Vanquish - Discussion Thread

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Kevin also mentioned that the visuals aren't that great for first 1 hour then the visuals really shine also the controls and frame rates are solid
I always go with Gamespot ratings and since they have rated it 9.0, it is a must play game or any other game that gets 9.0 at Gamespot.
Two words; F*ckin' AWESOME! I just completed the 2nd act and boy there is just so much action going on, it's hard to keep a tab of things, a trademark Platinum Games style. The pace picks up after the first act. It's very close to Gears of War 2, only that much more faster in terms of action. One of the mission (Darkness) in Act 1 reminded me of Chapter 5 (Roadblock) of Gears of War 2, where you have to fight off tickers in a dark tunnel. It looked exactly the same. They could have improved on the enemy variety and the bosses, but it's still fun to shoot the crap out of 'em. The voice acting is all pent-up-cocky-ass dialogues. Character animation is top notch, but the storyline is abysmal. Textures are a bit fuzzy and frame rates are a bit shaky. This game could have made a good use of co-op, considering we have a whole battalion of troops backing us up most of the time. You have a good deal of arsenal to tear those bots a new one. Upgrades to the weapons just means enhancing their ammo carrying capacity. Overall, I definitely feel it's a very refined sci-fi shooter. With it's break sweat pacing, it's hard to miss out on this title. So grab yourselves a copy ASAP.
Boss Battles are said to awesome.

God damn i'm still playing Halo reach don't know when its going to end, just awaiting Nov 16 to come when Ezio arrives.
Completed it a few hours back. F*ckin' amazing game. Sequel incoming for sure. Platinum Games sure do know how to make their games in style, the end credits of this game, proves how creative one can be in making it so interactive. I won't reveal what it is, but arcade fans are in for a treat.

My total completion time: 5:51:17. So NO, it's not a 4 hour only campaign. I'm assuming this is including the cut-scenes. God Hard mode gets unlocked on the completion of the game on Normal mode.
I hear people finding the game to be quite difficult probably because of steep learning curve
2499/- BTW i was talking about the ahem copy i have stopped original now.
dinjo said:
I hear people finding the game to be quite difficult probably because of steep learning curve
steep learning curve? This is as easy as it gets. You can find creative ways to use your suit's abilities to beat the enemy, but there is no learning curve to it. The controls are dam easy to get used to and so is the gameplay.
Nah but my download speed is crap , so hardly downloads so i get it from local vendor who gets the game very late.
Would be starting this once done with RDR undead nightmare , does the game allows to change difficulty in mid game ?
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