Just upgraded my Hardy installation to Intrepid Beta for kicks (Slow Sunday).
Will probably do a clean install later.
Quick take
Love the new tabbed nautilus interface
Much needed eject button next to drives in the places menubar (left of nautilus)
NetworkManager works prettier, switches very seamlessly between wired/wireless.
Suspend/Resume is faster (old acer laptop intel915 GMS chipset, Centrino,2 GB RAM)
Pulseaudio !!! Doesn't let me play any sound. Possibly a configuration issue. killall pulseaudio reverts audio to normal. Don't have any fancy sound HW. Mike works crap (always did, even for Hardy, works okay in windows).
Update : Pulseaudio has mysteriously fixed itself (lots of patches being downloaded everyday). Works perfectly. Also be sure to try the new Ubuntu dark theme. I like.