Triple fi or ie8 or anything else?

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Ritvik said:
I'm still torn between the mages and the 6 driver TF10 custom. Haven't come across any reviews that look even remotely trustworthy, if the customs won't fix the mids on the TF10 then I'll just stick with the RE-1. Even unamped the mids are so much better than the TripleFi's
I completely agree. Mids even unamped are better on RE1 compared to TF10!
^ Mids and soundstage that's the are the only two major pros of RE-1 .It is best at what it does :D
^ Yeah bass is pretty good but only with amp and also its not the best feature of RE-1. I prefer the RE-252 bass more and ofcourse the TF10s bass more than 252 :P
I actually like the rolled-off highs of the RE-1 it isn't too piercing. Haven't used my TF10 since I've got them back :P
FaH33m said:
^ Yeah bass is pretty good but only with amp and also its not the best feature of RE-1. I prefer the RE-252 bass more and ofcourse the TF10s bass more than 252 :P
True. Bass is excellent on RE1 with my sparrow. :) And the trance music you suggested just sounds amazing :D

Ritvik said:
I actually like the rolled-off highs of the RE-1 it isn't too piercing. Haven't used my TF10 since I've got them back :P
RE1's "less" treble energy really allows me to listen to it for longer compared to brigher IEMs I own. I find Triple.Fi to be less bright compared to RE0 allowing me to listen to them longer than RE0.
Hmmm that's the reason we all prefer having multiple IEMs. I am still in two minds about keeping or selling the RE-252 after the upgrade.Its like little of RE1 and lot of RE-0 and more.
Ha, good to see so much luv for the RE1 lately. It needs at least a decent amp to sound good though. But yes, the single greatest thing about the RE1 is not the midrange, not the soundstage but its comfort and fatigue free sound.

When mine broke I used my backup Crossroads Woodie 2 and brainwavz m2 which sound good, but my ears start to hurt after a while.

Also I have bought what I consider the best Opamp ever made for mids - AD797BN for the ibasso p3+.

With the new opamp and the re1 its a match made in heaven !

I actually preferred the Brainwavz m2 mids earlier but now its the RE1 all the way. :)

@Ritvick - keep the P51 mustang in mind. I heard that amps midrange is something special.

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Oh, missed page 7. Congrats Red dragon !

Need to see a dedicated show off thread with pics. :D
FaH33m said:
Hmmm that's the reason we all prefer having multiple IEMs. I am still in two minds about keeping or selling the RE-252 after the upgrade.Its like little of RE1 and lot of RE-0 and more.

Two minds? Here's some help ..... :2guns: .. There you go, you now only have the selling mind. Not fair if you have TF10 and RE-252 all to yourself. Spread the eargasms (but not the wax) :P

Actually, the more I read about RE-252, the more I seem to be drawn towards it. It seems to be one of the most natural sounding IEMs.

It's the reverse with TF10. Although it seems to be a fun kind of signature, I do not know if I'll like it. I think I'll love it one day, but get doubts the next day :(
BF1983 said:
@Ritvick - keep the P51 mustang in mind. I heard that amps midrange is something special.

The only other amps that I read of and liked were balanced ones and the expenses involved in re-cabling are a no no. Even if I redo the cables there will be times I'd like to use them without an amp.

Got some price updates today. The mustang is about 18,600 direct from RSA without taxes, shipping and customs. Jaben in Singapore sells it for about SGD 700 (Rs.24,000). Done striking a deal for a used one @ Rs.15000 shipped to Singapore with a year of warranty remaining. Just got to get home and make a paypal transfer (think I'll avoid customs as Singapore seems to charge customs only/mainly on cars, alcohol and tobacco).
^ Err how do you plan to get it from Spore to India ? and don't worry about the customs on amps and stuff. If you don't mind undervaluing , your stuff will get through easily. :) and yeah Congrats !! :D
esanthosh said:
Two minds? Here's some help ..... :2guns: .. There you go, you now only have the selling mind. Not fair if you have TF10 and RE-252 all to yourself. Spread the eargasms (but not the wax) :P

Actually, the more I read about RE-252, the more I seem to be drawn towards it. It seems to be one of the most natural sounding IEMs.

It's the reverse with TF10. Although it seems to be a fun kind of signature, I do not know if I'll like it. I think I'll love it one day, but get doubts the next day :(
You will alwys be in two mind unless u try both
I frst owned Re0
gud but naaaaaaa
not upto my taste
got my re1 and after around 70hrs burin and with e7 i say I LIKE IT
its airy signature more bass thn re0 and less fatiguing highs makes it more enjoyable
re0 takes the soul out of ur music but re1 revives ur music makes it more alive
But thr r moments whr details of re0 makes me nostalgic

mukulymn said:
RE-252 comes close to what you are looking for .:)
yup i have my eyes on thm

reading about thm nowadays

it got some fit issues

gonna wait till nov/dec so tht re262 comes out and i may get some nice deals during black friday/christmas

some ppl got lucky and got re252 for $99 last year
toxicdrift said:
congrats ritvik! soon to be great buy :)
Lol thanks. just paid for it and got a call at 12am from HDFC and the guy went "Sir are you creating multiple VCCs?" - "We noticed unusual activity!"
mukulymn said:
You will alwys be in two mind unless u try both

Yup! that's the problem. Unless I try them both, I'll never be sure. I really like the "life sucked out, dry, thin, not too fast, fatiguing highs", but micro detailed RE-0, which is why I may like RE-252, but not sure about TF10. May be I should buy both, try them and sell the one I don't like - that seems to be the only way. A $99 sale on both won't hurt though ;)
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