Unlock iphone 4.1/ Downgrade baseband 5.14.02

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There will be an unlock in November once 4.2 is rolled out. You don't have any other option but to wait!
Even i am stuck on baseband 5.14.2 and my bootloader is 6.08 so i also need to wait for Apple to launch OS 4.2 so that Dev team or Geohot can release Limesn0w or Ultrasn0w to unlock Baseband 5.14.2

Waiting eagerly.

I hate using my Iphone 3gs as Ipod 3gs :P

simplysaru: @MuscleNerd thanks.. how long would the wait be for 4.2 any approximate time

MuscleNerd: @simplysaru if you’re on 3G or 3GS, just a day or 2 at most after 4.2 is public (just enough time to verify stuff)

Since the baseband OS on iPhone 4 is different than its predecessors, it will probably take a little more time for the devs to figure out unlock for iPhone 4 on 2.10.04 baseband, on iOS 4.1 and iOS 4.2.

Apple is expected to release iOS 4.2 sometime in November this year.

Stay tuned ! We will let you know as soon as iOS 4.2 is available to public, followed by the Ultrasn0w unlock for iPhone 3GS and 3G, running iOS 4.2 / 4.1.
Just trying to Jailbreak an iPhone of mine. Using the 4.0.1 IPSW. But the bloody thing gets screwed in iTunes during the restore with an error 14 . Any help ? Using iREB and sn0wbreeze 2.02

Will try with a lower 3.1.3 Firmware.
Iphone 4 is just pc of thrash,i m using it with a Airtel card in mumbai,having so much issues with the reception,i hold it in my left hand the bars go down,i turn it to my right the bars pops up.....Such a mess
I was happy with my Galaxy wasted my gems buying Iphone 4
Even the airtel and safari browser have issues,cannot connect to internet via airtel GPRS
One big pc of Steve Junk
^^^^ Pheonix i am on same boat dude..

I also accidentally upgraded my Iphone to 4.1 and my baseband is 5.14.2 now and i m also eagerly waiting for Dev team to release unlock

Using it as Ipod touch now..hehe
@destiny: I haven't had any issues using GPRS (loop mobile) on my iPhone 4, no network issues regardless what hand I hold it in. :P
Don't ask about the speeds. I mean after getting used to 2MBps at home and on an average 1mbps on Tata Photon on move GPRS feels like dead slow. But at best I've experienced speed upto 100+ kbps (checked using speedtest on iPhone). I think on an average it's safe to say about 56-64kpbs. I'm not sure what exactly plan I'm using, I just know that it's pay-per-use. My monthly bill including voice, sms and data ends up around 600 bucks on an average (at highest I've touched 1k mark and at lowest some 400 odd bucks).
PhOeNiX said:
My iPhone is just lying around and my 5800 is dying on me :( Any word on the 5.14.02 JB ?
In the same boat as you... Using the iPhone as iPod and my 5800 is almost dead...
That's why I am getting a factory unlocked .Even though I have to wait almost a month to get my hands on it at the best price :D
Ohh in that case its best to wait. Anyways I am sure most of the TE guys would never get their phones locked . Its the n00bs who come to TE after they lock it up :P .No offense to anyone . Another friend of mine just called me today saying he locked his 3G to 4.1 .:(
4.2 should be out this week! And it won't be long before unlock for 4.1,4.2 is out! Just hold on guys!!
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