oh wow, first wireless working smoothly with intrepid and today got touchscreen working smoothly with a few clicks!
just needed to "sudo aptitude install xserver-xorg-input-evtouch" and a "calibrate touchscreen" menu item appeared under the administration menu and it works like a charm!
no need to download the driver from eeti.com.tw and muck around with settings/files...
this is an hp pavilion tx1302au tablet pc bought a year ago BTW.
now will just test the infra red remote control (if i can find it) to see if it works (fedora are boasting better remote support for their F10 release)
edit: neat! the remote works too, volume up/down, suspend, playback controls...
just needed to "sudo aptitude install xserver-xorg-input-evtouch" and a "calibrate touchscreen" menu item appeared under the administration menu and it works like a charm!

this is an hp pavilion tx1302au tablet pc bought a year ago BTW.
now will just test the infra red remote control (if i can find it) to see if it works (fedora are boasting better remote support for their F10 release)
edit: neat! the remote works too, volume up/down, suspend, playback controls...