Car & Bike [USED CAR]:Indica Xeta or Diesel Model?

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@greenhorn: may be the tastes differ?not even one here likes this colour. :(

anyways ,

reverse lamps ,indicator ,beams all are working battery.only thing is the guy got no locking plate and screws for battery holder :mad:

DLS -ofcourse ,it is not a original sticker.why worry?I will be procuring a Power steering kit used or new(pss..coimbatore).

Left ORVM is not needed.I am accustomed of driving without left rvm.even in kochi city or banglore ,I never ever used it. ;)

priority now is - nozzle service .what else?mechanic said almost everything is in place.

@bottal: thanks.need to buy new tyres soon.then ,the left rim is OK.
try apollo acellere for the tyres. they're the current team bhp favourite for cheap tyres :P

PS: why not get the rims straightened and try some tubeless :D
I will get so called used tyres too hear -it looks like new .bridgestone,yokohama etc.Any Idea is it worth?


OT:and you found out my orkut profile?(or is it you? :confused: )
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