To BB or not to BB?

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Clichéd Title I know, but really in a fix.

Looking for a phone around 20k, almost locked in on the Bold 2 or 3 provided I could stretch, but then I am at college right now, and as of now my phone bills are in the sub 200 range, but the BIS plans start at freaking 299, plus the Phone and Text bills.

Main reason why I was looking for the BB was mail access and the BBM obviously, plus the fact that I am still kinda stuck with real keys than touch screen.

Now I am really in a fix, is the recurring expense of the BB worth it? Also, any other alternatives in the same price range with a nice full QWERTY keypad?

I am not a BB fanboy but as far as email is concerned, BB has it sorted out since they use their own servers. You cannot beat the speed with which mails pop into your device and that's what I called true Push mail. So this discussion is useful only if you are not too concerned about email. Actually even I am looking to switch my love for BB for an android phone. But I am just concerned about the Push mail thing.
techietech said:
I am not a BB fanboy but as far as email is concerned, BB has it sorted out since they use their own servers. You cannot beat the speed with which mails pop into your device and that's what I called true Push mail. So this discussion is useful only if you are not too concerned about email. Actually even I am looking to switch my love for BB for an android phone. But I am just concerned about the Push mail thing.
Nokia has push mail from past few months called "Nokia Messaging" which works similar to blackberry but it free
Nokia India - Nokia Messaging
Okay, just to clarify Push Mail is when you don't need to be connected to the internet continuously, correct? From what I read you actually receive a code from as a message as the phone is always ready to communicate in this mode and this makes the phone connect to the web and fetch the mail.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.
^Android phones have push mail for gmail if you are using the official gmail app.
The standard email app in android uses a method called 'polling' where it checks at predetermined intervals for any new mails provided you have a pop3 mail account.
Also if you have an imap system set up then think of it as pseudo push mail.
Nokia ovi messaging is a type of proxy based push email similar to many in the market.
In this type of push, the email contents /details are not encrypted and may lead to potential loop hole.
BIS uses push mail with 256 bit encryption where each device has a particular set of keys that enable the device to decrypt the email sent to an email account registered for that particular device. Good for those who like privacy.
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