Tomb Raider - Discussion Thread

Started it yesterday. Doesn't really look similar to the previous versions. Too much shooting and hiding. Haven't seen much puzzles yet (the reason why I like this genre).
Started it yesterday. Doesn't really look similar to the previous versions. Too much shooting and hiding. Haven't seen much puzzles yet (the reason why I like this genre).

Correct! It's the one thing which I really loved about TR: Anniversary. It was so freakin' long and mostly because the puzzles were really challenging.
Started it yesterday. Doesn't really look similar to the previous versions. Too much shooting and hiding. Haven't seen much puzzles yet (the reason why I like this genre).
Thats why i was not in favour of this game.As per my rating Anniversary>Legend>underworld. Lack of creativity/ideas = Reboot.
Honestly I've spent good 3 to 4 hours in the game and other her more natural jugs, I didn't like the game. I see every game is trying to amalgamate good points of all other games. At times I felt this game similar to Alan Wake/Far Cry and anything but TR.

Another downer.
Completed Shanty Town, reached the Cavern Entrance, raided 3 more tombs, unlocked all the survivor skills, most of the hunter skills, a few of the brawler skills and the overall progress shows 50%. That is indeed a good sign - there is a lot more to progress I am betting. The game just gets better and better as it progresses. Lara's combat evolves as her skills are upgraded, unlocking some killer gory finishing moves and she gets access to better and improved arsenal.

Granted there are fewer puzzles compared to the previous iterations but this time the devs. have been focusing on the survival part over the adventure. Barring one or two occasions, the puzzles can be found only inside the tombs and during my playthrough this far, there have been 5 of these with completely different puzzle schemes - mostly simple and can be solved pretty quickly. Raiding tombs grants us 1250 XP instantly, which helps in acquiring skill points pretty quickly. No doubt the game has drawn many resemblances to the Uncharted series esp. the combat part.

Saw a few more of those gory death sequences of Lara and they looked utterly cool! Reminded me of the Cannibal Holocaust movie! :p

1. During the parachute ride, if she is not steered properly in the path of the wind, the wooden branch will pierce through her belly coming out from the rear.

2. During the watery downslope ride, she may get impaled by a pole piercing through her neck and coming out from the head. Looks very gory!

Loved the ride this far. Can't wait to get back home! :D
Mostly silent but there are some monologues when she stumbles upon something strange. For instance, if she comes across some weird cave painting or some contraption she expresses some random thoughts. If she has to fight a bunch of assailants, during the initial stages she'd plead innocence and say, "Why do you have to fight! I am not your enemy." etc. But later on she gets pissed and she'd say, "Yeah! Bring it on!" and stuff like that. This is again mostly inspired by Uncharted I'd say. :p

There's a lot of moaning in the game. :ashamed: Feels a bit different, you know. But very realistic. So kudos to Camilla Ludington for that.

But the soundtracks fit perfectly. During combat and chase sequences, the track changes itself to make it more tense.
Good good, and what about the storyline? Gripping?

I didn't buy Dead space 3 because I felt it had nothing to offer narrative wise, though 1 & 2 were so good.
You can get DS 3 when it comes on PS+ later. But this is a must buy. If you loved playing the Uncharted series, you are going to love this one. Story is good, believable and a bit realistic. The absence of puzzles is not really a downer considering the devs. have adopted a different approach this time. Heck, even the spin-off Guardian of Light did not have many puzzles, just loads and loads of platforming.

This time, I am trying to extend the gameplay time as much as I can. Roam around the places like a mad adventurer, collect as many relics and other items as I can, re-visit any old location wherein I may have missed something - sometimes some areas would be inaccessible at the start because she lacks a particular tool but once they are unlocked you can revisit the place and get the stuff. Most of the relics, documents and GPS caches are easily accessible and towards the later stages, they show up on the map when a specific skill is unlocked. So set a marker on the map and get them - how hard can that be!

Have you by any chance played any Indiana Jones title? The Infernal Machine and The Emperor's Tomb?
I agree with everyone in this thread who are lamenting the lack of puzzles in this game. I finished the game in just 9-10 hours, i adnit being a novice player and i was sure that i would have to go through a walkthrough at some point of the game, but even the hardest of puzzles was nothing difficult to work out.

There was too much of combat, many times i just ran off all enemies if possible. I did feel like i was playing Farcry rather than TR.
Done with the game last night with 77% completion rate. Loved it! This reboot was a fresh new take on the whole character of Lara Croft. Her overall character development was presented really well. The only other side character who made his presence felt was Roth, didn't really care about the rest. The story was decent enough, but took a weird turn towards the end.

Uncharted clone or not, it definitely had much better gameplay mechanics. The weapon upgrade system, fast travel and personal skills honing abilities were truly a commendable change for the series. The lack of puzzles was the biggest downer for this title. I mean the whole point of slapping the words 'Tomb Raider' was to associate it with a franchise, which has already been established for it's unique mix of puzzles and exploration. The whole "tomb raiding" aspect in this game is a sham. It felt like a distraction, to be honest. We could forgive this part, owning to the title being a reboot and knowing that this Lara isn't the experienced explorer we know from the previous games. This is her start and this is how a survivor was born. But Crystal Dynamics, we'd definitely want to see more puzzles in the sequel (if there ever is one).

Visually, this game is unarguably the best in the franchise. Heck, it's one of the better looking games for this gen. Nixxes have yet again delivered on a remarkable PC port. It just kills me to see a game like Uncharted, which has so much potential to be on PC, but continues to bend our minds even at 720p. But Tomb Raider shows what Uncharted could have been, if it were on the PC. Anyhoo, with that said, I think it's safe to say, Crystal Dynamics really nailed it when it came to delivering stunning visuals and creating an atmosphere which we never expected.

Finally, a job well done to Camilla Luddington for her voice-over for Lara (albeit overtly moany). She did justice to the character and voiced it very accurately. Certainly the most entertaining game I have played this year and I'm now even more positive about the March releases. Croft fan or not, you definitely want in on this adventure.
Have you seen her French voice artist

Finished the game last night. The game completion is 81% and took around 15/16 hours to complete.

The mission completion % is very low in some missions which is because those collectibles have very high weightage towards the final %. Like GPS Caches are useless, no XP points gained from it and mostly hidden in ridicoulous places than important collectible like relics or documents (which gifts 500 XPs when complete set is done). And more ridicolous is the challenge collectibles - like Ghost Hunters, Egg something etc etc - which I hardly got any. Looked a Youtube video and I was like WTF. Why would I collect those stuffs hidden in such insane places and which do not even shown on treasure map. Hope they(developers) really didn't thought these crazy 'challenges' would compensate the puzzles everyone expects in a TR game. (well, I'm complaining 'cause I wanted to reach 100% at least 1 or 2 levels - but f*** those GPS stuffs and challenges).

Overall, a decent game. Enjoyed every bit of it.