Underwent LASIK: Aftermath

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Just completed my LASIK procedure in Shekar Nethralaya in Bangalore last friday.

Went smooth without any hitches.

Here's a breakdown on how things went.


Have been wearing glasses for the last 20 years. At the moment of surgery had a power of 7.0 and 6.5 Myopia. Finally got tired of the dependency and worked up enough courage to go with the surgery.


Found out about this hospital through friends and after some favorable opinions underwent a diagnosis which involved Topography and Pachymetry which worked out to around 1850/- Rs. Since I had Health Insurance, applied for the same. Was advised by the hospital that since this is an elective/cosmetic surgery, chances of it getting approved are pretty rare. Thankfully, the insurance came through and the entire amount of 36,000/- was sanctioned.


After a waiting period and a refraction check, was applied some anesthetic drops in the eyes and then wheeled under the machine. After constant instructions that I should focus my eye on a blinking green light. A face mask was applied and the eye ball was held in place by a device which kept the eyelids open.

After this was done [More scary than painful] an another device was applied on the eyeball which effectively sealed off my vision and I could feel a sharp instrument enter and the corneal flap was removed.

Immediately after this was I could hear the Laser prep up and then it fired for 3 times while I could smell something distinctively burning [Ahhh, my cornea]. Immediately after this the flap was replaced and then procedure was repeated for an another eye.


Recovery period was hardly 1 hour. My eyes were immediately adjusting and I could see everything as if I were wearing my glasses. I actually don't remember seeing clear with my own eyes at all. So this was a revelation. After 2 days I'm fine enough to sit in front of PC. Even though slight double vision is there and reading fine print is little difficult, I think it will be cured in the short run.

I would definitely recommend this hospital and the doctor is also pretty good.
nfsnfs said:
can it be done even for + 0.5 and + 0.75 readings also ? .

why do you need correction for .5 and .75.

its just negligible.

the max benefit will be seen between 3.0 and 8.0 power.
me done for 22k could have got it done for cheapr plz conslut numerous docs and ask for rates n then go for the one u think is good n cheap
Its been nearly 6 months since I had the LASIK. I feel that the Myopia is creeping back. Finding it difficult to read fine print at a distance. Using my Telescope has become a major pain as the halo effect still hasn't gone after 6 months.
neoronin said:
Its been nearly 6 months since I had the LASIK. I feel that the Myopia is creeping back. Finding it difficult to read fine print at a distance. Using my Telescope has become a major pain as the halo effect still hasn't gone after 6 months.

So have you contacted the Ophthalmologist about it?
Damn . . you named the title AFTERMATH. I was fearing you lost you sight or something, reading through your post, I was giving my self the consolation that if that would have happnd then you could'nt have written this post !

Congrats on the new set of EYES mate :D

Even one of my friend had it. . he too was satisfied

PS: I do not have glasses.
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Lasik can have different result for different people, but once you screw your eyes with the laser, there are no treatment, so better to have eyes with glasses than no eyes.
panther said:
Lasik can have different result for different people, but once you screw your eyes with the laser, there are no treatment, so better to have eyes with glasses than no eyes.

I have got -5 in both eyes. was looking to go for LASIK.. now I am scared to even think about it. I hope after 2-3 yrs more development would have came into this technology.
thetoxicmind said:
So have you contacted the Ophthalmologist about it?

No. Not planning to. He had clearly mentioned that this may happen and they have no control over it. I've heard the same thing from 3 other Opthamologists before deciding that I would go for the procedure. But still for a guy who couldn't see anything without his glasses for the last 20 years of his life, I don't feel that I've been given a raw deal.
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