Top 10 Games

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Hmm.. 5..

1)Red Alert 2

1)Counter Strike 1.6

1)Counter Strike Source

1)Half Life 2

1)Unreal Tournament 2003/04


1. Age of Empires : Conquerers Multi-Player

2. Rise of Legends

3. Age of Empires 3

4. C&C 3 Tiberium Wars

5. Rise of Nations

Action - General

1. Half-Life 2 (Series)

2. Unreal Tournament series/Quake 3


4. Max Payne 1/2

5. Jedi Knight 2/3 (Star Wars Fan :ohyeah: )

Acton - War

1. Call of Duty 2

2. Call of Duty

3. Medal of Honor (and Expansion)

Action - Horror

1. F.E.A.R

2. Undying

3. DOOM 3/ Prey (They are made for this category, but do not belong here)



Titan Quest

GTA Clones

1. Scarface

2. God Father

3. S.T.A.L.K.E.R

4. Just Cause
1] God Of War 1 (yet To Play Two)

2] Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater

3] Okami

4] Gta - San Andreas

5] Resident Evil 4

6] Silent Hill 4

7] Fight Night Round 3

8] Wwe Svr 07

9] Farcry

10] Mafia
make it a top 10 yaar...not fair to so many superb titles ;)

here goes -

KOTOR series
NWN series
DOW series
STALKER (first 15 hours gameplay impressions :ohyeah: )

too many after this...
Max payne 2, mafia, splinter cell series, RTCW, AOE 2, AOM..will add more as they come to mind.
only PC games in my list.

1.Baldur's Gate 2

2.Diablo 2 and expansion

3.Civilization 3, Civ 4

4.Elder Scrolls( 3-morrowind and 4-Oblivion)

5.Homeworld and Homeworld-Cataclysm

others that deserve a mention.

NFS5-Porsche Unleashed, Half-Life, Grim Fandango, Rise of Nations, Unreal Tournament, Thief Series, Railroad tycoon 2, Transport Tycoon, commandos series
Yeah we should make it ten i suppose...

is there any way i could change the thread title?? can moderators do that?? i'll ask one:P
Dude, top ten is still too less. top 100 would be more like it lol.

Too many great titles exist and it's impossible to simply list them all.
see the list is countless but top ten is enuf for now.....u can always write a special mentions.....coz if every actor wins oscar then...there wouldnt be any exclusivity.....rite???
Haha, games aren't even close to movies, you get 1 good movie out of 10 shitty ones, in gaming you get like 1 shitty game out of 10 great ones, though that's changing a bit nowadays :P
Do you actually know anybody that will sit here stating their top 100 games??

I know i wouldnt unless i was being paid:P

and ive already changed the threads name once and i wont ask switch to sdo it again!:P

anyways... My Top 10 games are...(Changed since start of thread *GOT A PS3*)

1. Motorstorm (PS3)
2. MGS 3 (PS2)
3. Resistence... (PS3)
4. Gears Of War (X360)
5. Manhunt (PS2)
6. RE 3 (PS1)
7. Black (PS2)
8. AOE (Multi-Comp)
9. Half Life 1 (Dreamcast)
10. Sonic The Hedgehog (PS3)

I Know HL1 has been on different computers but i remember it on the dreamcast and got stuck like 3/4 away though... never got round to completeing it though :P hehe
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