- Expected Price (Rs)
- 9500
- Shipping from
- New Delhi
- Item Condition
- 5 out of 5
- Payment Options
- Cash
- Bank Transfer
- Purchase Date
- Jul 20, 2021
- Shipping Charges
- Excluded - at actuals
- Have you provided two pics?
- Yes
- Remaining Warranty Period
- 2 Years 10 months
- Invoice Available?
- Yes
- Reason for Sale
- Upgraded
Bought these two Tp Link X20 Wifi 6 Mesh Routers back in July and have used them for about a month. Their performance is stellar. Only reason im changing them is becuase ive upgraded to ASUS GT-AX11000 router which i bought from a forum member last week. Other than that the performance and range has been unmatched. Ive been using Tplink Wifi mesh nodes for over 2 years now...have upgraded from 2 M4s to 3 M5s (of which i still have one). The best part about the TpLink eco system is the fact that its scalable and you can mix and match any number of nodes as required and are not limited to one set or model. Also, it doesnt follow a 'Router' / 'Satellite' model and any node can me made the main node. Willing to sell both of these to a single buyer or give them seperately. Price for each would be 9500/- including shipping. Price for single one would be 5k+shipping. You can PM me your offers.