Urgent!!! Anyone in hcl bangalore/bhubaneshwar ????

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According to the info from abhisinalkar's friend in ICICI, his account seems to be a suspicious one with questionable contact details.....

I'd have definitely made a complaint because now I've joined Medical college. I can't go to the police and file FIR since I live in a hostel and can't be present whenever the police call. Also I did the transaction from a branch near my home which is 40kms away from hostel. Plus if my folks find out about this incident, I'm dead:death:

What do I do????


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Does anyone know to send tracer mails????
The branch's 40km from my hostel. Plus if the cops ask for my address, then my folks will come to know of this....then I'm screwed!!!
They will ask for all the details plus a lil under the table money...

Need to be more care full while dealing with people online..No shame in asking and being anal abt details..No genuine person will every deny u details no matter how many related questions u ask..
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