PC Peripherals TwinMos, Sg

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what is twin mos?

is it a brand name or is it type of memory of transcend?

what is the cost and how does it compete corsair value ram ddr 400 with latency 2.5
why couldn't you have just replied to the question?
what is twin mos?

is it a brand name or is it type of memory of transcend?

what is the cost and how does it compete corsair value ram ddr 400 with latency 2.5
hardboy said:
why couldn't you have just replied to the question?
what is twin mos?

is it a brand name or is it type of memory of transcend?

what is the cost and how does it compete corsair value ram ddr 400 with latency 2.5

I'm not much into hardware stuff! So, I better leave your query for the more enlightened ones at TE! :D

BTW, I think Twinmos is a brand name. Other questions will be answered soon by other members! :bleh:
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Hardboy.. if u dont get an answer for some question immediately, then WAIT!! If it is VERY URGENT for u, then run to the loo. Quit trolling, else u will earn a permanent ban!!
hardboy said:
what is twin mos?

is it a brand name or is it type of memory of transcend?

what is the cost and how does it compete corsair value ram ddr 400 with latency 2.5

Twinmos is a memory module manufacturing company like kingston tho they using ram chipsets of hynix & the famous bh5.They are based on singapore.
They have a sreies of ram called speed premium 3200 ( cl2.5 2x512 mb) gng for onli ~ 5900 Rs.Oso these rams have bh5 which can be clocked to around 270 mhz!!Worth it considering they ship at 400 mhz.1 of my fren bot it & he says its superb vfm
Well there are quite a few different types of speed premium rams. AA4T (Winbond CH die) and 1A4T (Winbond BH die) are the good ones. AADT and AACT are the crappy ones. The winbond based modules will do 250-270 MHz at 2-2-2 latencies at extremely high (3.2+) voltages. Thats why these are much sought after by overclockers. One thing to note though is that the high voltage will cause the ram to die sooner :). (the winbond chips themselves are rated at 3.5V but the other stuff on the ram pcb are not) These are untested (UTT) modules so there is no guarantee that they will hit those speeds. They might crap out at a lot lower. Hence twinmos is a hit or miss brand cos u might as well land up with the AADT or AACT varieties which are crappy to say the least or end up with poor overclocking winbond chips.
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Twinmos obviously assuming u get the winbond parts. Also ur mobo should be able to support the extra juice or u must have a ddr booster.
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