UPS with 15amp socket ? ( required for iMac)

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The building I'm living in (on rent) has 0.5 sq mm wires for 16A sockets as well.
Are you sure it's not 5 sqmm is it really 0.5sq mm. Even the village electrician won't do such things. If its really 0.5 sq mm chances are that the owner and electrician who did this also cheaped out by not providing earth to three pin connections.

The bank in front my house constructed in 07 doesn't have a earth in the ATM. Nor is earth there in the dual 5kva online UPS room which powers the bank.
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Are you sure it's not 5 sqmm is it really 0.5sq mm

There was one socket in my kitchen, I needed two, one for oven and another for mixer/washing machine/chopper/toaster etc. So I got an electrician to pull a wire from the existing board and installed a new board by the side. When he opened the board, the wires were just as thin as the ones going to lights and fans.
seriously man!!
At peak, imac withdraws max 40-50watt, and in idle state is not even 20 watt.. (as per APC display).
This is what I liked about APC

16Amp makes no sense.

In-fact this trend is being copied by other companies such as Lenovo, most of their "gaming" laptop comes with 16A plug.
Hey , thank for your link earlier, searching for "Mickey mouse" shows these cable in amzn.
That term did make me smile when i saw it, another is clover leaf which is a better term as it does not have a slang connotation. Doubt you'd find anything using it though.

and only its the thing getting warm one side, the area where it has a red led indicator.

Your adapter is warm because THERE'S SPARKING GOING ON INSIDE!

There's probably a resistor inside that's warming up because it's having to drop down 230v to the ~2v that the led needs, this component warming up is normal and it's not a problem if it burns out, since resistors always fail open and not short circuit.

The indicator is a nice feature of the adapter, but it's done cheaply so that's why it's warming up. If there was arcing, you would see/smell burn marks. Eventually, the resistor/led will burn out due to heat or fluctuations but the adapter itself is not compromised.

Opened the last CONA connector, - it had a resistance to light up the indicator led.. that was getting hot.
I sensed it right time, in just 10-12days it melted the wire nearby and was melting the plastic shell as well... very soon it would caused an accident.

Just saw this part, you could remove that bit from the converter and it should be safe to use.

off topic — that is a very nice photo, beautiful tonality
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