome if you have more than 5 diff programs open at the same time.
Bluffmaster said:
It feels unnatural for me to keep it on the left side. Maybe thats because we have grown with the taskbar always at the bottom. But you are right, people with the widescreens may find it useful.

Me too on the left, guarantees minimal amount of space wasted by it.

To each his own, however in terms of usability the only things that makes sense is taskbar positioned at bottom, it simply isn't designed to be productive enough at left, right or even top.
The Alchemist said:
To each his own, however in terms of usability the only things that makes sense is taskbar positioned at bottom, it simply isn't designed to be productive enough at left, right or even top.

What reduces its productivity by keeping it at the left, right or the top? All the features are available wherever you keep it.
All you need is getting used to, otherwise in tems of usability and optimal use of resources, having it at the bottom doesn't seem to be the best choice.
the bottom and the right are the most ergonomic to a right hand user and the left and the top to the lefties. Productivity is subjective, but of course on a widescreen, to save screen real estate, one may move the taskbar to the sides. Doesn't need an essay on its virtues, its pretty much common sense :P
alsiladka said:
Thats why this article! Give it a try and place it at the side! You have 1680 pixels with you! How much are you using! The websites are not even 1280, so 1680 would be really a lot of unused space!

1) It looks ugly... I'm using mac theme. When the taskbar streches on side with rounded corders... it really, really looks ugly.

2) Plus putting it on side, it takes too much space if I need to see window titles. If I shrink the width to minimum... the titles are not gone. Only tiny winy icons. You know how irritating that gets when you've have lot of apps open (and no. I don't use grouping feature... I hate it).

3) I don't use my monitor just for web-surfing. I require lot of horizontal space working on other apps.

4) I use synergy for using my keyboard+mouse with my laptop, which is configured on left of my screen... and my home-server, which is connected on VGA port of monitor and configured on right of the screen. So keeping taskbar on either side while moving the cursor across screen is annoying.

Having said all that, I'm not saying that it's entirely pointless... just that I don't see the approach is globally applicable. Those who find it useful, will definitely like it that way... heck, I'm sure many people who like it that way must have already set it like that. :)
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