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:no: :no:
But do read TE rules and regulations. Posting warez links is against rules. Be it dead or alive link.

Our sympathies:(

Ive had something similar situation couple of months back. I had to get some hard to get thing which was nearly a gb. I have got it from four different sources and each time it turned out to be pr0n (that too all different). I have 4gb+ of it now and still dont have what I actually wanted :@
Okey Bigboss, edited. :hap2:

I can afford to spend a day or 2 in jail but cant afford to be banned from TE. :P

random2 said:
I have 4gb+ of it now and still dont have what I actually wanted :@

Now thats a bigger tragedy :S
My sympathies, Hunter...:no:

If i'm allowed to say, (in very very terse language) this can only be defined as KLPD....:no:

Had happened to me a few days back when i was downloading Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo...the damn thing went smoothly upto 99.9% and then sat there stuck for 4-5 days..:@ Until i lost patience and deleted the whole damn torrent and the data..:| it was 1.5 gb downloaded over a period of 2 nights..:no:
random2 said:
Our sympathies:(

Ive had something similar situation couple of months back. I had to get some hard to get thing which was nearly a gb. I have got it from four different sources and each time it turned out to be pr0n (that too all different). I have 4gb+ of it now and still dont have what I actually wanted :@

and what exactly are you looking for ?

@hunter: Dosen't opera have the option of resuming a download?
I too feel for u buddy...The Scene is many a times hit or miss thing...

@private ryan - doood if it was by torrent u could hav used km player to would only be a few seconds of missing film..unless it was rar'ed... can still resume with some really neat tricks with flashget. I hate Opera's limited resuming capabilities.

(psst.........resume from a remote upload. :P)

btw, i see such "tragedies" frequently. its no big deal.

or as Reagan wud say - you ain't seen nothing yet
Party Monger said:
I too feel for u buddy...The Scene is many a times hit or miss thing...

@private ryan - doood if it was by torrent u could hav used km player to would only be a few seconds of missing film..unless it was rar'ed...


even if it was rarred/zipped video just extract using 7zip/winrar with ignore error switch and the option to not delete the erroneous file.

play it with kmplayer/media player classic. they would buffer the video stream, and you'll just miss a few seconds film at the end.
Party Monger said:
@private ryan - doood if it was by torrent u could hav used km player to would only be a few seconds of missing film..unless it was rar'ed...
Well, yes, it was rar file..:(
..:: Free Radical ::.. said:
even if it was rarred/zipped video just extract using 7zip/winrar with ignore error switch and the option to not delete the erroneous file.
play it with kmplayer/media player classic. they would buffer the video stream, and you'll just miss a few seconds film at the end.
Damn..never tried this b4...had never checked the ignore error switch..:S If the file was somehow corrupt, win rar wud give an error and most of the time i had to delete the file...:no: Thanks for the info..will try it next time if something like this happens..:P

But i usually download movies to store them for later repeated viewing and also to burn them into dvds so tht i can also watch them on dvd if the file has error, it'll most probably not play on a dvd player(or will it? :S)..also, it really pi$$es me off if some part of a perfectly good movie is missing or corrupted due to file error...thts why i downloaded the whole movie again from another torrent..:P
Anatomy of Rapidshare never allows pause and resume. Be it Opera or Firefox. I dont know if thats possible with a Valid Account.

Also Download managers are not allowed with free rapidshare files.


hey man, thanks a lawt for the gesture but i downloaded it from the start again already. :-|
No Probs..:)
btw yeah u can pause , resume as much as u want with premium acc :D It doesnt affect anything ;)
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