@greenhorn: may be the tastes differ?not even one here likes this colour.
anyways ,
reverse lamps ,indicator ,beams all are working battery.only thing is the guy got no locking plate and screws for battery holder
DLS -ofcourse ,it is not a original sticker.why worry?I will be procuring a Power steering kit used or new(pss..coimbatore).
Left ORVM is not needed.I am accustomed of driving without left rvm.even in kochi city or banglore ,I never ever used it.
priority now is - nozzle service .what else?mechanic said almost everything is in place.
@bottal: thanks.need to buy new tyres soon.then ,the left rim is OK.

anyways ,
reverse lamps ,indicator ,beams all are working battery.only thing is the guy got no locking plate and screws for battery holder

DLS -ofcourse ,it is not a original sticker.why worry?I will be procuring a Power steering kit used or new(pss..coimbatore).
Left ORVM is not needed.I am accustomed of driving without left rvm.even in kochi city or banglore ,I never ever used it.

priority now is - nozzle service .what else?mechanic said almost everything is in place.
@bottal: thanks.need to buy new tyres soon.then ,the left rim is OK.