21-30k Upgrade from a Ryzen 5 3400G, 1060 6GB



  1. What is your budget?
    • 20-25K
  2. What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
    • CPU - Ryzen 5 3400G
    • Motherboard - MSI B450M (don't remember the exact number)
    • GPU - ZOTAC 1060 6GB
    • RAM - Corsair RAM (I think) 8 GB x 2
    • Monitor - Some Acer monitor (again, don't remember, it can support up to 165Hz)
    • PSU - Corsair VX450
  3. Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
    • Monitor - Dell 2409
    • PSU - Corsair VX450
    • Same cabinet
  4. Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
    • CPU - Ryzen 5 5500/5600
    • Motherboard - any compatible motherboard
    • GPU - RTX 3060, 3060Ti, maybe 3070 or 4060, if it is possible.
  5. Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
    • No, this will be the final
  6. Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
    • Chennai, TE, ebay.de
  7. What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
    • Gaming
  8. Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
    • I honestly dunno, educate me.
  9. If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
    • Shooters - Valorant, Marvel Rivals, Fortnite
    • Eventually GTA 6 when it comes out for PC, AAA Games.
  10. What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
    1. 1080p. 60fps is the target for all games at medium, high
  11. Are you looking to overclock?
    • No
  12. Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
    • Windows 11
Hey all, so as above, I run a system with Ryzen 5 3400G, and a 1060 6gb and it is showing its age in most games. It was built in September 2020 so it's been a while. The target is 60fps 1080p, medium high in most games, like GoW Ragnarok, Spider-Man 2, Last of Us Part 2, etc. I'd mainly be upgrading the CPU and the GPU. I'd probably buy second-hand from here or new from reliable sellers online (Prime, MD, etc.) (or I can buy things here using ebay.de) in August, since I'll be home then. It's a relatively modest upgrade, and I'd like to keep things as low as possible, price-wise. I am open to suggestions.

I'll probably be recycling the parts (3400G and 1060 6GB) for a pure Valorant build to take with me when I do leave in September or sometime then. I think it's still good enough for most esports titles.
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So mobo might be fine with bios flash but if you go for new 3060 and 5600 that itself would eat up to somewhere around 33-35k if you go for new on any of the sites you mentioned. Used yes i’ve seen 3060 used to as low as 15-17k but chances are it might still come around 30k .
So mobo might be fine with bios flash but if you go for new 3060 and 5600 that itself would eat up to somewhere around 33-35k if you go for new on any of the sites you mentioned. Used yes i’ve seen 3060 used to as low as 15-17k but chances are it might still come around 30k .
Is 3060 12GB better or 4060ti 16GB better?
Since gaming is your primary objective, my advice is just to upgrade step wise.
1. Upgrade monitor to a 120 or 160 Hz Monitor. Difference between 60 and 120 Hz will be night and day specially in valorant. Check if 1060 6GB is able to push 120 Hz at 1080p in your target games. Suppose it does, nothing else needs to be done.
2. If not, look at upgrading the graphics card. Get whatever is in your budget. 3060Ti, 4060TI, 6800XT etc.

In my opinion, CPU and motherboard upgrade is not required. 4 core 8 threat 3400G should be fine for now.

If looking for an even better experience in gaming, get a 1440p, 120Hz monitor first. 1060 will most probably fall short in some games, so upgrade to 3060TI, 4060TI or whatever. 3400G will be even less bottleneck at 1440p gaming.
The target is 60fps 1080p, medium high in most games, like GoW Ragnarok, Spider-Man 2, Last of Us Part 2, etc. I'd mainly be upgrading the CPU and the GPU. I'd probably buy second-hand from here or new from reliable sellers online (Prime, MD, etc.) (or I can buy things here using ebay.de) in August, since I'll be home then. It's a relatively modest upgrade, and I'd like to keep things as low as possible, price-wise. I am open to suggestions.

I'll probably be recycling the parts (3400G and 1060 6GB) for a pure Valorant build to take with me when I do leave in September or sometime then. I think it's still good enough for most esports titles.
So if I understood correctly, you need two builds 6 months down the line - #1 for Valo with 3400G+1060 and #2 with firepower to play mentioned games in 1080p60. Do you have separate budget for recycled build? For the build #2, you would buy parts only in August?
Is 3060 12GB better or 4060ti 16GB better?
Imho 4060ti 16gb obviously much better DlSS and framegen that can easily handle 1440p atleast in high settings. But for a huge dent in the pocket than 3060.
But if i were to choose something in between i might go for RX 7600xt. Though 4060 might be 10-15% better in terms of performance it sits at around 31k brand new with 16gb vram. Or a used 7700xt .