Two questions on Love Aj Kal

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MAGNeT said:
Well who said pritam..its salim sulaiman..and u can see them at many places in songs...
(note:::Just checked its indeed Pritam ..salim sulaiman are in background scores)

BTw its some sort of typr os salam namaste......but becoz of the actress it couldnt reach that level...

I would say its a simple complicated movie......As the saif-Deepika angle was too confuse to understand..after deepis marriage with RK...

I like the SAIf(sardar) and the other gal role more than the main leads..whos is that new lady.....deepika shd learn some acting frm her rather than skin shows

Movie is good if watching with its like gf talking with his bf on story just i like u-u luv me type....
Strict no with family(which i did)...i wont say its adult one...but u wont like it raa emotions are romantic

And ya whts the other gal name...who married with saifu sardar???

got it Giselle Monterio(harleen kaur)
woo.. what is this called.. asking questions-and-answering-them-yourselves :P
Love aaj kal : 2.5/5

I Had really high expectations from this one but I am left disappointed. I have mainly 3 issues with this film :

1. Deepika : I am sorry but she just cannot act. No emotions, idiotic expressions and pathetic dialog delivery. She was looking so ridiculously out of place delivering those dialogs. A better actress could have done wonders as some dialogs were really quite good. Her character was almosy similar to Preity's character in Salaam Namaste, if only she could have acted like preity.

2. Editing : It sucked. The transition between the old and the new story is so abruptly done that it actually gets annoying. Just when you are starting to enjoy the good old 60's era romance, the scene cuts to the present day saif blaberring about how the past sucks. Then one moment they are in delhi and the next second we see them on the streets of London. It gets very confusing at times and poor editing is the one to be blamed for this.

3. Second half : Not only is the second half not funny but it actually tries to defy logic. Picture this : Deepika marries her present bf only to realize on her Suhaag raat that she has committed a mistake. Then she goes on to say to the groom that she will apologize later for marrying him as now she has to rush to her ex Bf who is in london. WTF!! Who does that? And apparently the groom is very cool about it too. Something similar happened in Hum dil de chuke sanam but atleast Aish had a good reason. :P

The film has nothing new to offer. Its the same old ghissi piti love story. Some dialogs are really good but others fail to make an impact. Saif ali khan is very impressive. He is likable as both the cool dude of today and as the confident Sardaar of yesteryears. Rishi kapoor does well and so does the actress playing Harleen. But its deepika who is the eye sore. Not that she looks bad but her dialog delivery just doesn't have that punch. The best part of the film are the songs. Each one of them is worth listening to, especially "Ajj din chadeya". But there placement is messy and interupts the proceedings.

Overall, Love aaj kal is a major letdown. It could have been so much better had it not been for the poor editing and deepika. I would still recommend a one time watch though but don't spend too much on it.
amol_cool said:
woo.. what is this called.. asking questions-and-answering-them-yourselves :P

i edited later....

feel same as bluffy..if it had been someone else than deepika...even kangana ranwat would had done justice...but not her

And ya transition was bad...cant understnad why it changed..and when the reason comes...the middle part we keep on thinking abt answer and than know we have to see it again.....
Darthcoder said:
Does deepika have seks on Suhaag raat before realising her mistake?

Nope but the dialogues if taken in double meaning sounds funny......
mujme woh ghus raha tha...maina hi ghusna nahi diya..lolz...
some sort of like that...i was with family so was controlling laughter
Dont even waste that 700MB on this movie. Its not even worth watching with gf, let alone family(I did the terrible mistake)
People at my place wana go for the movie n my constant cribbing hasnt affected them and they are bent on going for this one asap.
OMG can't believe Imtiaz Ali made such a sucky movie after a masterpiece like Jab We Met. I really felt betrayed. For the first 30 mins, I thought I was watching Memento! The whole presentation was so confusing. After that it went further downhill. There was no chemistry between Saif and Deepika and most of the dialogues which were meant to be really romantic sounded corny and stupid.

First Kambakkt Ishq, then Luck and then this piece of garbage.. Promised myself to not go for any more Hindi movies this year :@
^^ Dude do see Kaminey

Vishal Bharadwaj it is

BTW that Harleen Kaur in the movie is a Brazilian model and her dialogues were dubbed (whatever couple of them she had)
Bluffmaster said:
Love aaj kal : 2.5/5

2. Editing : It sucked. The transition between the old and the new story is so abruptly done that it actually gets annoying. Just when you are starting to enjoy the good old 60's era romance, the scene cuts to the present day saif blaberring about how the past sucks. Then one moment they are in delhi and the next second we see them on the streets of London. It gets very confusing at times and poor editing is the one to be blamed for this.
Overall, Love aaj kal is a major letdown. It could have been so much better had it not been for the poor editing and deepika. I would still recommend a one time watch though but don't spend too much on it.
I don know why you guys didn't like the editing. In fact I liked the movie because of the editing only. The transition that you said cuts from gold old era to the present era is done to portray the underlying emotions between saif and deepika and not tell rishi kapoor's story. If you see it this way, the movie works out great! Don't see them as diff stories but as the same story with the feelings protrayed visually with the help of the 60's era.

Deepika sucks I agree too but she was at least better than per previous movies. Anyone else could have done a better job there.

There are a few good punches in the movie that makes you laugh but I felt that lot others could have made a lot better by working just a little on them. But overall I would still say the movie is 3.5/5.
The main reason many people did not like the movie was because of the sky high expectations set after Jab We Met. Everyone wanted to see Geet and Aditya again but that did not happen.

I found the movie ok and that drawing parallels between Saif-Deepika love story and Veer-Harleen one was something i found good.
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