Linux Ubuntu 8.10 Discussion Thread

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oh wow, first wireless working smoothly with intrepid and today got touchscreen working smoothly with a few clicks!

just needed to "sudo aptitude install xserver-xorg-input-evtouch" and a "calibrate touchscreen" menu item appeared under the administration menu and it works like a charm! :D no need to download the driver from and muck around with settings/files...

this is an hp pavilion tx1302au tablet pc bought a year ago BTW.

now will just test the infra red remote control (if i can find it) to see if it works (fedora are boasting better remote support for their F10 release)

edit: neat! the remote works too, volume up/down, suspend, playback controls... :D
it doesnt have to cost anything because you can download it from or even order a free CD from :D

as for your second question about how it fares against windows, it depends on what you intend to do... for "office work" (roughly speaking) ubuntu is awesome, for home it depends if you are into games/devices for which there isnt support on ubuntu... if you just do regular web browsing, emailing, internet radio streaming, movie watching etc ubuntu is awesome for home use too. not to say that you cant game on ubuntu there are plenty of entertainment options if you search this forum and rest of the web
vishalrao said:
yes, there isnt much incentive to move from hardy to intrepid really due to not-so-latest software and Hardy being LTS ... only makes sense for some because intrepid wireless works with less effort and those few who had bad experience with hardy (stability/bugs) can look forward to intrepid for better luck

scratch that. apparently the openoffice 2.4 in intrepid can open Office 2007 docs! i see an entry in the file open dialog havent tested it out myself though.

this combined with the smooth wifi and touchscreen config makes intrepid the best ubuntu release ever IMO.
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