Hi There,
I need a few suggestions as to acquiring a value for money EDGE subscription,
Currently I am using the vodafone mobile connect service @199 per month, and usage at 5p/10kb , but even this seems a bit expensive as there cost evaluation is pretty strict ie for even a usage of 1kb they consider it equivalent to 10kb, (Post paid,New Delhi)
so at the end of the day my usage grows exponentially ( since i download headers for my emails as opposed to the whole email) & hence my Bill!
So any suggestions for the same based on
1. Value for money (I Mean Cheap :ashamed: )
2. Connectivity
I need a few suggestions as to acquiring a value for money EDGE subscription,
Currently I am using the vodafone mobile connect service @199 per month, and usage at 5p/10kb , but even this seems a bit expensive as there cost evaluation is pretty strict ie for even a usage of 1kb they consider it equivalent to 10kb, (Post paid,New Delhi)
so at the end of the day my usage grows exponentially ( since i download headers for my emails as opposed to the whole email) & hence my Bill!
So any suggestions for the same based on
1. Value for money (I Mean Cheap :ashamed: )
2. Connectivity