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If anyone wants a 500 off on 1500, i can share the coupon and tradus a/c details for your purchase.

The coupon is valid on all items except mobile category.

Do they have 24/7 CC , i bought beetel phone using icici code , amount was deducted from my b2 netbanking a/c but when i got redirected to the site i got his error

We regret to inform you that your order number 1xxxxxx could not be processed at this time.

The transaction was not authorized by your bank.

anyone know their phone No?

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I cant even see a email address anywhere on the site , they just have a feedback form , if anyone knows their email address let me know.

^ I later received a mail from them about the failed payment from this id, i replied to that mail.

GuruGulabKhatri said:
Guys any Good deal On 500off 1500 Coupon except the Beetel phone?Something In The Watch section?

There are some casios and lot more timex's. Browse through the watch section

they dont have a customer service number. Emailing doesnt help much. Rather fill up the customer feedback form and wait for a couple of days and they will call back.

I stopped buying from just for this reason. I had ordered 5 items worth about 3k, and out of them, three were delivered remaining two were marked delivered on there site but not in the shipment delivered to me. They took 7 days to reply to my mail and everytime i would post on facebook, they would delete the feedback. Even now, after couple of weeks, I dont know what is the status. To get a update I have to hope they simply decide to call me. Elsewise fill the form and forget till the time they call you.

Has been two weeks and I have not heard back from them since then. Its kinda either they refund it automatically if they can detect the amount or else you have to spend two weeks running after them.

Arjun said:
Do they have 24/7 CC , i bought beetel phone using icici code , amount was deducted from my b2 netbanking a/c but when i got redirected to the site i got his error

anyone know their phone No?

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I cant even see a email address anywhere on the site , they just have a feedback form , if anyone knows their email address let me know.

My own experience with their Cust. care is exceptionally POOR. Pending Refund of ~5k for over a month now. Written > 100 times to Cust care, Facebook, twitter pages but no response from them, except "we are investigating"! I've decided to stop shoppping from them.

A quick & prompt Cust care is a must for a Online shop. They do not give any tel nos. to customers to call which again is a big downer.

rocker123 said:
If anyone wants a 500 off on 1500, i can share the coupon and tradus a/c details for your purchase.
The coupon is valid on all items except mobile category.
No more PM's
coupon given to Parv

heck yeah even me have stopped shopping entirely with them.

but thing is this problems occur to 2 out of 100 customers and remaining 98 customers are there for them and they wont care much more

teche said:
My own experience with their Cust. care is exceptionally POOR. Pending Refund of ~5k for over a month now. Written > 100 times to Cust care, Facebook, twitter pages but no response from them, except "we are investigating"! I've decided to stop shoppping from them.

A quick & prompt Cust care is a must for a Online shop. They do not give any tel nos. to customers to call which again is a big downer.

Any discount coupons? They're selling two 4GB Sandisk pen drives for 600 bucks but I'd like a coupon if possible :p

THey did not reply to my mails but the money was refunded today , i won't buy from them again till i see a customer care tel no on the site.

Arjun said:
Do they have 24/7 CC , i bought beetel phone using icici code , amount was deducted from my b2 netbanking a/c but when i got redirected to the site i got his error

anyone know their phone No?

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

I cant even see a email address anywhere on the site , they just have a feedback form , if anyone knows their email address let me know.
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